Chapter 643 Wang Yu: What kind of mountain is this?

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After Zheng Kai ordered Zheng Lin, he entered the teleportation array with a smile on his face and teleported directly to Qingfeng Temple.

When he came out of the teleportation array, the scene in front of him shocked him even more. The platform in front of him became vast, and the entire Qingfeng Temple was like a temple reaching into the sky.

The door that was originally only a few meters wide has now become dozens of meters wide.

There are also statues of the two door gods, which are more than 10 times larger, reaching more than ten meters. They are very shocking at first glance.

He knew that the gods were two real gods.

Sure enough, after concentrating, he saw the two door gods. They were looking down at the believers and Taoist believers coming and going.

Their figures also became more than ten meters tall, huge and majestic, giving people a terrifying pressure.

At such a glance, the Heavenly Palace in Zheng Kaijue's Taoist legend is nothing more than this.

Isn’t this what Nantianmen is all about?

Especially the surrounding area is obviously surrounded by clouds and mist. This is a fairyland in the sky.

What's strange is that the thick clouds and fog have no way to spread into the Taoist temple. There is still only the original fog of the Taoist temple floating around.

After he finished sighing, he hurriedly entered the Taoist temple.

Now that the space has become larger, the only bad thing is that the distance has become very long. When he entered the Taoist temple, he walked for a long time before finally meeting Taoist Master Xuan Yang.

"Taoist Master, I'm here." When Zheng Kai saw Xuan Yang, he also saluted respectfully.

Xuan Yang saw Cheng Jianxin coming up and said: "Zheng Kai, I asked you to come up today because of the city of believers. You must also know the changes in Qingfeng City and that Qingfeng City has become a city of believers..."

Xuan Yang also explained in detail to Zheng Kaizai what the city of believers was, so that he could understand it clearly.

Zheng Kai finally understood why Qingfeng City had spiritual energy born. What surprised him even more was the function of Qingfeng City after it became a city of believers.

This seems to be no different from the Qingfeng view in the domestic period.

He suddenly thought of something. After Qingfeng Temple becomes more and more magical in the future, is it possible that Qingfeng City will become more and more magical?

Thinking about it made him a little excited.

After all, he is the spokesperson of Qingfeng Guan in Qingfeng City.

Zheng Kai immediately said: "Taoist Master Xuanyang, if we want to select the capitals of those countries to become cities of believers, I have many ways. When the time comes, the Taoist temple will just have to wait for the results."

Xuan Yang nodded, trusting Zheng Kai, and said: "Well, then just go ahead and handle this matter. If you need any cooperation, you can tell me."

"Okay, Taoist Priest." Zheng Kai nodded, excused himself, and walked out of the Taoist temple. When he came out of the Taoist temple, he saw another long road.

However, he did not go back to Qingfeng City immediately, but started shopping there.

After all, he had to pay attention to such a big change in Qingfeng Temple and walk around it. As a fanatic believer in Qingfeng Temple, he naturally wanted to understand everything about Qingfeng Temple.

At this time, in Qingfeng City, Zheng Lin had already asked people to spread the news about special events in Qingfeng City.

He also said that the changes in Qingfeng City are related to Qingfeng Temple.

The news spread quickly, especially in Qingfeng University. Many people knew about it and left the school one after another to go to Qingfeng Temple.

After the last spiritual energy flush, they were looking forward to Qingfeng Temple's activities, and they might get the same benefits as the last spiritual energy flush.

Naturally, Westitt also got the news.

During this time, his prestige in Qingfeng University returned.

He had benefited greatly from the spiritual energy flushing from Qingfeng Guan before, and his pulse was directly broken.

Moreover, the strength improved after the pulse was broken was getting closer and closer to the 10 foreign students who were gifted with the elixir. Their talents seemed to be limited, and the spiritual energy flushing did not improve much strength.

Coupled with his experience in cultivation, he defeated one of them, and now Qingfeng University is full of his reputation as Weisit.

"Weisit, let's go quickly." A man from the Fengshen organization shouted.

"Yeah, if it's too late, the benefits may be lost." Another person also said.

They also cultivated energy, but it was a pity that with the benefit of the spiritual energy flushing last time, they were still a little short of being able to break the pulse.

"Let's go!" Westitt nodded and led the people outside Qingfeng University, only to see a group of people chatting in the playground.

This group of people seems to be international students from that Eastern country.

It can be said that the international students at Qingfeng University are currently the weakest among those from this Eastern country, and their individual strength is also the worst.

It seems that their country has not benefited from Qingfengguan.

This is a bit strange, after all, these countries have benefited from Qingfengguan.

Westitt thought about taking people out of the school and walked straight towards the central square. Now that there is a teleportation array there, you can go directly to Qingfeng Temple.

When the overseas students in China saw Weisit leaving, they continued the discussion in a nonchalant manner:

"Then Westit must have gone to Qingfeng Temple."

"It must be, there is another event, let's go quickly."

"Hey, I don't know why, but the country has done nothing to benefit us international students at all."

"Yeah, it's useless in China. Unlike other countries, I want to get it directly in Qingfeng City instead of going back to China."

"Same feeling."

These words made one of the international students look ugly. He was the agent sent by Wang Yu, lurking in the school to find out information.

Hearing these words, he could only sigh silently.

Because he knows the difficulties in the country, these international students will not understand the problems at that level, and even he does not understand them.

Therefore, in this situation, he did not dare to hesitate and quickly took out a communicator and hid in the dark and started to contact Wang Yu.

At this time, in the domestic * embassy, ​​Wang Yu was also having a video conference with Mr. Chu, reporting on the latest changes in Qingfeng City.

Mr. Chu sighed and said: "According to your description, it seems that Qingfeng City has become like the original Qingfengguan. If this continues, maybe Qingfeng City will become like the current Qingfengguan. This kind of thing is really uncomfortable."

The communicator rang, and Wang Yu quickly connected. A report came from the other side: "Captain, there seems to be activity at Qingfeng Temple again, and they all said there are still benefits."

Wang Yu heard the report and looked at the video.

Mr. Chu immediately said: "Go and investigate the situation and report as soon as possible."

"Okay, sir." Wang Yu nodded, immediately left the office and went straight to Qingfeng Temple.

Since there was no way to use the teleportation array, he could only drive to the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

After stopping the car, he sighed as he walked towards the mountain. After Mr. Chu's identity jade plaque was deactivated by Qingfeng Temple, they had no choice but to hike up the mountain.

This trip up and down is really tiring.

Wang Yu thought and walked into the mountain gate of Qingfengguan. But when he entered, the terrifying sight that struck his eyes made him subconsciously exclaim: "Are you kidding? What kind of mountain is this?"


This chapter has been completed!
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