Chapter 46: Snake blocks the car and rain blocks the road

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 "Thank you." I thanked her seriously. After all, she had been worried about me all night.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you for truly caring about me. Apart from my grandfather, I have never felt such care since I was a child. When I came out just now, I saw your tears, which moved me very much."

Huang Yiyi opened her mouth and showed a shallow smile, "It's good to know that I care about you, but what about your parents? Don't your parents care about you?"

I know my parents love me too, but the impression they gave me is too vague. Apart from going home to have dinner together during the Chinese New Year, I have almost no emotion towards them!

Grandpa said that they took me with them until I was thirteen years old, but the person I was at that time was not the person I am now.

"My parents are rarely around me!"

"Okay! Then no matter what you do in the future, you must be careful, because if something happens to you, I will be very worried."

After speaking, she showed a sweet smile and her face turned slightly red.

"Okay, don't worry, I will be careful."

After the car drove for a while, Huang Yiyi's cell phone suddenly rang. She glanced at it and hung up the phone.

I asked "Who?"

"Zhang Zifeng!"

As soon as I mentioned this name, I remembered what happened yesterday, so I said with some guilt, "Yesterday, you were supposed to go out to play together, but I delayed you."

"No!" Huang Yiyi said, "I originally wanted to go play with you. If you don't go, I have no intention of going with him."

"Li Yao! Zhang Zifeng and I really have nothing to do with each other. We are just good friends who grew up together."

I don't know if Huang Yiyi is explaining it or what, but in short, her feeling towards me seems to be different from before. It used to be respect, but now it has something else.

When I got home, I immediately lay down and went to sleep. I slept until the afternoon when I woke up. After I woke up, I tried to find Xuanmen people, but I had no clue. I don’t know how to surf the Internet and have no connections.

If you are a broad-minded person and want to find Xuanmen, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Early the next morning, Qin Luye came to the door of my apartment and waited for me. She was carrying a large bag of food in her hand and a large backpack on her back. It looked like it was filled with food.

I only saw her alone and did not see Duan Qingshan, so I asked, "Where is Duan Qingshan?"

Qin Luye blinked, rolled his eyes and said, "Duan Qingshan... uh..."

"He's not coming!" Suddenly, a jeep came to a stop in front of us. Huang Yiyi sat in the cab, stuck her head out and said with a smile, "Duan Qingshan has a stomachache. He had diarrhea all night last night."

Because he couldn't come, he asked me to drive for him."

"Yes!" Qin Luye and Huang Yiyi looked at each other, nodded and said, "Qingshan, he has a stomachache! He can't come."

Huang Yiyi quickly added, "Don't worry about the class issue, I'm already a senior! There are very few classes, and I've already asked for leave from the teacher! Besides, I didn't go out to play the day before yesterday, so this trip is just for fun.


I glanced at the two of them helplessly, and without even thinking about it, I knew that this was Miss Huang Yiyi's idea. It was useless for me to say anything more now, because she was determined to go together.

"Okay!" I agreed feebly, "But I have one thing to explain. That place is very dangerous! You must listen to me when you go there.
If you don’t listen to me, something could easily happen.”

Seeing my serious look, Huang Yiyi sat up straight, raised her hand and saluted, and said solemnly, "Yes!"

In this way, the three of us headed to Hujiawan.

This place is indeed very remote. We drove for three hours to get to the county town. This county town is very small. It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost the same as our town. We had a meal in the county town and when we were about to leave, the world began to rise.

It rained.

This is a rain that comes very suddenly. The sky was clear a second ago, and the sun was shining brightly. Then suddenly it started to rain. It is not June. It is a time when things change quickly. This kind of rain usually happens.

There is a reason.

"Oops!" Suddenly, Huang Yiyi shouted, and she shrank behind me.

"Snake, there is a snake!" Huang Yiyi pointed to the car's fuselage with a horrified look. She saw a snake hovering on the fuselage. The snake raised its head. It was not afraid when it saw us and was still vomiting at us.

Snake Xinzi.

I looked at the snake and thought something was wrong. First it rained, and then a snake came. Without thinking too much, I immediately took out the three copper coins I carried with me to predict the divination and the six-line divination.

Six-line divination is the fastest and most accurate method for calculating good and bad luck.

I rarely use divination to decide whether to stay or go, because divination will seriously slow down my future path. Fortune telling is very accurate, but the more accurate something is, the more it requires its own energy to feed back.

If it hadn't been for these two abnormal noises this time, I wouldn't have taken out the copper coins for divination!

Soon, my hexagram came out!

Lao Yin, changing Yao, the hexagram of official and ghost, heaven, earth and ghosts will all conquer me! That means I can't walk today. If I continue to walk, heaven won't help me, earth won't help me, and even the ghosts will conquer me.

When the ancients did things, they paid attention to the time, place, and people. They could only do it when heaven helped them, earth helped them, and people were favorable. If this was not the case, they would not be able to do what they wanted to do.

Seeing this, I put away the copper coins!

Huang Yiyi looked confused and asked, "What's wrong? Li Yao, what's going on?"

"It's a very bad sign. We can't go any further! Let's find a hotel here to stay today."

Hearing my words, Huang Yiyi groaned, and then asked, "Aren't you going to leave when the rain stops?"

"I'm not leaving, and I'm not leaving today!"

After saying that, I said to the snake coiled on the insurance cover, "Thank you for coming to report. I have received it."

The snake seemed to understand what I was saying, spitting a message at me, and then slowly climbed down from the fuselage of the car.

Huang Yiyi and Qin Luye were dumbfounded when they saw this strange sight. When I turned back to look at them, they both stared at me with those magical eyes.

"Mr. Li, can you understand animals?" Qin Luye suddenly asked me with a surprised look on his face.

I shook my head and said, "No."

"Then why did this snake leave after hearing you speak? Could it be that this snake has become a spirit and can understand human speech?" Qin Luye continued to ask such childish questions.

I admit that there are animals in this world that can become sperms, but such a small snake cannot become sperms.

"Don't you know that snakes are psychic animals?" I asked Qin Luye. She has been with He Zhongtian for so long, so she doesn't know this most basic folk taboo. "Thank you." I said seriously.

I thanked her. After all, she had been worried about me all night.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you for truly caring about me. Apart from my grandfather, I have never felt such care since I was a child. When I came out just now, I saw your tears, which moved me very much."

Huang Yiyi opened her mouth and showed a shallow smile, "It's good to know that I care about you, but what about your parents? Don't your parents care about you?"

I know my parents love me too, but the impression they gave me is too vague. Apart from going home to have dinner together during the Chinese New Year, I have almost no emotion towards them!

Grandpa said that they took me with them until I was thirteen years old, but the person I was at that time was not the person I am now.

"My parents are rarely around me!"

"Okay! Then no matter what you do in the future, you must be careful, because if something happens to you, I will be very worried." .??.

After speaking, she showed a sweet smile and her face turned slightly red.

"Okay, don't worry, I will be careful."

After the car drove for a while, Huang Yiyi's cell phone suddenly rang. She glanced at it and hung up the phone.

I asked "Who?"

"Zhang Zifeng!"

As soon as I mentioned this name, I remembered what happened yesterday, so I said with some guilt, "Yesterday, you were supposed to go out to play together, but I delayed you."

"No!" Huang Yiyi said, "I originally wanted to go play with you. If you don't go, I have no intention of going with him."

"Li Yao! Zhang Zifeng and I really have nothing to do with each other. We are just good friends who grew up together."

I don't know if Huang Yiyi is explaining it or what, but in short, her feeling towards me seems to be different from before. It used to be respect, but now it has something else.

When I got home, I immediately lay down and went to sleep. I slept until the afternoon when I woke up. After I woke up, I tried to find Xuanmen people, but I had no clue. I don’t know how to surf the Internet and have no connections.

If you are a broad-minded person and want to find Xuanmen, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Early the next morning, Qin Luye came to the door of my apartment and waited for me. She was carrying a large bag of food in her hand and a large backpack on her back. It looked like it was filled with food.

I only saw her alone and did not see Duan Qingshan, so I asked, "Where is Duan Qingshan?"

Qin Luye blinked, rolled his eyes and said, "Duan Qingshan... uh..."

"He's not coming!" Suddenly, a jeep came to a stop in front of us. Huang Yiyi sat in the cab, stuck her head out and said with a smile, "Duan Qingshan has a stomachache. He had diarrhea all night last night."

Because he couldn't come, he asked me to drive for him."

"Yes!" Qin Luye and Huang Yiyi looked at each other, nodded and said, "Qingshan, he has a stomachache! He can't come."

Huang Yiyi quickly added, "Don't worry about the class issue, I'm already a senior! There are very few classes, and I've already asked for leave from the teacher! Besides, I didn't go out to play the day before yesterday, so this trip is just for fun.


I glanced at the two of them helplessly, and without even thinking about it, I knew that this was Miss Huang Yiyi's idea. It was useless for me to say anything more now, because she was determined to go together.

"Okay!" I agreed feebly, "But I have one thing to explain. That place is very dangerous! You must listen to me when you go there.
If you don’t listen to me, something could easily happen.”

Seeing my serious look, Huang Yiyi sat up straight, raised her hand and saluted, and said solemnly, "Yes!"

In this way, the three of us headed to Hujiawan.

This place is indeed very remote. We drove for three hours to get to the county town. This county town is very small. It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost the same as our town. We had a meal in the county town and when we were about to leave, the world began to rise.

It rained.

This is a rain that comes very suddenly. The sky was clear a second ago, and the sun was shining brightly. Then suddenly it started to rain. It is not June. It is a time when things change quickly. This kind of rain usually happens.

There is a reason.

"Oops!" Suddenly, Huang Yiyi shouted, and she shrank behind me.

"Snake, there is a snake!" Huang Yiyi pointed to the car's fuselage with a horrified look. She saw a snake hovering on the fuselage. The snake raised its head. It was not afraid when it saw us and was still vomiting at us.

Snake Xinzi.

I looked at the snake and thought something was wrong. First it rained, and then a snake came. Without thinking too much, I immediately took out the three copper coins I carried with me to predict the divination and the six-line divination.

Six-line divination is the fastest and most accurate method for calculating good and bad luck.

I rarely use divination to decide whether to stay or go, because divination will seriously slow down my future path. Fortune telling is very accurate, but the more accurate something is, the more it requires its own energy to feed back.

If it hadn't been for these two abnormal noises this time, I wouldn't have taken out the copper coins for divination!

Soon, my hexagram came out!

Lao Yin, changing Yao, the hexagram of official and ghost, heaven, earth and ghosts will all conquer me! That means I can't walk today. If I continue to walk, heaven won't help me, earth won't help me, and even the ghosts will conquer me.

When the ancients did things, they paid attention to the time, place, and people. They could only do it when heaven helped them, earth helped them, and people were favorable. If this was not the case, they would not be able to do what they wanted to do.

Seeing this, I put away the copper coins!

Huang Yiyi looked confused and asked, "What's wrong? Li Yao, what's going on?"

"It's a very bad sign. We can't go any further! Let's find a hotel here to stay today."

Hearing my words, Huang Yiyi groaned, and then asked, "Aren't you going to leave when the rain stops?"

"I'm not leaving, and I'm not leaving today!"

After saying that, I said to the snake coiled on the insurance cover, "Thank you for coming to report. I have received it."

The snake seemed to understand what I was saying, spitting a message at me, and then slowly climbed down from the fuselage of the car.

Huang Yiyi and Qin Luye were dumbfounded when they saw this strange sight. When I turned back to look at them, they both stared at me with those magical eyes.

"Mr. Li, can you understand animals?" Qin Luye suddenly asked me with a surprised look on his face.

I shook my head and said, "No."

"Then why did this snake leave after hearing you speak? Could it be that this snake has become a spirit and can understand human speech?" Qin Luye continued to ask such childish questions.

I admit that there are animals in this world that can become sperms, but such a small snake cannot become sperms.

"Don't you know that snakes are psychic animals?" I asked Qin Luye, she has been with He Zhongtian for so long, so she doesn't know this most basic folk taboo.

This chapter has been completed!
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