Chapter 245 The Call of Gold (2)

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Wang Daqun opened his mouth and said twenty shots, causing Wang Daxu's brows to frown all of a sudden.

Although the Tianwu Army is one of the top four armies, if they only take the money, it will only be five battles a month.

This little money can barely cover the expenses of a family in Bianjing.

That is to say, he was lucky enough to marry a smart and hard-working wife, and the dowry given by the Taishan family was also very generous - there was a loom!

Relying on the dowry loom, my wife's family can weave three pieces of cloth every month.

Coupled with the output of the vegetable garden left by his father, the family can live a life of food and clothing in Bianjing City.

Therefore, although Wang Daxu wanted to help his younger brother, he shook his head and said to Wang Daqiang: "Brother, the gold in Denglai is not easy to dig!"

"Why don't I go and tell Commander Xiang..."

"Commander Xiang told me this morning that there was a shortage of people on Xihe Road..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Daqiang had already shaken his head like a rattle: "Brother, is a place like Xihe meant for people?"

"I heard that thieves often come and go over there..."

Wang Daxu laughed naively: "Isn't that just right?"

"I told the commander that if you behead a Western bandit, in addition to the reward, you will also have the opportunity to get an official position. There are hundreds of false accusations on Xihe Road every year!"

As he said that, he picked up his big ax and said: "A hero deserves his own fame!"

Wang Daqiang was dejected: "I'm not as brave as my elder brother..."

Wang Daxu looked at his younger brother, who was a head shorter than him and less than half his size. He nodded subconsciously, but he still tried hard and persuaded: "If you don't want to be a soldier, you can also be a village leader.


"I told the commander that there is a shortage of village leaders over Xihe. The village leaders will be paid three times a month for food and accommodation, and there will be rewards during the New Year..."

Wang Daqiang shook his head: "Brother, I heard it's very cold over there in Xihe..."

"Brother, please lend me twenty guans... When I get rich, I will repay you tenfold or a hundredfold..."

It's okay if he didn't say it. As soon as he said it, the old lady who had been listening by the side immediately became angry and cursed: "You are such an unfilial son... You know how to ask for money... you want money... when you come back..."

Cursing and cursing, I sat down on the ground and clapped my hands on the ground: "Why am I so miserable... giving birth to such a prodigal son..."

When Wang Daqiang saw it, he could only kneel down immediately: "I was wrong, mother...mother, don't cry, I'm leaving now..."

Although he was incompetent, he did not dare to disobey his mother.

Because this kind of thing is not only embarrassing, but once you are sued to the government, you will at least get a slap in the face. If the official takes it seriously, he may be assassinated.

The only thing I can do is to wait a few days, when the eldest brother goes to the military camp, and then talk to him alone to say good things.

So, he could only kowtow a few times and leave in embarrassment.

But not long after he left, Wang Daxu caught up with him and gave him a money bag.

"The family only has five dollars left..."

"My lady used the other money to buy a new loom and silk..."

"I'm going to Xihe in a month!"

"My brother is holding this little money. If I am unlucky, my family may have to rely on my brother!"

"Brother, are you going to Xihe?" Wang Daqiang was shocked.

"Yes!" Wang Daxu nodded silently: "I have been commended to the commander for recommending a general guarding the Xihe Road. I can't live up to the commander's love, and I have to give my children a good background!"

The General Guarding the Palace was a low-ranking military official in the Song Dynasty. Although he did not have an official status, he was still a military householder.

But it is much higher than the big-headed soldier! It belongs to the military minister reserve and can serve as a low-level officer.

Wang Daqiang finally noticed the official that his brother had been mentioning, and asked: "Commander Xiang? Someone from the Xiang family?"

Wang Daxu nodded: "Yes! He is a member of the Queen Mother's family..."

This time when he went to Hebei, he was assigned to the third commander of the Tianwu Army, Xiang Zongji, and was commanded by Taiwei Miao.

And he discovered danger not once but twice!

Therefore, Xiang Zongji was allowed to show his face in front of Captain Miao! Xiang Zongji was very happy, and seeing that he was strong, tall, and honest, he took him with him as a personal soldier.

This time, Xiang Zongji wanted to be transferred to Xihe, so he was naturally recommended. In fact, it was not considered a recommendation. Xiang Zongji wrote his name and military status on the empty name letter given by the court, and then handed it over to the superior.

Wang Daqiang and everyone were dumbfounded. His eldest brother climbed into the Xiang family? If he comes back alive, he will be an official!


He took the money bag and swore in his heart: "I can't help but get rich!"

The only way to get ahead in the Song Dynasty was through the imperial examination, military merit and business.

The imperial examination is something only Wenquxing can do, and ordinary people should not even think about it.

Military merit means risking your life!

Wang Daqiang felt that now was the time for him to become famous!

Deng, Lai will make a fortune, and he is destined to stand out. If he gets rich in the future and has a net worth of tens of thousands, he will definitely marry a county boss and let his sister-in-law and neighbors take a high look at him!

Naturally, more than one Wang Daqiang was blinded by the golden news.

But there are thousands of Bianjing people.

Most of them are "vital" social people in Bianjing City.

In the following days, the Bianjing Newspaper came out every day, constantly tracking and paying attention to the news from Denglai Gold.

It pointed out the direction and even pointed out a clear location!

Not only that, this tabloid also started to provide detailed science about gold panning, the process of gold mining, the tools needed, and the technology needed to pan and refine gold.

Those technologies used to be exclusive to the government or small groups.

Now, it's widely advertised in the tabloids.

As a result, the popularity of Bianjing Xinbao suddenly soared, and its circulation also increased significantly - more than 60,000 copies!

Not only Bianjing City, but also the entire Kaifeng Prefecture gradually has traces of Bianjing New News.

Under the instigation of Bianjing Xinbao, especially the instigation of the commentator named Hu Feipan.

The entire Kaifeng mansion began to boil.

Countless people like Wang Daqiang began to head towards Dengzhou and Laizhou in Jingdong.

In just two or three days, most of the ruffians and scoundrels in Bianjing City have been reduced!

The Kaifeng Prefecture naturally beat gongs and drums to send off these restless elements.

In order to allow these people to walk well and quickly, Kaifeng Prefecture even sent people to guide them on the road.

Up and down, everyone is happy.

Without these people, the security of Kaifeng Prefecture will be greatly improved.

If you don't pick up lost things on the road, you won't dare to talk if you don't close your door at night.

At least the security problems such as theft and robbery have been reduced by half.

Everyone is happy.

Zhao Xu is even happier!

Den Lai's gold, he will naturally only open it this year.

A year later, he will close the gold mine at the request of his ministers.

Then what……

These young people who have traveled thousands of miles to Denglai are the best cheap labor force.

The iron ore and lead mines in Den Lai just need them.

And they have no choice!

You can only become a miner in these mines!

This is called - you are interested in gold, but I am interested in your youth!

From now on, Zhao Xu will make such a trip every now and then.

Attract people from rural and urban areas to mines.

Note: The military ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty were considered to be of high rank only if they were junior envoys and above. Those below junior envoys were not of high rank. Guarding generals were the third level of generals who were not of high rank. The ones below him were Jia Tou and Gong Zhi. Because of this

The two positions basically belong to the militia, so the Guard Army General is the regular army officer with the lowest starting point.

Note 2: Don’t think of the protagonist as a good person. He is just a political machine. He has a conscience, but not much.

This chapter has been completed!
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