Chapter 7 Minsk Office

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The Minsk Firm in the Jowood District plays an important role in the legal community of Loen Kingdom. Although its relationship with Duke Negan is not mentioned, its excellent salary and stable capital chain still attract many big lawyers.

As a litigator...ah, no, I have always had a good reputation in appeals.

Located on the outskirts of Backlund's most prosperous business district, there is always no shortage of richly dressed nobles coming and going in front of the Minsk Office.

For this group of customers, the firm spent huge sums of money on luxurious decoration. The reception hall was splendid and magnificent, using the marble floor popular during the reign of Emperor Russell. Even the wooden table at the front desk was hand-carved walnut, worth nearly a thousand pounds.


The day after bidding farewell to Klein, Yager was face to face with a middle-aged lawyer with half-gray hair, sitting on the second floor of a building full of aristocratic corruption.

"If Lister hadn't just broken his leg, we wouldn't have hired an assistant rashly." Edmund Winchester, a middle-aged lawyer, said to his new assistant while stirring the Nanrun green tea in front of him.

"The work of an assistant is very tedious, especially for inexperienced people. To be honest, although your resume is excellent, I'm still not sure whether you are qualified for this job."

"Don't worry, I will study hard." Yager held his notebook and nodded sincerely.

Oh, if you can't learn it, you can only let Liszt's leg be broken for another month. Anyway, the work-related injury subsidy is more than the salary.

He sneered inwardly.

During the conversation, Yager happened to lean forward a little and moved into the sunlight.

His deep black eyes were shining with colorful brilliance, and his soft facial lines made his temperament coincide with that of a pianist playing in a concert hall.

It is the most popular style among the noble ladies of Backlund nowadays.

Seeing this scene, Edmund's heartbreaking sermon was stuck, and after a while, he swallowed it back.

"Uh... As you say, I believe there is no problem." He took a sip of tea in a disguised manner, "Your etiquette is very good and excellent. I believe the ladies will be satisfied."

Yager looked up at him doubtfully: "Don't male nobles like my etiquette?"

"Well, some people may also like this." Edmund's eyes wandered for a few moments and he stuttered.

"Anyway, anyhow, cough cough." He became serious.

"First of all, go and get funding from Miss Mo Li in the Finance Department. Your suit must be at least one handmade and pure black from a custom shop in the city center. A miserable-dressed assistant will affect the customer's judgment of my level."

Yager silently wrote down the four words "free money for prostitution" in his notebook, and forgave his boss for changing the subject in a disguised manner: "Okay."

"Secondly... have you studied psychology? In the Southern Continent?" Edmund turned over a page of the resume in front of him.

"That's right, I'm pretty good at judging people's psychology." Yager replied calmly.

Once you have spiritual vision, you can easily observe emotions at your fingertips. Why can’t you count yourself as someone who has learned a lot?

"Very good, oh, very good..." The middle-aged lawyer began to have strange thoughts again, "I believe you will definitely play your role, yes."

Yager's hand shook subconsciously and felt a chill.


He raised his head and glanced at the old lawyer who was wandering in front of him. His slightly chubby figure obviously had no fighting ability.

His expression didn't look like he was dissatisfied with him.

What's wrong with that? A certain high-status man was lost in thought.

The sandalwood door with classical simple carvings was suddenly knocked, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

Miss Melinda at the front desk, whose makeup was detailed to her hairline, walked in. Her five-centimeter high heels made people worry that her slender ankles would break.

"Mr. Winchester, Viscount Clint is here."

Viscount Clint's five words immediately brought Edmund out of his own world.

He hurriedly smoothed his suit jacket, adjusted his glasses, turned around and lowered his voice and said to Yager: "This is my big client. You must be careful in your words and deeds. Just record the conversation next to you."

Then he turned and walked towards the door: "Please come in, please come in!"

Melinda pushed the door completely open, making way for the young nobleman to come in behind her, turned around and smiled slightly.

The smile is just right, not flattering but also very friendly, obviously it has been deliberately trained.

The Minsk office is well versed in attracting clients. In addition to the gorgeous decoration, the front desk must also be eye-catching.

Melinda not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has excellent academic qualifications. Although she often uses her appearance to attract customers, she never gets too close to any aristocrat and maintains a sense of aloof mystery. She is one of the best faces of the firm.

It is rumored that her salary is no less than any other barrister in the law firm.

However, today, her smile seemed to be thrown to people who didn't know how to appreciate it.

After Viscount Clint nodded casually to her, he went straight to Attorney Edmund, not even paying much attention to Melinda, who was usually very pleasing to him.

The front desk lady's smile did not diminish but grew. She looked at Edmund and turned around to close the door.

The client ignored her, which meant that she had to pay more than the consultation fee.

Edmund hid the joy of the upcoming harvest in his heart and greeted the nobleman in a friendly manner as he sat on the sofa opposite the desk.

Yager handed over a cup of tea at the right time.

From his distance, Viscount Clint was a slightly unkempt young man, about 27 or 28 years old, with messy hair and a thick patch of black under his eyes. He was obviously in trouble.

"What do you need during this visit?" Edmund crossed his hands and put them on his knees.

"That's it," Clint leaned forward eagerly, "In April this year, my good friend Lenze Galbi took charge of the company's overseas trade for me. A week ago, I received his return letter


"He brought many unique plants from the southern continent, and a sample of one of them can perfect our company's latest paper-making technology, reducing the cost to less than a penny."

"A penny?" Edmund raised his voice in surprise, and his originally confident sitting posture was completely disrupted. "Oh my god, this is really incredible news. I mean, did you successfully give birth?"

After being improved by Emperor Russell, the current paper has been removed from the shelves reserved for nobles, but it is still not cheap.

Yager silently calculated in his notebook.

The cost of ten sheets of the roughest paper was two pence. After Clint succeeded, he was able to cut the cost to half of the original price.

By simply reducing prices, Clint could monopolize Backlund and even the entire Loen paper company.

He looked up and looked at the dark circles under the noble's eyes.

But mass production may not have been successful, otherwise Clint would have been ecstatic by now.

Having said that, he is just a viscount, is it really possible for him to succeed?

"No." Sure enough, Clint replied frustratedly, "I didn't get those plants."

"Lenze put them in a separate warehouse and took the key with him. Only he knew where the plants were."

"However, he didn't come on the day we arranged to meet."

"I understand, so you want us to help you sue Mr. Lenzer Galbi?" The excitement in Edmund's heart showed that he was more eager than before.

"I am confident that I will win this case for you. Mr. Lunze has almost no chance of winning..."

"No, it's not," Clint said quickly and interrupted Edmund with a heavy breath, "I don't want to send Lenze to jail."

Even without using his spiritual vision, Yager could tell that his anxiety had reached the critical point.

Clint took out a box wrapped in a silk scarf from his briefcase and said, "Actually, he's here. Or..."

The Viscount opened the box tremblingly.

"Part of him is coming."

In the center of the purple velvet box cushion lay a pale and bloody finger.

This chapter has been completed!
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