Chapter 32: The sound of guzheng in Wang Shuo’s room

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 The woman was so sincere that she knocked her head to the ground! After just a few blows, her head was bruised and bleeding.

What a pitiful parent in the world. I don’t know why, but I was originally determined not to exorcise Wang Hongwei’s son. But after seeing this pitiful woman, my decision was shaken.

Maybe it touched a certain string deep in my heart! I have no memory before I was thirteen, but after I was thirteen, I didn’t have much contact with my mother, but my grandfather gave me all the love

!If one day I become like this, maybe my grandpa will do everything for me like this mother.

I finally couldn't help but walked forward and helped her up from the ground. "Mrs. Wang, don't be like this. Get up and talk!"

The woman raised her head and looked at me. She shook her head and said, "No! I said I would kneel here for two hours, and I will kneel for the full two hours. I am also Shuoer's mother, and his father was offended.

You, as a mother, can also atone for your sins." .??.

The woman's words made me feel a lot. No wonder Wang Hongwei's business is so big. It turns out that he married such a good woman. This woman is a wonderful woman in terms of appearance and personality.

The sign of fortune and fortune entering the home.

Sure enough, behind every successful man there is a unique woman.

"Okay, you get up first! No need to kneel, I'll clean up and come with you to take a look."

After hearing my words, the woman seemed to have heard wrongly. She asked with surprise on her face, "Really? Master, have you really promised to save my son?"

I nodded and said, "Let's go check on your son's condition first. I don't dare to say whether I can save him now. After all, all the masters you invited have failed to save him."

The woman wiped away her tears, nodded and said, "Okay, okay! Thank you so much, Master."

"Wait! Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Huang Yiyi said quickly, "If Li Yao can't cure your son, please ask your husband not to bully others!"

The woman nodded heavily and said, "Okay, don't worry, he won't dare! As long as the master agrees to go over and have a look, even if my son cannot be cured, we will never do anything disrespectful to the master again."

I didn't want Huang Yiyi to go with me, but she didn't trust me to go alone, so she went with me.

In the car, Wang Hongwei's wife told me the details of her son's condition! He Zhongtian said that his son was possessed by a ghost, but I didn't know the specific story.

About a month ago, his son started to have abnormalities.

His son Wang Shuo was studying in college away from home. He had a high fever a month and a half ago, so he went to the hospital for infusion.

As a result, less than two days after he came back, he had a fever again, so he went again! It was still the same, two days later, he had a fever again, and it kept happening several times, so he went to the hospital for examination, and the results of the examination were all good.

, it means catching a cold and having a fever.

When Wang Hongwei's wife found out, she asked Wang Shuo to take leave and go home. They took him to a large hospital for examination. They went to the hospital in the provincial capital for a full body examination and gave him treatment to reduce his fever.

Just like before, just two days after returning home, the fever continued!

However, this fever was accompanied by strange things happening. As soon as it got dark that day, Wang Shuo said that he could hear the sound of gongs and drums outside their house. It felt like someone was getting married.

At that time, in addition to Wang Hongwei and his mother, many people were also in the house.
Guilty! But no one can hear these sounds.

After the sound of gongs and drums subsided, Wang Shuo said that a woman's voice came out again. The woman called his name outside the door and asked him to go with her!

Wang Shuo was very scared, and he stayed scared until ten o'clock, when he slowly fell asleep.

However, around 1 o'clock in the evening, something even weirder happened in Wang Shuo's room. The sound of playing the guzheng came from inside. Wang Shuo has not liked the guzheng since he was a child, and even has a natural aversion to the guzheng.

Whether he saw a plot about guzheng on TV or heard a song with guzheng melody, he would be disgusted and disgusted. When the sound of guzheng was heard in the house, Wang Hongwei and his wife were very surprised and disturbed.

So they tried to open the door and go in to see who was playing the guzheng in Wang Shuo's room, but the door was locked tightly, and even the windows were locked! They could only hear the sound, and they couldn't even look.

Can't see what's going on inside.

The sound of the guzheng was very beautiful at first, but as it was played, the person inside seemed to be very angry, pulling hard on the strings, and the music sounded particularly penetrating.

The sound continued like this until five o'clock in the morning before it stopped!

Early the next morning, before they entered Wang Shuo's room, they heard Wang Shuo shouting. When they entered the room, they saw a guzheng placed in the center of Wang Shuo's room!

Both Wang Hongwei and his wife knew Wang Shuo's habit of being disgusted with the guzheng, and they immediately ordered someone to throw the guzheng away! Throw it far away.

They asked Wang Shuo what happened last night and who was playing the guzheng in his room. But Wang Shuo didn't know. Wang Shuo didn't know at all that someone was playing the guzheng in his room last night. It seemed that he was worried about everything that happened in the second half of the night.

They don't know.

Hearing this, they all felt very strange! So they installed a camera in Wang Shuo's house. But the camera was useless. At night, nothing could be seen in the house. Even if the lights were turned on, the camera could not record anything.


Wang Shuo was still the same as before. As soon as it got dark, he could hear the sound of gongs and drums. After the sound ended, a woman called his name around him. In the second half of the night, the guzheng was still playing in the house.

One day, they opened the door, and the abandoned guzheng came back by itself. No matter whether it was thrown away, destroyed, or burned, the guzheng would come back by itself the next day, intact in the center of Wang Shuo's room.

And Wang Shuo, as usual, had no idea about playing the guzheng in the house!

In order to verify who was playing the guzheng in the house, Wang Hongwei spent a lot of money to have two of his bodyguards guard Wang Shuo in the house. After one night, the two bodyguards died in the house. From then on, no one dared to go in at night.

After enduring such a long period of torture, neither the doctor nor Mr. Yin Yang could do anything about Wang Shuo. And Wang Shuo himself became thin and irritable because of the torture!

Now, even during the day, I often hear him crying and yelling in the house! He is about to collapse.

Speaking of this, Wang Hongwei's wife once again shed tears of love for her child. She said to me, "As a parent, how can I bear to see my child in such pain? I wish I could bear it for him."

"Master, in fact, Wang Hongwei is also an impatient child. He has met too many incompetent people before he will doubt you. I hope you don't take this matter to your heart."

I didn't answer, I just fell into deep thought about Wang Shuo! The woman was so sincere that she knocked her head to the ground! After just a few blows, her head was bruised and bloody.

What a pitiful parent in the world. I don’t know why, but I was originally determined not to exorcise Wang Hongwei’s son. But after seeing this pitiful woman, my decision was shaken.

Maybe it touched a certain string deep in my heart! I have no memory before I was thirteen, but after I was thirteen, I didn’t have much contact with my mother, but my grandfather gave me all the love

!If one day I become like this, maybe my grandpa will do everything for me like this mother.

I finally couldn't help but walked forward and helped her up from the ground. "Mrs. Wang, don't be like this. Get up and talk!"

The woman raised her head and looked at me. She shook her head and said, "No! I said I would kneel here for two hours, and I will kneel for the full two hours. I am also Shuoer's mother, and his father was offended.

You, as a mother, can also atone for your sins."

The woman's words made me feel a lot. No wonder Wang Hongwei's business is so big. It turns out that he married such a good woman. This woman is a wonderful woman in terms of appearance and personality.

The sign of fortune and fortune entering the home.

Sure enough, behind every successful man there is a unique woman.

"Okay, you get up first! No need to kneel, I'll clean up and come with you to take a look."

After hearing my words, the woman seemed to have heard wrongly. She asked with surprise on her face, "Really? Master, have you really promised to save my son?"

I nodded and said, "Let's go check on your son's condition first. I don't dare to say whether I can save him now. After all, all the masters you invited have failed to save him."

The woman wiped away her tears, nodded and said, "Okay, okay! Thank you so much, Master."

"Wait! Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Huang Yiyi said quickly, "If Li Yao can't cure your son, please ask your husband not to bully others!"

The woman nodded heavily and said, "Okay, don't worry, he won't dare! As long as the master agrees to go over and have a look, even if my son cannot be cured, we will never do anything disrespectful to the master again."

I didn't want Huang Yiyi to go with me, but she didn't trust me to go alone, so she went with me.

In the car, Wang Hongwei's wife told me the details of her son's condition! He Zhongtian said that his son was possessed by a ghost, but I didn't know the specific story.

About a month ago, his son started to have abnormalities.

His son Wang Shuo was studying in college away from home. He had a high fever a month and a half ago, so he went to the hospital for infusion.

As a result, less than two days after he came back, he had a fever again, so he went again! It was still the same, two days later, he had a fever again, and it kept happening several times, so he went to the hospital for examination, and the results of the examination were all good.

, it means catching a cold and having a fever.

When Wang Hongwei's wife found out, she asked Wang Shuo to take leave and go home. They took him to a large hospital for examination. They went to the hospital in the provincial capital for a full body examination and gave him treatment to reduce his fever.

Just like before, just two days after returning home, the fever continued!

However, this fever was accompanied by strange things happening. As soon as it got dark that day, Wang Shuo said that he could hear the sound of gongs and drums outside their house. It felt like someone was getting married.

At that time, in addition to Wang Hongwei and his mother, many people were also in the house.
Guilty! But no one can hear these sounds.

After the sound of gongs and drums subsided, Wang Shuo said that a woman's voice came out again. The woman called his name outside the door and asked him to go with her!

Wang Shuo was very scared, and he stayed scared until ten o'clock, when he slowly fell asleep.

However, around 1 o'clock in the evening, something even weirder happened in Wang Shuo's room. The sound of playing the guzheng came from inside. Wang Shuo has not liked the guzheng since he was a child, and even has a natural aversion to the guzheng.

Whether he saw a plot about guzheng on TV or heard a song with guzheng melody, he would be disgusted and disgusted. When the sound of guzheng was heard in the house, Wang Hongwei and his wife were very surprised and disturbed.

So they tried to open the door and go in to see who was playing the guzheng in Wang Shuo's room, but the door was locked tightly, and even the windows were locked! They could only hear the sound, and they couldn't even look.

Can't see what's going on inside.

The sound of the guzheng was very beautiful at first, but as it was played, the person inside seemed to be very angry, pulling hard on the strings, and the music sounded particularly penetrating.

The sound continued like this until five o'clock in the morning before it stopped!

Early the next morning, before they entered Wang Shuo's room, they heard Wang Shuo shouting. When they entered the room, they saw a guzheng placed in the center of Wang Shuo's room!

Both Wang Hongwei and his wife knew Wang Shuo's habit of being disgusted with the guzheng, and they immediately ordered someone to throw the guzheng away! Throw it far away.

They asked Wang Shuo what happened last night and who was playing the guzheng in his room. But Wang Shuo didn't know. Wang Shuo didn't know at all that someone was playing the guzheng in his room last night. It seemed that he was worried about everything that happened in the second half of the night.

They don't know.

Hearing this, they all felt very strange! So they installed a camera in Wang Shuo's house. But the camera was useless. At night, nothing could be seen in the house. Even if the lights were turned on, the camera could not record anything.


Wang Shuo was still the same as before. As soon as it got dark, he could hear the sound of gongs and drums. After the sound ended, a woman called his name around him. In the second half of the night, the guzheng was still playing in the house.

One day, they opened the door, and the abandoned guzheng came back by itself. No matter whether it was thrown away, destroyed, or burned, the guzheng would come back by itself the next day, intact in the center of Wang Shuo's room.

And Wang Shuo, as usual, had no idea about playing the guzheng in the house!

In order to verify who was playing the guzheng in the house, Wang Hongwei spent a lot of money to have two of his bodyguards guard Wang Shuo in the house. After one night, the two bodyguards died in the house. From then on, no one dared to go in at night.

After enduring such a long period of torture, neither the doctor nor Mr. Yin Yang could do anything about Wang Shuo. And Wang Shuo himself became thin and irritable because of the torture!

Now, even during the day, I often hear him crying and yelling in the house! He is about to collapse.

Speaking of this, Wang Hongwei's wife once again shed tears of love for her child. She said to me, "As a parent, how can I bear to see my child in such pain? I wish I could bear it for him."

"Master, in fact, Wang Hongwei is also an impatient child. He has met too many incompetent people before he will doubt you. I hope you don't take this matter to your heart."

I didn't answer, I just fell into deep thought about Wang Shuo!

This chapter has been completed!
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