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King Radulos XVI said something meaningful again.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand Chinese allusions, otherwise he would definitely say that the world has suffered from Qin for a long time, and it would be a blessing for the royal family if Qin could be eliminated.

Now the Knut family has a tail that is difficult to cut off, which has seriously affected the dignity and image of the royal family. He hopes that a hero will emerge to help him get rid of this tail. Unfortunately, he is not very optimistic about Ye Wuhan.

, after all, the Holy See has been gaining prestige in Europe for a long time, and is definitely one of the top powers. It is said that it can compete with the warriors from the East, but can anyone deal with it?

"Ye Wuhan!"

When Princess Ai Shi saw Ye Wuhan coming in, she immediately came up to him happily and fluttered into his arms like a bird, completely ignoring the presence of the female guard.

The female guard saw this and quickly retreated.

"Ye, I miss you so much." Christina, with her blond hair, nestled in Ye Wuhan's arms and said shyly, and her white little hands hugged the Chinese young man hard.

"I miss you too, otherwise why would I come to see you?" Ye Wuhan said with a smile, stroking her blond hair.

"Uh..." The big and soft thing in front of him made Ye Wuhan's heart flutter.

Princess Ai Shi obviously noticed what he felt, but she didn't let go. She raised her head and looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes seductively and said, "But Ye, I'm grounded. What should I do if I can't get out?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. I'll solve everything when I come this time."

Christina opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she said nothing. Instead, with a bit of coquettishness in the corners of her eyes and brows, she shyly handed it to her lips.

"Where is that Chinese man? Let him come out." Suddenly there was a shout from outside, and people from the Knut family arrived.

Grand Duke Canute and his son Little Canute arrived, accompanied by seven or eight warriors, as well as two paladins.

The one who just shouted was Grand Duke Canute.

The Knut family is definitely a Swedish noble, with a distinguished status and great power. In addition to retaining due respect for the royal family, few people dare to offend them.

It was precisely because the Canute family was so powerful that the royal family wanted to win over them and did not refuse their marriage proposal, hoping to stabilize the royal family's status.

Unfortunately, they never expected that their daughter already belonged to that Chinese man.

Princess Ai Shi wanted to go to China, but the king did not allow it, so the two sides had a conflict and grounded her.

"Christina, please wait a moment, I'll be back soon!" Inside, Ye Wuhan patted Princess Aishi on the shoulder and said.

"Ye, be careful. The Knut family is not so easy to mess with. They will most likely invite the Paladins. Otherwise, my father would not be so afraid of them." Christina said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it!"

Ye Wuhan lifted her chin, kissed her gently on her mouth, then turned around and walked out.

"I'll go with you!" Princess Ai Shi was worried, but still followed from behind, then stepped forward and took Ye Wuhan's arm.

Ye Wuhan simply hugged her and walked out.

By this time, no one could stop Christina.

The old king Radulos was so cunning that he did not even show up, waiting to see how the conflict would end.

Ye Wuhan came outside and saw old Knut and his son, as well as a dozen people who came with them.

Of course I knew the paladin Ye Wuhan. Their costumes were very special. At that time, Ye Wuhan had fought with people from the Holy See on Tianmu Island, and they also sent a paladin to show up.

However, that paladin was very ordinary, only equivalent to a heaven-level master. Ye Wuhan believed that there was definitely a stronger one in the Holy See.

"Are you Ye Wuhan?"

Grand Duke Knut rolled his eyes and looked up and down at Ye Wuhan, his eyes full of contempt. When he saw Princess Christina, who looked like a little bird in his arms, his face was even more full of disdain.


"That's right, I am the one who offered a huge reward on Skynet that day to assassinate my woman?" Ye Wuhan also looked at the other party with a scrutinizing look.

"That's right, it was me. I just wanted to give you a warning at that time. I didn't expect that you would dare to come to Sweden and make a scene in the royal court. People from China, let me tell you the truth, your death day has come today!" Knut

The Grand Duke spoke coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes no longer concealed.

Little Knut next to him saw with his own eyes the slender Princess Aishi being casually held in the arms of this Chinese young man. He was already angry. As soon as his father finished speaking, he immediately shouted: "Come here, kill me."


Immediately, seven or eight masters brought by the Knut family rushed towards Ye Wuhan with weapons in hand.

It's a pity that Ye Wuhan would take them seriously.


Ye Wuhan stood up and swept away with his sword.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of these people were swept away by the sword energy and exploded on the spot. They died in the blink of an eye. Bodies lay scattered on the ground.

He didn't kill anyone in the royal family because he had Christina, so he wouldn't hold back on these people.


Old Knut and his son obviously didn't expect Ye Wuhan to be so powerful, as they killed all the masters he brought with him in one move.

You must know that these people were also the absolute masters of their family and could run rampant throughout Sweden, so they were killed just like that?

Feeling sad, they couldn't help but glance at the two holy knights who were traveling with them.

The two paladins looked at each other, and finally each held a long sword, separated on the left and right, and rushed towards Ye Wuhan together to kill.

"Just you two?"

Ye Wuhan didn't even move, he swung his sword in a sweeping motion, and poof, before the two holy knights could rush over, they were swept into two pieces by the sword energy.

They were just two earth-level paladins, how could he take them seriously?

"This..." The palace guards and ministers were all dumbfounded. No one thought that Ye Wuhan was so sharp and could kill people without blinking an eye. And the most important thing is, if you kill people from the Holy See, the Holy See will

Are you willing to give up?

This situation made King Radulos gasp when he saw it. He heard that Ye Wuhan had no cold, and Sirius, as his daughter's future son-in-law, how could he not pay attention? Even if he didn't know, he could still ask his daughter.

He did not expect Ye Wuhan to be so bold in his methods.

Although he was not watching from the front, he was definitely paying attention from behind. How could he not watch such a big event?

In fact, he knew that Ye Wuhan was the one who saved his daughter's life in the first place, and he still had a good impression of Ye Wuhan. However, due to the strength of the Knut family and the stability of the royal power, he could only consider the Knut family first.

, if Ye Wuhan can take away Princess Aishi, there is only one option, which is to be far stronger than the Knut family, but is that possible? The Knut family has a background in the Holy See, and even he is afraid of the Holy See.


This chapter has been completed!
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