Chapter 70: Vision in the room

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 I pressed the call button, and Ye Tingting's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Li Yao, where are you?"

"I'm working outside, what's wrong?"

"Um..., I have always wanted to apologize to you for what happened last time, but as soon as school started, we closed military training, and mobile phones are not allowed in. Do you have time this afternoon? I would like to treat you to a meal."

Ye Tingting has a special feeling for me. She is my only old friend, old classmate, and fellow villager in Xingzhou City. When I see her, I can think of my hometown, my grandfather, and that person.

Where I live.

Her voice was very small, as if she was still feeling guilty about the last meal.

"It's okay, I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me! It's been so long, why do you still remember it?"

Ye Tingting smiled helplessly, "Do you have time later? Let's have dinner together later!"

I turned around and looked at Huang Yiyi. She was playing with her mobile phone and didn't seem to be listening to my call at all.

I hesitated for a moment and replied, "Well, I may not have time. I have something to do tonight."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the phone. After a few seconds, Ye Tingting said in a disappointed voice, "Okay!"

But just after saying these two words, she suddenly regained her energy and asked, "What about tomorrow? Is tomorrow okay?"

I am indeed busy dealing with Fatty Wu's matter now. I hesitated for a while and said, "I'm not sure about this yet, so let's do this. When I have time, I'll call you again and I'll treat you, okay?"

Ye Tingting hesitated again, and then said a little lonely, "Okay! Then I'll wait for your call..."

The call between us ended here. After hanging up the phone, I suddenly remembered the past again and thought of my grandfather who left home! That hometown means so much to me.

"Li Yao." I groaned and looked towards Huang Yiyi, only to see that she had put down her phone and was staring at her with her big eyes.
I read.

"What's wrong with you? After hanging up the phone, you started to feel dazed. Is that girl special to you?"

She never asked me about Ye Tingting. I replied sincerely, "It's quite special. She is the only old classmate I met in Xingzhou City. My hometown is far away from here. It takes at least two days by car."

God. So, when I saw her, I thought of my hometown, my grandpa, and my former classmates and friends..."

I didn't hide anything, and told everything about Ye Tingting's influence on me.

Huang Yiyi was stunned for a few seconds, frowned slightly, and then grinned and said, "You are really a different man! Sometimes you are really special and really different from other men. If it were different

If it’s other people, they will definitely say it’s nothing special and tell me not to think too much.”

I sighed and smiled bitterly, "It's not necessary, it's not sneaky, and it's not shameful. She has a special feeling for me, and that feeling is different from the feeling you give me."

"Oh? Then what kind of feeling did I give you?" Huang Yiyi looked at me expectantly.

"You made my heart flutter like never before, and you also let me know what it tastes like in a person's mouth."

As soon as I finished speaking, Huang Yiyi's little face suddenly turned red.

"It seems that men still can't praise me!" Huang Yiyi pouted and snorted, "Sleep! I'm too lazy to listen to your sweet words."

After speaking, she lay down and covered her head with the quilt.

I also sighed and closed my eyes helplessly! The sleepiness came quickly, and after a while, I fell asleep...

I don’t know how long I slept, but suddenly, I felt very cold


"Li Yao!" Just when I felt that my body was very cold, Huang Yiyi's voice came to my ears. I groaned and saw Huang Yiyi staring at me with her big eyes open. Her eyes were not staring at me.

He looked at me, but seemed to be listening to something.

"What's wrong?" I asked Huang Yiyi.

Huang Yiyi flipped her long hair and asked, "Didn't you hear that?"

"What did you hear?" I asked a little confused.

"I heard someone talking!"


Huang Yiyi nodded seriously, "Yes, I just fell asleep and suddenly felt very hot on my body, and then I kicked off the quilt. After I kicked off the quilt, I heard someone talking."

"Wait!" I pondered for two seconds and asked, "You said, you feel very hot?"

Huang Yiyi nodded, "Yes, it's very hot. I'm sweating all over."

I glanced subconsciously and saw that Huang Yiyi's forehead was covered with sweat, her clothes were wet, and traces of sweat could be seen on the white area on her chest.

"But that's not the point. The point is that I heard someone talking."

Huang Yiyi felt hot and I felt cold. We slept in the same room with different beds. How could there be such a contrast? I looked up and looked at the layout of the room. There was nothing strange here. How could it be like this?

"Li Yao, didn't you hear?"

I shook my head, "No, what did they say?"

"I don't know, but I heard the conversation between a man and a woman. The language was very vague. I wanted to hear it clearly, but I couldn't. At first I thought it was a dream, but when I woke up,

The sound was still in my ears, so I listened attentively, thinking that you would wake up after hearing it too."

"Knock knock knock..."

Just then, there was a knock on the door,
Fatty Wu's voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Li, cousin! Are you awake?"

"Wake up!" I replied to Fatty Wu outside the door, and then said to Huang Yiyi, "We will talk about this later."

"Then I'm coming in."

After speaking, Fatty Wu opened the door, his face full of nervousness.

"She's here. She just called me and said she's coming from the company now."

"what time is it?"

"It's eight o'clock now."

Eight o'clock! I went and slept until eight o'clock. I felt like I had just laid down.

I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was indeed eight o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, where do you usually meet?"

"My office!" Fatty Wu said nervously.

"Okay, take me there and prepare two lunch boxes."

"Lunch box?" Fatty Wu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Do you want half-cooked rice with uncooked rice?"

"Why do you want uncooked rice?"

"Isn't that lunch box for ghosts? I've seen TV shows that ghosts eat raw rice!"


"That's what Yiyi and I ate. We haven't eaten until now. Brother, can you stop thinking about these irrelevant things all day long?"

"Okay, okay! Look, I'm confused." Fatty Wu slapped his head, quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

After the instructions were given, I was about to walk out with him. Huang Yiyi said to us, "You go ahead! I'll come to you later. I'll take a shower first. My clothes are all soaked."

Fatty Wu was stunned for a moment, looked Huang Yiyi up and down and asked, "What? Didn't you take off your clothes when you went to bed just now?"

Huang Yiyi rolled her eyes at Fatty Wu and shouted sternly, "Get out, get out!"

This chapter has been completed!
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