Chapter 27 Mirror: You only asked people

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In the carriage carriage, the light of the red moon seemed to dim.

After Bernard finished speaking, a line of bloody words slowly appeared on the ancient silver mirror.

"No one lies."


Yager, who was peeping, raised his eyebrows.

This extraordinary item is not accurate. Although he deliberately avoided lying, he still distorted the facts regarding the purpose of going to the East District, which is not enough to be called the truth.

Is the level of the item too low?

There is no crazy tentacle fantasy.

Under Yager's secret gaze, the image of Honored Arrods changed, and the original font was slowly erased, allowing the part that Bernard was most afraid of to surface.

"Based on the principle of reciprocity, it is my turn to ask questions. If you lie or cannot answer, you will accept the tasks or punishments assigned by me."

Next, written in large blood-red fonts: "What are the gods related to the moon?"

Mirror, you have a bright future.

Yager, who was sitting in the car, adjusted his sitting posture with interest and tapped his right hand on his lap.

This is the topic he is most interested in right now, and it happens to be difficult for even the Tarot Club to answer. It is a pure surprise to see it here.

It seems that this mirror is not a low-level item that gives wrong information. It may have some way of sensing him, so it asked this weird question that is only useful to him.

Wait, doesn’t that mean it might be telling the truth? “No one lies”…

He is not human?

Yager's mouth froze because of the good news.

Not polite! Even if you are just a little bit human, you are still human! Isn’t the human skin right here?! This is the bottom line!!

A certain "person" whose face could turn into tentacles began to get frustrated.

Also unhappy was Bernard in front of the mirror.

He thought deeply for a few minutes before he answered tremblingly: "Uh, the goddess of the night, the moon...the moon goddess? And, and..."

Bernard hesitated for a long time and couldn't say anything else.

"Answer is incomplete."

The blood-red font appeared again, making the poor captain of the Machine Heart team lose his expression.

He was so depressed that he didn't even pay attention to the unusual answer given by the mirror this time.

Normally, Arrodes would answer 'correct' or 'wrong', and say 'incomplete answer' as if he was deliberately showing it to people who didn't exist in the space.

In the dark carriage, the ancient mirror floated abnormally, emitting a faint silver light in mid-air, with tiny thunder and lightning flashing around it.

"Task, or punishment?"

Bernard's face was covered with sweat, and his Adam's apple moved up and down. He had been struck by lightning many times tonight and squeezed out the words through his teeth:


Before he finished speaking, an almost blinding flash of lightning flashed from the mirror!


"Huh..." A second later, Bernard dramatically exhaled a puff of black smoke from his mouth.

His funny afro made things worse, and he even had a few burn marks on his face.

The Nighthawks who watched silently cast pity on him.

"This... the mirror has definitely increased in size!" Bernard slapped the seat angrily and pointed at the silver mirror that had landed back on the opposite side.

Even though he was so angry that his lungs ached, he still took great care not to add a curse word prefix.

"Calm down, calm down," the night watcher picked up the water on the table and handed it to him, "Maybe the price will be serious after repeating it too many times."

"It's not normal!! This is fraud!!"

"I apply for substitution!!"

Nighthawks laughed dryly: "It's not easy for us to use your mechanical heart's sealed artifact."

"We don't mind." Bernard looked resentful.

"No, no, no, I'll call the team members over for you right now. Just wait for me!"

The sound drifted farther and farther as the owner quickly fled from the carriage, and finally was almost unclear.

Only the humble Bernard was left in the carriage looking desperately into the distance, as if looking towards freedom.

In the carriage on the main road, Yager blinked and turned off his spiritual vision.

That mirror looks like a very useful extraordinary item. Since its comment is 'Incomplete answer', it must know the correct and complete answer.

Infiltrating the Church of Steam and Mechanics has been added to his to-do list.

"Dong dong dong."

The carriage door was opened again, revealing the face of the young man who had just been on the night watch.

Obviously, the Nighthawk did not keep his promise to help Bernard call his teammates, but cruelly and ruthlessly abandoned him to inform Yager and the others.

"We have completed the inspection. Thank you both for your cooperation. You can leave." Nighthawk bowed, then left the carriage and waved to the front.

In the middle of the group of horse-drawn carriages parked at the church, a wooden horse-blocking roadblock was erected. After receiving the signal, the church personnel on both sides slowly removed it, leaving just enough space for a car to pass through.

The carriage moved slowly.

Soon, the passing church vehicles and the checkpoint on Central Street disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

"Phew." Klein breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

He was not afraid that one of them would be caught lying, but what he was more afraid of was that the people from the Church of the Night would notice that he was the dead Klein Moretti, so even if Mr. Bishop took action, he might not be able to save him.

By the way, Mr. Bishop's name is Yager Drest, and he still lives on Shuiwen Road...

Isn't this the new tenant that Mrs. Summer complained about?

"Oh, my God, Detective Moriarty, I have to tell you some unfortunate news. Our house on Shuiwen Road was rented to an unknown stranger! If he hadn't been working in the Minsk office, I would have

I will never rent it to him, and I would rather let you live there. The etiquette of these foreigners is very sad, and he actually refused to kiss a lady!"

This was what Mrs. Summer said to him when he was invited to have tea a few days ago. At that time, the beautiful lady was very emotional, and her words were full of contempt and contempt.

The stranger who refused to kiss the blonde young lady turned out to be you, Bishop!

Klein showed his dead fish eyes.

But Mrs. Summer had no such request when he came...

This must be because the wives of Backlund have recently preferred a cold and elegant temperament, yes, it must be.

Xiaoke felt like his appearance was shot in the knee.

In his heartbroken thoughts, the carriage finally arrived at the Jowood area.

The two of them, plus Miss Sharon, who had been pretending not to exist and disappeared quietly during the church inspection, got off the carriage one after another.

"Thank you for your help." Klein turned around and tipped his hat to Yager, "I ask Mr. Fool to give you the extra reward through a ritual, is that okay?"

"No problem." Yager nodded.

They finally came to the point of his sole purpose in hurrying back to the carriage.

The harvest in the Eastern District this time was satisfying. Not only were there gold pounds, but the follow-up direction was also clear. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, he would go to visit the Eastern District at night.

Speaking of which, it seems that there will be a full moon the night after tomorrow.

I don’t know why, but when he thought of this, the blood vessels in Yager’s arm beat abnormally twice.

"Then I'll say goodbye first. I live at No. 15 Minsk Street, in another house rented by Mrs. Summer. Please come to me anytime if you need anything." Before leaving, Klein handed over his business card.

"Mrs. Summer?" Yager recalled for a moment before he remembered who this was.

His overly enthusiastic landlord.

"Okay, if necessary in the future." He took the business card and had a business exchange with Klein that had no emotion but only skills.

The night in Jowood District became calm again.

The radiance of the moon shines on the earth, like a mother watching her children benevolently. Its body is round, with only the last trace of black shadow left to form a complete circle.

Form a complete blood moon night.

This chapter has been completed!
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