Chapter 28 New Neighbors

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The next day, early morning.

There was a sound of chopping vegetables at No. 24 Shuiwen Road, Backlund.

Bright sunlight shines through the window, illuminating the kitchen in this small building. Under the miserable three or four bowls in the cupboard, Yager is preparing breakfast.

Hehe, what does one person need so many bowls for?

The 'cost-conscious' Yager cut the tomatoes into slices and put them on two pieces of white bread with the lettuce, then put on the luncheon meat and added a lethal amount of peanut butter to complete today's breakfast.

He brought the plate to the dining room table in the living room.

In the main hall of the splendidly decorated small foreign-style building, the black-haired young man opened the exquisitely carved chair and sat down, took out the newly arrived Backlund Morning News, and took a sip of milk.

To his surprise, the front page headline of today's morning paper was neither Viscount Clint nor the corpse at the door of Holy Wind Church last night.

'Ambassador Intis in Backlund was assassinated after the banquet!'


Yager immediately thought of Detective Sherlock Moriarty and MI9 yesterday. Logically speaking, only these two groups of people could assassinate the ambassador.

From the perspective of strength, he tends to be MI9. After all, Sherlock's level is really hard to describe.

But on the other hand, MI9 had no motive to take action. Because as long as the Loen Kingdom had no intention of going to war with Intis, the ambassador could not be killed in Backlund.

The ambassador is a symbol of peaceful diplomatic relations.

So it's still Sherlock...?

Yager continued reading the full report.

He found the key point at the end of the first page: 'It is reported that the well-known cult organization Aurora Society has announced that it is responsible for this incident. Backlund Morning News reminds you that the illegal sect's behavior is extreme and has caused many murders. Citizens, please be sure to follow the rules

Contact, don't ask...'

Omitting the meaningless comparison of numbers of water words later, the focus of this sentence is the Aurora Society.

It's a bit strange that Aurora would have nothing to do to trouble Ambassador Intis.

However, Yager didn't know much about the Aurora Society. Apart from knowing that it was a well-known terrorist group in the Kingdom of Loen, he had almost no idea.

So he didn't know that the deafening roar last night was the hand of the evil god believed in by the Aurora Society.

Otherwise, some dissatisfied people should knock on the door angrily.

Yager folded up this piece of newspaper and asked Detective Moriarty on the way to work, entrusting him with part of the investigation.

There were a total of four items to be resolved that he pushed forward yesterday.

First of all, the case of Viscount Clint and Renze has been basically clear, and the next step is to go to Cappin's mansion. You can entrust Sherlock to investigate the information, but if there is no result, it doesn't matter, just go there.

Then there is the matter of Bill Rudolph. There is no progress yet. We only know that Bill’s mother and Liv’s little daughter next door are involved in the disappearance case in the East District. There are no extraordinary factors in it. He can’t find an entry point, so he also

Leave it to the detectives.

Finally, there is the night exploration of the church and the evil spirits in the suburban manor. For both of these, you must prepare weapons first and "explore" carefully.

All in all, most of the above investigations can be entrusted to Detective Moriarty, which can be offset by the debt between them, saving his investigative efforts.

He only needs to be responsible for the force part.

After going over this week's to-do list in his mind, Yager finished the sandwich in three bites, put on his black windbreaker and went out.

There are a lot of people in the Jowood area in the morning, and from time to time, unusually gorgeous carriages fly past the streets, which some wealthy neighbors bought themselves.

Yager's small western-style building is located in the middle and upper part of the Chowood District, very close to the Minsk Office and the Upper City. Therefore, except for him, who rents a house, the neighbors living on the left and right are relatively wealthy.

The house on his left belongs to a family of employees of the Loen Kingdom's tax office. They are a middle-aged couple with two children. It is often seen that they are having difficulty sending their children to school.

There is an old lady living on the right. It is said that her relatives are all in Intis, but she prefers to live in her hometown of Backlund, so she has never left.

Normally, she likes to plant roses in her room. The dark red exterior wall of the villa is covered with vines, and the small garden at the door is a sea of ​​flowers.

However, a strange young man appeared at the door today.

The young man has slightly curly hair, a slim build, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face. He looks well-dressed, but he touches his left eye socket wearing glasses uncomfortably from time to time.

After seeing Yager appearing next door, the young man turned around and looked at him for a moment with his head tilted.

Then he said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Green."

"Hello." Yager nodded, "Yager Drest. Who are you?"

"I am the son of Mrs. Mary's cousin. I originally lived in Intis. Mrs. Mary passed away recently, and I came to Backlund to hold her funeral."

"No one else in the family can spare time to come over, so I have to clean the old house." Green approached Yager, stretched out his hand and shook his hand, showing a depressed expression at the right time.


For some reason, Yager could vaguely feel that the young man in front of him was not sad.

But he didn't take it to heart. Who doesn't have a few distant relatives whom he doesn't know at all? It's normal for him to feel calm.

"I work in the admissions department of Central University." The depression on Green's face disappeared briefly, and he soon narrowed his eyes and smiled. "What about you?"


Yager unexpectedly glanced at Green's face again. Although he looked young, his actions were very deep, and all his emotions were on the surface.

When he looked over, the smile on Green's face deepened, making Yager feel slightly uncomfortable.

Such an admissions officer... He mourned for the students who applied to Central University.

"In front of the Minsk office," he answered.

"That's right. The work in the office must be very interesting." Green nodded, "It's time to go to work now, so I won't disturb you."

He took the initiative to say goodbye very socially.

"I will probably live here for a while. Nice to meet you."

Green walked into the entrance hall surrounded by Mrs. Mary's roses and took off his hat to Yager.

Yager nodded and took off the hat on his head: "Nice to meet you. Goodbye."


Yager watched as Green waved to him and seemed to disappear behind the door of No. 25 Shuiwen Road with great interest.

The originally beautiful exterior wall seemed to have dimmed a bit after the arrival of this young man.

This should be his new neighbor.

Yager retracted his gaze and looked next door.

Although he was a little weirdly enthusiastic, he was generally a polite young man. This was Green's first impression of Yager.

Green's biggest problem is that he has the temperament of an outlaw, but that doesn't matter. Intuitively, Yager feels that he can hold the Green Hammer.

There is no danger to the new neighbors.

He didn't pay much attention to this incident. After a little judgment, he turned around and left, embarking on the road to Klein's house again.

This chapter has been completed!
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