Chapter 389 Jiaozi begins to circulate

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It was Yimao (twenty-eighth) in the leap month of the first year of Yuanyou.

In Xingguofang, in the Zhang Mansion, the ministers in purple official uniforms read in a cadence the edict of punishment issued from the palace.

"Edict: The official Zhang Ji has an incompetent vision, is unfilial and unrighteous, and is not a minister of our country. He should be punished with thunder and use the method of punishing rebellious ministers in memory of the merits of our ancestors..."

Everyone in the Zhang family trembled when they heard the contents of the edict.

When they heard the final punishment, they would be ordered to live in Lianzhou and deprived of all rewards.

All the Zhang family members began to sob.

But they had to kowtow to express gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

At least they were not implicated by Zhang Ji.

At least their own property was saved.

Moreover, Zhang Ji's younger brother Zhang Yan was specially allowed to inherit the incense of Xu Guogong Zhang Qi and inherit the kindness of his ancestors.

Although, there is only one title of Xunwei Langzhong left.

But this is also a great blessing.

Because they have been hinted by many people before today.

What if the emperor really destroyed Zhang Ji's writing since his birth and was assassinated on Salmon Island?

Then, the Zhang family should "bravely take responsibility" and "not disgrace Xu Guogong's posthumous name".

What does it mean?

There is no need to say it anymore.

Some people even suggested that they 'should make decisive decisions for the sake of their children and grandchildren' and not 'embarrass their children and grandchildren and bring shame to their parents'.

This means that even they are not willing to let it go. It is best to leave in a dignified manner and not to throw dirt on the Xungui Group.

Otherwise, it is not a plan for future generations.

If you don’t care about your descendants, then others will definitely care less.

Now, I have finally passed the test.

Although, a lot was lost.

The ancestral home in front of us, which was a reward from Renmiao, was completely taken back by the royal family.

Other gold and silver utensils and money given by past dynasties will also be recovered.

But in the end, they saved their lives and the property that belonged to them.

After the Zhang family kowtowed and thanked them again, they stood up slightly tremblingly.

Then, he helped the old and the young, took his family, wives and concubines, and walked out of the mansion, crying and turning back three times.

Officials and soldiers sent by the imperial court have sealed off the entire Zhang Mansion.

Officials holding account books filed in.

They wanted to count the property of the Zhang family and return it to the royal family.

The officials from the store's housekeeping department took rulers and brought the craftsmen in and began to look at the mansion.

The Zhang Mansion, with a surplus of 800 yuan, can be transformed into at least hundreds of official rooms of different sizes to meet the needs of hundreds of civil and military officials in Beijing.

Moreover, this house is close to the imperial city and not too far from the capitals of the three provinces.

It is the most ideal place to rent a house.

The concubines in the palace were very happy.

Even if the rent for these houses is only 30% of the market price, it is equivalent to them getting an extra sum of money out of thin air every month.

In addition to the Zhang family, several other unlucky people also met the same fate.

But they are better than the Zhang family.

Because Zhang Ji, who has been writing since his birth, assassinated Salmon Island, was demoted to the editor.

Others will naturally have to be punished, otherwise their rewards and punishments will be unknown.

Therefore, most people's punishment is to stop and replace them in the end.

However, the rewards are given through the ages.

Including mansions, houses, gold and silver, everything must be recovered.

For a time, everyone in Bianjing cried for their father and mother, but they could only cry for their father and mother.

Before the swords and axes of the Forbidden Army, the only thing they could do was to cry and cry, and then be kicked out.

On this day, the nobles of Bianjing City watched the families of those families being expelled from their ancestral homes.

They all pursed their lips and lowered their heads.

The feeling of sadness over the death of a rabbit or a fox quietly sprouted among them.

But more than anything, I'm still scared.

"In the future, if the official gives a hint, just do what he wants as soon as possible!"

Many people are thinking this in their hearts.

A noble person should behave like a noble person!

But you can't get confused and stand opposite the official's house.

Otherwise, this is what will happen to these people!

Zhao Xu stood in front of the sealed pile warehouse, watching cartloads of gold, silver, copper coins, silk cloth and spices being brought into the warehouse, then sorted into categories and put into the warehouse one by one.

At this moment, he felt full of security.

Twenty-seven wine shops and thirty-four large households in Bianjing City owed 1.54 million yuan to Shi Yiwu, and all of them, including principal and interest, were returned to where they should be.

In addition, Kaifeng Prefecture and the Commercial Taxation Institute also received large amounts of tax arrears.

Zhao Xu watched quietly as the last cart of gold and silver was personally delivered to the warehouse by the marriage officers of the Imperial City Department.

He clapped his hands, nodded and praised: "Good!"

Then, Zhao Xu turned to look at Song Yongchen and asked: "Song Yongchen, at Jiaoziwu's side recently, is there anyone who can honor Song and Liaojiao?"

Song Yongchen replied: "Everyone, as far as I know, all the merchants are loyal to the country, and there is no one to pay for the exchange for the time being."

This is natural!

This Your Majesty has just performed a big job for the nobles and nobles of Bianjing.

Several noble families that have been passed down for decades or even centuries have ceased to exist in name only.

This greatly shocked people inside and outside.

In recent days, I heard that even Sangjia Wazi's business seems to be a bit deserted.

Many government officials have been banned from home.

Under such circumstances, even if the merchants who took the Jiaozi from Song and Liao Dynasties were unable to make money for a while, under the strict orders of the people behind them, they did not dare to take those Jiaozi to Ziwu for acceptance.

They would rather wait a little longer than show loyalty.

Zhao Xu smiled and said, "What does Jiaozi's acceptance have to do with loyalty?"

"Go and say hello to Li Xian. All the friends of Song and Liao must pay their dues!"

Money is valuable only when it circulates.

Especially these Song and Liao friends, the higher the turnover rate, the more Zhao Xu likes them.

Because this can collect seigniorage.

And it’s a high seigniorage tax!

Every time Jiaozi is sold or accepted, a stamp tax equivalent to 256% per thousand can be drawn from it.

For a handout, the higher the turnover rate, the more Zhao Xu earns.

So, how could Zhao Xu hope that merchants would stupidly hold Jiaozi?

He wished that merchants would continue to circulate Jiaozi.

Don’t wait for the three-year deadline.

Therefore, he thought about it and said to Song Yongchen: "Song Yaban, then go to Dushang Taxation Courtyard, Guanqu Courtyard, shop housekeeping, and Kaifeng Mansion to pass on my oral instructions."

"From now on, all the officials above will accept the payment from Song and Liao as taxes."

"No!" Song Yongchen was stunned for a moment before bowing and retreating.

Zhao Xu looked at Song Yongchen's back and said softly: "It's a pity that we can only play like this in Bianjing City for the time being."

Now, the Song Dynasty only set up Jiaoziwu in two places.

One is Chengdu, and the other is Bianjing.

Jiaozi in Chengdu is mainly denominated in iron money.

The jiaoziwu here in Bianjing City only started playing copper coin jiaozi this year.

At present, Zhao Xu wants to cut the leeks from the people of the world and let Song and Liao Jiaozi circulate on a wider scale. It will take time and the relevant systems will also need to be improved and perfected.

You can only take your time.

Let’s first understand the Jiao Ziwu in Bianjing.

Song Yongchen worked very efficiently.

By the next day, notices were posted outside the official offices of Kaifeng Prefecture, the Commercial and Taxation Court, the Guanqu Courtyard, and the shop and housekeeping offices.

The general content is that from now on, the Kaifeng Prefecture, the Commercial and Taxation Institute, the Official Music Institute, the Shop and Household Affairs Bureau, etc. will all accept Song and Liao Jiaozi as taxes.

Moreover, it is taken entirely at face value.

In the eyes of the Kaifeng Prefecture and the Commercial Taxation Bureau, a payment of a consistent amount of money is equivalent to a consistent amount of money.

As soon as these notices were posted, the merchants in the entire Bianjing city became a sensation.

Because these institutions are directly in charge of their departments.

In the past, paying taxes every year was very troublesome.

A little more tax, transfer, payment and other processes are enough to make one's scalp numb.

Especially those merchants who live in outer cities and even those who have business in other counties and towns in Kaifeng Prefecture.

I don’t know how much hair I have to lose every year to pay taxes.

Now that it's fine, you can just take the Jiaozi and hand it over to the government.

As a result, there were many smart merchants at that time, and they immediately appeared in Jiaoziwu.

Then, they saw people constantly coming and going in front of the official office where Ziwu was handed over.

When those people go in, they often just bring their entourage with them.

But when he came out, he had already picked up money boxes full of copper coins.

Naturally, some people took the initiative to ask about those familiar merchants.

The merchants are of course enthusiastic, and they know everything they know about their colleagues who come to consult.

As a result, these merchants were almost clear about the situation on Jiaoziwu's side.

Anyone can come here with Song and Liao Jiaozi issued by the imperial court to exchange for copper coins.

But Jiaoziwu only recognizes Jiaozi, not the person.

As long as they verify the authenticity of the jiaozi, you can exchange it for a full amount of copper coins on the spot.

Of course, there is a tax of 30 cents for every payment made to the sub-committee.

It sounds like I'm at a bit of a disadvantage.

But when everyone thinks about it carefully, they all know that this is a very convenient thing.

This copper coin is too heavy!

Even in Bianjing City, every time they trade, they have to bring several vehicles to transport copper coins to do business.

The other party needs to carefully count the copper coins they bring every time.

Usually there are a dozen or even dozens of people, checking the money one by one, then weighing it, and finally the transaction.

And after they buy something, take it back and sell it, they have to repeat the same process.

The most troublesome thing for businessmen is that they have to do this kind of thing themselves.

Every time there is a transaction, I have to be there to keep an eye on it.

Otherwise, if you are slightly negligent, you will be taken advantage of and lose a lot of money.

Now, with Jiaozi, everything has changed.

There is no need to check and weigh copper coins one by one anymore.

No longer do you need to bring a bunch of people to escort money and silk every time you go out.

Now, just hand over the money and you're ready to go.

The other party only needs to check the authenticity of the handout.

When you need money, you can use Jiaozi to pay Ziwu in exchange for money.

I usually draw thirty cents, which is very conscientious and cost-effective.

Now, the only question is - what is the quality of Jiaozi? How is the recognition? Can it be anti-counterfeiting? Or can people easily distinguish the authenticity?

With this thought in mind, a fat businessman followed someone into the official office where he was responsible for the affairs.

As soon as he entered, he felt that this official office was very special.

First of all, there is no court in Jiaoziwu, only a spacious hall.

There are windows in the hall.

Behind every window sat an official in official uniform.

In front of these windows, there are also chairs.

The merchants who came to exchange money sat on those chairs and talked with the officials sitting in the windows.

The fat merchant watched with his own eyes as a strong man in green clothes took out a stack of jiaozi from his arms or sleeves and handed it to the official in the window.

The fat merchant quietly walked up to the strong man.

I heard the strong man speaking with a Jingdong Road accent and saying, "Excuse me, officer, please exchange these fifty pieces of jiaozi for me into copper coins. My family is in a hurry for money."

The official took the jiaozi, put it in his hand, and examined it carefully.

He seemed to look at several places, then nodded and took out a seal from a box next to him.

Put stamps on those jiaozi one by one.

The fat merchant noticed that he was very particular about where he stamped his seals, and they were all stamped in the same place.

After he finished sealing, he put Jiaozi into a wooden box, handed it to an official behind him, and told him: "Go and get fifty copper coins."

"No!" The person behind him nodded, took the wooden box, and walked towards a door.

Not long after, the man came back.

He also brought back a heavy box.

The box was placed on the window and then opened. It was full of copper coins strung with ropes.

"After counting, there are fifty strings in total, and each string is seven hundred and forty yuan."

But the strong man didn't click at all. He directly picked up the box and said with a smile: "Of course I can trust the government!"

Then he picked up the big wooden box and walked outside.

The fat businessman was dumbfounded.

Fifty copper coins weigh at least one hundred and fifty kilograms.

But people just carry it on their shoulders without any effort.

All I can say is that he is a good man!

This method of trading also opened the eyes of the fat businessman.

He immediately sat down where the strong man had sat.

Then he raised his head and looked at the official sitting in the window.

The official uniform the other party is wearing is cyan.

This shows that he is just a low-level official and does not even have an official status.

The other party looked at the fat merchant and asked, "Are you here to exchange money or exchange notes?"

The fat businessman asked: "How can I change the Jiaozi?"

The other party smiled: "Eight hundred dollars a month!"


The fat businessman took a breath.

It is only 740 yuan to exchange money for Jiaozi, but it takes 800 yuan to exchange money for Jiaozi.

In other words, there is a difference between the two.

The fat businessman vaguely noticed something.

But what exactly is it? He still can’t figure it out for a while.

However, one thing he knew very well was that he needed to get the physical object of Jiaozi.

So, he asked: "May I ask the officials, what kind of relationships do they have?"

The official replied: "Now there are Jiao Ziwu ranging from one hundred guan, fifty guan, twenty guan, ten guan, five guan, and one guan."

"Which one does Shima want?"

The fat merchant took out a government-made gold ingot from his body and asked calmly: "Can I exchange it for gold?"

The official laughed: "Of course you can!"

"Gold is calculated based on the market price." He pointed to both sides of the window as he spoke: "You can take a look at it. On both sides of the public window, there are today's price comparisons of gold, silver and copper coins."

The fat merchant turned around and looked, and sure enough, there was a wooden sign hanging on both sides of the window, with the exchange rates of gold, silver and copper coins respectively.

Today, one tael of silver can be worth two thousand taels. And one tael of gold can be exchanged for eight taels of silver.

In other words, one tael of gold is worth 16,000 yuan, or about 21 yuan.

As a successful businessman, he is very sensitive to numbers, especially numbers involving money.

So, he nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Then, he handed over the twelve-weight government-made gold ingot he was holding, and then said: "Excuse me, officer, please exchange all the face value exchanges for me, and the remaining ones will be exchanged for one."

's Jiaozi."

He had already calculated it quickly in his mind.

His ten taels of government-made gold ingots have a market price of 160,000 taels. According to the regulations of Jiaoziwu, they are enough to exchange for a total of 200 guan of Jiaozi.

Therefore, he can also get an additional twenty-two Jiaozi with consistent face value.

The other party took the gold ingot and after checking it, he was surprised: "Is this step from Xuzhou?"

The gold ingots made by the officials of the Song Dynasty all have stamps and marks, recording key information such as where they were cast, who was in charge of the casting, the casting workers, and the time.

Naturally, those who can hold these government-made gold ingots must be inextricably connected with the government.

Maybe, this person's family has a minister who is waiting to be appointed!

Xuzhou has always been a popular place for the governors of the Song Dynasty to go out.

The people who can get the gold ingots made by Xuzhou officials are probably either members of the family of a senator or a member of the family of a certain prime minister.

This made the official become more enthusiastic.

The fat businessman smiled and nodded.

The other party did not hesitate. After confirming the authenticity of the gold, he took out a stack of coins from a box next to him.

Then start counting.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

After counting, he continued to count them again, then handed the relevant notes to the fat merchant and said: "Please count them."

The fat merchant took the handed over Jiaozi with excitement.

As soon as he started using it, he discovered that the paper was a little hard, but it didn't feel like inferior paper.

It feels very smooth and comfortable to touch.

The fat merchant took these jiaozi and asked softly: "Officer, is there any way to identify these jiaozi?"

The official smiled and replied: "Of course there is!"

"You can take a look at every painting on Jiaozi."

The fat merchant looked down and saw that the pattern on the jiaozi on his hand was extremely exquisite and detailed.

It made him feel as if he was looking at a wall photo in Zaizhi's home.

"In addition, the patterns and colors of Jiaozi of each denomination are different..."

The fat merchant took the Jiaozi in his hand and looked at it one by one. It was indeed the case.

Jiaozi of each denomination has different patterns and colors.

What surprised the fat businessman even more was that these jiaozi seemed to have some colors that he had never seen before.

These colors are cleverly hidden or next to other colors.

But he believed that the person who handed over the task must have done so on purpose.

I'm afraid the position and amount of these colors are some kind of anti-counterfeiting mark in the eyes of the person who handed over the work.

"In addition..." The official smiled and said, "please take a look, all these handouts have my seal of responsibility!"

"The seal on each Jiaozi has a number, and the numbers on each Jiaozi are different."

"In addition, the seal also contains Jiaozi's printing time and printing supervisor!"

"And every time Jiaozi is recycled, there is also a corresponding seal and stamp!"

The fat merchant listened and nodded.

He stood up and thanked the official: "Thank you very much!"

I have a cold today and am not in a good condition. What I wrote may not be correct. Please forgive me.

This chapter has been completed!
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