Chapter 642 I’m afraid I’ll be dumbfounded!

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[Congratulations, the Qiankun Secret Realm has been successfully upgraded. The current Qiankun Secret Realm is 5, and the area of ​​the sect’s station is multiplied by 10!]

[Congratulations, the Qiankun Secret Realm has been successfully upgraded. You have obtained a special sect trial and assessment space. The content of the space assessment can be set! 】

[Congratulations, Qiankun Secret Realm has been upgraded to level 5. Dongtian Paradise meets the upgrade requirements. Do you want to upgrade? 】

Guo Lin also received a prompt from the game system at the moment when the ground shook.

Is this movement because the Qiankun Secret Realm has been upgraded successfully?

The movement was a bit loud, and the ground shook wildly.

"Brother, what's going on?" Xuan Yang asked doubtfully.

"It's okay!" Guo Lin just said this when he saw that the ground was expanding rapidly after shaking.

The distance between him and Xuan Yang also instantly widened.

Only then did he take a closer look at the game system prompts. After the Qiankun Secret Realm was upgraded this time, the area of ​​the sect's residence increased by 10 times!

What is the concept of 10 times? Looking at the rapidly growing Taoist temple body, I also know that the previous Taoist temple has become a lot bigger after the previous Qiankun Secret Realm upgrade, but it still looks normal.

But now the main body of the building is rapidly becoming larger, and people begin to look a bit small in it.

Moreover, it is getting smaller and smaller!

The people on Qingfeng Mountain were completely shocked. Whether they were disciples or believers, everyone noticed that the mountain was shaking at the same time, and then they all looked at the scene around them in disbelief.

Even a few believers who had gathered together were immediately dispersed at that moment, looking at each other blankly and looking around in disbelief.

They obviously found that the ground around them was growing rapidly, and the same was true for those mountains and forests.

But after the ground became larger, there was no abnormality in the grass on the ground.

The mountain forest has been widened, but the trees have not become sparse. Instead, it is like copying and pasting.

Because of the spiritual energy washing before, the trees in the mountains were already very tall, like a virgin forest. Now that the area has expanded, the scene looks even more spectacular.

Moreover, everyone discovered that the entire Qingfeng Mountain was getting higher and higher. Looking at Qingfeng City in the distance, it seemed that Qingfeng City was getting smaller and smaller.

But what's even more amazing is that in Qingfeng City, no changes in Qingfeng Mountain can be seen at all.

Viewed from the city, Qingfeng Mountain still looks the same.

This is the magic of Qiankun Secret Realm.

In fact, because of the increased area of ​​the secret space, it is not even displayed in the outside space.

The changes in Qingfeng Temple are not only felt by people, but also by birds and animals.

In the more than 20 mountains within the sect's area, all the birds and beasts flew up in fright, and the animals in the forest were also frightened and ran around.

Because these animals have become more agile after the previous spiritual energy flushing, so this change made them very panicked.

This process lasted for a long time, and then the changes in Qingfeng Mountain stopped.

Guo Lin and Xuan Yang looked at Qingfeng Temple in front of them.

It was no longer an ordinary building. The main hall, enlarged 10 times, seemed to be a real palace of gods.

The two of them arrived at the Seven-Star Pagoda again. The Seven-Star Pagoda had also grown from a simple 20 meters to more than 200 meters, but there were still 8 floors inside, each of which was more than 20 meters long.

With such an area, cleaning will be a huge problem in the future.

Therefore, it seems that we will have to recruit more outer disciples in the future, otherwise, just cleaning the buildings in Qingfeng Temple will be a huge problem.

We can't let all the current outer disciples spend their time cleaning, it's impossible.

When we reached the cliff next to the Seven Star Tower, we looked down even more shockingly, as we could hardly see the mountains anymore.

Even the entire Qingfeng City has become a bit small.

After the transformation of Qingfeng Mountain from the previous Qiankun Secret Realm, the mountain has become very high, reaching over 2,000 meters.

Now that the Qiankun Secret Realm has been upgraded, the area of ​​the sect's residence has increased tenfold. Suddenly, not only the area has increased, but also the height of the mountain. The entire Qingfeng Mountain is already 20,000 meters high.

You must know that Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is only 8848 meters.

But because the sect's station has warm winters and cool summers, as well as other attribute bonuses, it is not as cold and windy as Mount Everest, and it is no different from before.

It can be said that after the upgrade of the Qiankun Secret Realm, Qingfeng Mountain has truly become a shocking fairy mountain.

After Xuan Yang was shocked at first, he immediately said to Guo Lin: "Brother, then I will go deal with the matter in the City of Believers."

"Yes!" Guo Lin nodded.

After Xuan Yang left, he also looked at the game prompts, because there was also a prompt in the game prompts that Cave Heaven Paradise could be upgraded.

This is a series of stepped upgrades. Each upgrade is due to a lack of a previous condition. After one upgrade condition is completed, the following upgrades will follow.

Guo Lin directly chose to upgrade.

[Congratulations, Cave Heaven Paradise is being upgraded! 】

Almost at that moment, he felt movement in the Cave Heaven Paradise. Looking up, he saw that the Cave Heaven Paradise was also enveloped by an upgraded light.

Obviously, this upgrade cannot be completed so quickly!

After Xuan Yang retreated, he came out of the Taoist temple and saw that the believers and disciples outside were extremely noisy, and the platform in front of the Taoist temple had become extremely broad.

Everyone was shocked by the changes in the Taoist temple.

Xuan Yang also took out the communication talisman and contacted Zheng Kai, asking him to go up the mountain to discuss matters about the city of believers.

After receiving Xuan Yang's message, Zheng Kai immediately called his nephew and asked: "How is the spread of the cultivation techniques at Qingfeng University?"

"It has been passed down, and now those students are practicing." Zheng Lin replied immediately.

"Yes." Zheng Kai nodded. If Qingfengguan wants other countries' capitals to become auxiliary industries, it must be attractive enough and find a way to get them to come to them directly.

And this cultivation method that can refine spiritual energy is one of the temptations.

Zheng Kai explained, and went straight out of the office building, then went to the teleportation array in Qingfeng City Center Square, and then passed the teleportation array to the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

Just when he came out of the teleportation formation, he was stunned by the huge mountain that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The impact and shock of the mountain was beyond description.

He often comes to Qingfeng Mountain and is very aware of the height of Qingfeng Mountain.

Now this is obviously more than 10 times higher, right? It's almost as far as the eye can see, straight into the sky.

Moreover, not only Qingfeng Mountain, but also the more than 20 mountains within the sect's residence have also grown in size. Now, at a glance, it is simply an endless stretch of mountains wherever there are mountains.

This immediately made him dumbfounded!

There is no teleportation array, so people can't climb up there, right?

Whoever can climb this mountain by human power will be regarded as the best one.

He immediately remembered one thing, that is, the people sent to them from home, these people could not use the teleportation array.

They can only go up the mountain on foot.

They could hike in the past, but how can they hike on this mountain now?

Thinking about it, he made a phone call to Zheng Lin with a smile: "To do something, spread the news to the outside world. Let's say that there are special activities on Qingfeng Mountain. It's best to let people in the country know about it and trick them into coming to Qingfeng Mountain.

come over."

"Okay, uncle!" Zheng Lin responded immediately and began to make arrangements.

Zheng Kai also put down his cell phone with a smile on his face. When those people arrived at the foot of the mountain, they would probably be dumbfounded when they saw the soaring mountain.


This chapter has been completed!
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