Chapter 385: The Song Dynasty has been raising scholars for one hundred and twenty years, and they will die for justice

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Jiayin (26), the leap month of the first year of Yuanyou.

Zhao Xu got up in the morning and went to the Imperial Garden to exercise as usual.

He has started his morning jog now.

Of course, the distance should be controlled to about 500 meters. Every time you run a lap, you will take a break, drink some water, and let your body adapt.

At the same time, he will also do some stretching exercises.

Qian Yi was still unshakeable and came to check Zhao Xu's pulse every five days, and also recorded his heartbeat, breathing, and bowel and bladder conditions.

According to Qian Yi, it is a blessing for the world that His Majesty's dragon body is getting stronger.

This is not flattery, it is true.

Because last month, Zhao Xu had a cold and some fever.

As a result, he fully recovered within two days.

This was unimaginable in his previous life.

Which time did he have to suffer from a cold for ten days and a half?

This made Zhao Xu pay more and more attention to daily morning exercises.

At the same time, after the sutra banquet, he and his companions would exercise with the Zhong brothers for half an hour.

After exercising in the Imperial Garden, Zhao Xu returned to Funing Hall, where he took a bath and changed into clean clothes under the service of the palace ladies.

He was preparing to take a short rest and went to Qingshou Palace and Baoci Palace to say hello.

Empress Dowager Xiang had already brought people to the Funing Hall.

Zhao Xu hurried out to greet her: "Why is the queen mother here?"

"Come and see Brother Six." Empress Dowager Xiang said with a smile: "By the way, I will also bring some snacks to Brother Six."

With that said, Wen Xunniang presented a food box to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu opened it and took a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

There are cakes made of butter, honey and cane sugar. The appearance of this kind of snack is even more beautiful than the fancy snacks Zhao Xu has seen in modern times.

Although it is only the size of a fingernail, there are complex and elegant spiral patterns on each cake.

It’s almost like a piece of art that makes people’s appetites whet their appetites just by looking at it.

There are also pastries that look simple but actually contain a variety of fillings.

There is also the honey-fried dried fruit that is praised by both the government and the people these days - it is actually a snack similar to the modern candied haws.

It's just that the fruit chosen is not hawthorn, but the dried fruits that people like nowadays.

For example, dried cherries, dried peaches, dried longans, etc.

Such snacks are also the best-selling snacks in Bianjing City.

Of course, the food at the emperor's house must be exquisite, clean, and more expensive.

Zhao Xu picked up a piece of cake and put it into his mouth, took a bite and immediately laughed: "Mother, this snack is so sweet!"

Empress Dowager Xiang smiled: "Sixth brother, just like it!"

"To be honest with Sixth Brother, these snacks were made by Xun Niang and several other ministers in my palace."

Wen Xunniang suddenly blushed and whispered: "The slave's craftsmanship is so vulgar that it makes the officials laugh."

It has been several months since Wen Xunniang entered the palace.

The little girl has also started to grow, and her breasts have begun to swell slightly, but her temperament seems to have not changed, especially when she is shy, she always talks like a mosquito.

Zhao Xu looked at the little girl and thanked her softly: "Thank you for your hard work, Xun Niang."

"Being able to serve the officials is a blessing for the slave family." Wen Xunniang still lowered her head.

While talking, Zhao Xu had already supported the Queen Mother, walked to the inner bedroom, and sat on the mattress in the inner bedroom.

The maids on the left and right brought tea, and Wen Xunniang silently stood beside the Queen Mother.

Empress Dowager Xiang looked at Zhao Xu sitting next to her and asked with a smile: "Sixth brother, I heard that many people were punished in Kaifeng Mansion yesterday?"

Zhao Xu nodded and replied: "The Queen Mother doesn't know that some people are simply bad!"

"Especially the Xunwei doctor named Zhang Ji. Not only did he disobey his father's last wish after his father's death, he once wanted to marry his sister to someone else as a continuation of his marriage, just to get an extra two thousand guan as a betrothal gift!"

"Not only that, this person is also bold enough to embezzle the dowry that should belong to his sister!"

"It's really hateful!"

As Zhao Xu spoke, he became extremely serious, even gnashing his teeth.

When I saw the Queen Mother, I couldn't help but feel moved in my heart, thinking of this child's life experience.

The late emperor abandoned the world long ago, leaving Sixth Brother and her, an orphan and a widowed mother, in the palace.

She recalled the panic and fear she felt at this time last year.

Then, the look on Zhao Xu's face changed.

"What Sixth Brother is saying is that such people who have no father or mother and are unfaithful and unfilial should be severely punished!" said the Empress Dowager in a deep voice.

She also understood why this child was so cruel to Zhang Ji.

Such people should not be punished severely.

Wouldn't it be possible to embolden the rebellious ministers and traitors?

Therefore, Zhang Ji simply hit the point of the gun.

The speculations and suspicions made by outsiders are simply nonsense.

This child is so kind and generous.

Will you disregard your honor and dignity for a few copper coins?

It was clearly Zhang Ji who did something wrong!

Otherwise, why is it that only Zhang Ji’s writings since his birth were destroyed, and why was he even accused of writing on Salmon Island?

Why are other people just editors and supervisors at best?

"It's just that Sixth Brother... Zhang Ji is a hero, and his great ancestor is Zhang Qi, Xu Guogong, a senior official in the Zhenmiao and Renmiao periods." He said softly to the Queen Mother: "Of course Zhang Ji deserves death, but Sixth Brother is

The emperor, the emperor must have a forgiving heart and cannot stop people from offering incense!"

Pursuing the destruction of Zhang Ji's writings since his birth, and assassinating Salmon Island.

This is equivalent to catching the entire Zhang family in one fell swoop.

Everyone has no good fruit to eat and will be put into another book.

This is the most terrifying thing about writing since Zhui Rui was born - even sitting.

And it's not just one generation, it's three entire generations.

Zhao Xu was naturally prepared for this. He hummed, looked at the Empress Dowager and said, "I will naturally know what the Empress Dowager means."

"It's just that if the punishment is too light, I worry that from now on, the morals will deteriorate and the country will not be able to survive."

"The children of the distinguished relatives and families may become more and more dissolute and ignore the laws of the country."

"What Sixth Brother said is..." Xiang Dowager nodded in agreement.

As a queen who was educated by a scholar-bureaucrat, her butt would naturally be inclined towards the scholar-bureaucrat.

At the same time, Queen Mother Xiang also understood that Brother Six was right about this matter.

If even people like Zhang Ji cannot be severely punished, then the majesty of national law will be gone.

Even a small military doctor dared to disobey his father's last wish and detain his sister's legal property, but he was not punished.

This will have a huge impact on the atmosphere of the entire society!

If not, there will be countless children who will not live to adulthood.

"However, we should leave some dignity to Duke Xu, Zhenmiao and Renmiao."

This is also the appeal of countless people.

Since yesterday afternoon, some people have begun to come to the palace to intercede.

Early this morning, several women appeared in the palace to intercede with the two palaces.

Many people said that Zhang Qi was the Duke of the country, he had also served as prime minister, and he was Zhang Xianmingsu's most trusted minister during his lifetime. He must be treated with dignity no matter what.

To be honest, Queen Mother Xiang didn't want to care at all at first.

But Qingshou Palace also came to persuade her.

Everyone said that Zhang Ji was a bad person, but the rest of the Zhang family was not guilty.

So, let her give me some advice.

Of course, this is just a piece of advice.

If the officials really want to do this, they can stop it for a while, but not for the rest of their lives.

It is impossible for the Gao family and the Xiang family to risk their futures for the Zhang family who are beyond their reach.

Zhao Xu met the Empress Dowager Xiang's gaze, nodded and said: "Since the Empress Mother has said this, for the sake of the Empress Mother's face, and also for the sake of Xu Guogong's affection for serving two generations of late emperors, I may be a little lenient."

Queen Mother Xiang suddenly laughed.

Zhao Xu said: "It's just that the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped!"

"We should organize and manage remote military states to serve as a warning to others!"

"It should, it should." He smiled at the Queen Mother.

No one cares about Zhang Ji's life or death at all.

There is only one thing that the honorable relatives care about - not to set a precedent for a descendant of the honorable relatives to directly destroy the writings since their birth and assassinate Salmon Island.

Zhao Xu also laughed.

In the Song Dynasty, the emperor usually acted like a popular figure in front of his relatives and military ministers.

So the question is, who is going to blame?

The answer is Wen Chen!

Don't be blinded by the arrogance and arrogance of those civil servants in the history books.

The fact is - the arrogance and arrogance of civil servants in front of military ministers and noble relatives was something the emperor was used to, or even intentionally guided.

In the Song Dynasty, many things traced their roots upward, and the problems all lay with the emperor.

For example, Di Qing was demoted to the imperial court.

If Ren Temple really wants to be preserved, can it still be preserved?

I'm afraid that Renmiao also wants to expose Di Qing, which is the key to the problem.

Therefore, a miraculous scene occurred in the Song Dynasty - even when peasants rioted and soldiers rebelled, their slogan was mostly to fight against corrupt officials rather than against the court.

And in this matter, Zhao Xu can be said to be better than his master!

He never becomes a villain easily.

The bad guys are all other people!

The province under the door.

During the incident, Peng Ruli looked at the draft of the edict that was sent to him.

His eyes immediately gave off a sharp light.

Peng Ruli immediately said: "This is a mess of fate!"

"Why did Zhongshushe write the edict?"

He picked up his pen and wrote down his opinion directly under the edict: Zhang Ji, the lieutenant in the imperial guard, was unfaithful, unfilial, trustworthy and unrighteous. His Majesty made this clear statement in public. He wanted to destroy Zhang Ji's writings since he was born and to assassinate Salmon Island.

, and even more so, His Majesty’s Holy Judgment!

Both the government and the public think they are doing good, so why are they just managing things now?

There must be a villain here, slandering the two palaces and deceiving the emperor!

I'll give you the help, I dare not obey the imperial edict!

He typed this edict back without any courtesy.

This is his power!

The Zhongshu Province formulates it, the Menxia Province reviews it, and the Shangshu Province implements it.

The three powers are separated, check and balance each other, and restrain each other.

Unless the emperor, through Hanlin scholars, directly declares Ma to be extinct or announces it to the world.

Otherwise, any personnel appointments, laws and policies must be endorsed by the provincial governor.

If the emperor disagrees with the matter, the emperor can only change to another person.

Not to mention Peng Ruli, he was an upright and upright man, and was known for his integrity.

Any scholar-official in his position would definitely make the same choice as him!

What's this?

This is pie in the sky, and fame comes with it.

bring it on!

Come on, you evil foreign relatives.

I, with my righteousness, am not afraid of you evil spirits and shady villains!

I will never be intimidated by you!

The Song Dynasty has been raising scholars for 120 years, and the Day of Death for Righteousness is today!

This chapter has been completed!
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