Chapter 782: Huangquan Road Naihe Bridge

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Yes, the pair of Chen Bao recorded in the allusion turned into a pair of flying birds, and now the little girl has turned into a flying bird! This means that she is Chen Bao, the female Chen Bao.

The two Zhu Dinggang we met yesterday had already met Chen Bao, and they chased Chen Bao to that place. They said at the time that they met the female Chen Bao. Now it seems that the one we met

The little girl is the one they are chasing.

I don't know why the little girl helped us. Maybe it was because we had a dispute with Zhu Dinggang and the others yesterday! The little girl felt that we had beaten the bad guys, so she was grateful to us and brought us here.

No matter what the reason is, I am very grateful to this little girl for letting us find Wumingmen.

After watching Chen Bao leave, I once again set my sights on the magnificent stone gate!

The stone gate was ten meters high. The stone held above the stone gate looked like a wild beast. The words "Wu Ming Gate" looked more like they were poured on it with blood. It gave people an uncomfortable feeling just looking at it.

I looked around. It was pitch black all around, and the air was filled with strong Yin energy. Standing here, it was like walking into the gate of hell. This place is exactly what I thought, it is a place that can lead to...

The place of hell.

It's just that we didn't encounter such a place when we were outside!

Chen Bao must have led us into the realm of Wu Ming Gate!

"Mr. Li, we found it!" Fatty Wu's voice was not very excited, but rather timid. ??

"This place is really eerie. Although I have never been to the underworld, I feel that the underworld is probably like this."

I looked around and hummed, "The people living here are a group of lifeless people. They don't dare to be exposed to the sun too much! This kind of place is the most suitable place for them to live."

Just as I was speaking, Jin Yao said, "Master, there is thunder!"

After Jin Yao finished speaking, she heard a sound of thunder that echoed through the entire Wuming Gate.

When I was just chasing Chen Bao, I almost forgot that the sky turned red and they had already started using Nine Thunder to borrow energy.

I quickly took out three pieces of yellow paper, held them in my hand and recited the sun-shielding mantra: "Heaven and earth are born together, yin and yang are coexisting, yang produces yin people, and yin produces yang people! This yellow talisman borrows yin energy to cover the yang."

The energy passing through the vagina is as urgent as the law! Forgive me!"

After I finished reciting, I saw a flash of light on the yellow paper talisman. Then I handed one to Fatty Wu and the other to Jin Yao. "Bringing this with you can reduce our risk of being discovered! Go in."

We will make plans after looking at the situation, don’t rush to take action, just wait for my instructions.”

Jinyao looked at the yellow paper charm and asked me, "Master, is it necessary to give me this?"

"Yes! You have been living in the world of the world for a long time now, and have been in contact with many people. You have a lot of Yang Qi in your body! This Yang Qi can expose us at any time, so we carry this talisman to cover the Yang Qi in us."

After getting everything ready, we walked into the Wuming Gate.

Walking along the gate of Wu Mingmen, there is no one guarding everywhere, but there are many lonely ghosts wandering here. These lonely ghosts are all babbling, and each one seems to be here.

They are all crazy and do their own thing.

Some have twisted off their heads and held them in their arms, while others are hitting their own feet with stones!

Others are raising their hands to eat the meat on their arms, chewing one piece after another!

Seeing that strange scene, Fatty Wu shrank directly
He walked behind me and said with a look of fear, "This, this, this, this, what is going on? Mr. Li, why are they so weird!"

I said calmly, "They are all lonely ghosts. They must have been wandering here for a long time! They are just like the ghosts on the underworld's Huangquan Road, waiting for the call of Wumingmen Yin Wuji."

"Huangquan Road? Isn't that the underworld?"

I hummed and said, "It's the underworld. There is also such a scene on the Huangquan Road in the underworld. Those who committed suicide and died abnormally can neither go to heaven nor be reincarnated. After transcending, they need to spend their life span before they can be summoned by the King of Hell."

.So Huangquan Road is their parking place. Here they will not be beaten by the Yin soldiers, nor will they work. They will only do things that torture themselves. Did you see the person who hit his feet with stones? That one

He must have broken his leg before he was alive and couldn't figure out how to commit suicide. The person who twisted off his own head must have hanged himself before his death, and the person who chewed his own flesh must have suffered from depression and committed suicide."

"Is this the underworld?" Fatty Wu asked me with a surprised look on his face.

I shook my head and said, "It's not the underworld, but pretending to be real makes these wandering ghosts think this is the underworld! The lifeless people we met before also evolved from them."

The road was very wide, and I couldn't see anything in front of me, but there was a red light on both sides of the road! So it looked a lot like the Huangquan Road described in the book.

After walking through Huangquan Road, we came to the top of a cliff. Looking down from the top of the cliff was a cliff of ten thousand feet! There was no one here, but I knew where this place was. This was Wangxiang Terrace.

None of us are dead, there's no way we can see anything from here!

Continuing forward, we should reach Naihe Bridge. This place is really built on the scale of the underworld. Anyone who stumbles into this place by mistake will definitely think that he is dead.

After crossing the Naihe Bridge, we should go to Hades! The so-called Hades must be the lobby of Wu Mingmen.

Sure enough, after passing through these two places, we walked into a hall!

The moment he walked into the hall, Fatty Wu let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Li, are we taking a trip to the underworld?"

I hummed and said, "That's pretty much it!"

As I spoke, I began to walk around the empty hall. There was no one in the hall, but it was very lively above the hall, as if some ceremony was being held there.

I raised my head and looked up, and then said to the two of them, "This time, if we can't get out, this will be our tomb! And the Huangquan Road, Wangxiang Terrace, and Naihe Bridge we just walked through will be real

Journey to Hades.”

"So, there is no way out from the moment we walk in here. Do you understand?"

When the two of them saw that I had become serious, they also became serious. Fatty Wu said with a serious expression, "Mr. Li, from the moment I followed you, I never thought about what kind of ending I would have.

!You know, in my previous life, apart from drinking and bragging, the rest of my life was waiting for death! But since I met you, I realized that life can be so exciting."

"The most important thing about a person is not how long he can live, but how he lives! Some people can live a hundred years, but they have lived an ordinary life for these hundred years. They only know that they go to work at dawn, and when they arrive,

The diners ordered and cooked and ate. This was repeated every day. So what’s the point of a hundred years like this? On the other hand, some people can only live for fifty years, but in those fifty years they traveled all over the earth, mountains and rivers, doing

If you want to do what you like to do, even if you die, it's worth it, isn't it?" Yes, the pair of Chen Bao recorded in the allusion turned into a pair of flying birds, and now the little girl has turned into a flying bird!

This means that she is Chen Bao, the female Chen Bao.

The two Zhu Dinggang we met yesterday had already met Chen Bao, and they chased Chen Bao to that place. They said at the time that they met the female Chen Bao. Now it seems that the one we met

The little girl is the one they are chasing.

I don't know why the little girl helped us. Maybe it was because we had a dispute with Zhu Dinggang and the others yesterday! The little girl felt that we had beaten the bad guys, so she was grateful to us and brought us here.

No matter what the reason is, I am very grateful to this little girl for letting us find Wumingmen.

After watching Chen Bao leave, I once again set my sights on the magnificent stone gate!

The stone gate was ten meters high. The stone held above the stone gate looked like a wild beast. The words "Wu Ming Gate" looked more like they were poured on it with blood. It gave people an uncomfortable feeling just looking at it.

I looked around. It was pitch black all around, and the air was filled with strong Yin energy. Standing here, it was like walking into the gate of hell. This place is exactly what I thought, it is a place that can lead to...

The place of hell.

It's just that we didn't encounter such a place when we were outside!

Chen Bao must have led us into the barrier of Wu Mingmen! .??.

"Mr. Li, we found it!" Fatty Wu's voice was not very excited, but rather timid.

"This place is really eerie. Although I have never been to the underworld, I feel that the underworld is probably like this."

I looked around and hummed, "The people living here are a group of lifeless people. They don't dare to be exposed to the sun too much! This kind of place is the most suitable place for them to live."

Just as I was speaking, Jin Yao said, "Master, there is thunder!"

After Jin Yao finished speaking, she heard a sound of thunder that echoed through the entire Wuming Gate.

When I was just chasing Chen Bao, I almost forgot that the sky turned red and they had already started using Nine Thunder to borrow energy.

I quickly took out three pieces of yellow paper, held them in my hand and recited the sun-shielding mantra: "Heaven and earth are born together, yin and yang are coexisting, yang produces yin people, and yin produces yang people! This yellow talisman borrows yin energy to cover the yang."

The energy passing through the vagina is as urgent as the law! Forgive me!"

After I finished reciting, I saw a flash of light on the yellow paper talisman. Then I handed one to Fatty Wu and the other to Jin Yao. "Bringing this with you can reduce our risk of being discovered! Go in."

We will make plans after looking at the situation, don’t rush to take action, just wait for my instructions.”

Jinyao looked at the yellow paper charm and asked me, "Master, is it necessary to give me this?"

"Yes! You have been living in the world of the world for a long time now, and have been in contact with many people. You have a lot of Yang Qi in your body! This Yang Qi can expose us at any time, so we carry this talisman to cover the Yang Qi in us."

After getting everything ready, we walked into the Wuming Gate.

Walking along the gate of Wu Mingmen, there is no one guarding everywhere, but there are many lonely ghosts wandering here. These lonely ghosts are all babbling, and each one seems to be here.

They are all crazy and do their own thing.

Some have twisted off their heads and held them in their arms, while others are hitting their own feet with stones!

Others are raising their hands to eat the meat on their arms, chewing one piece after another!

Seeing that strange scene, Fatty Wu shrank directly
He walked behind me and said with a look of fear, "This, this, this, this, what is going on? Mr. Li, why are they so weird!"

I said calmly, "They are all lonely ghosts. They must have been wandering here for a long time! They are just like the ghosts on the underworld's Huangquan Road, waiting for the call of Wumingmen Yin Wuji."

"Huangquan Road? Isn't that the underworld?"

I hummed and said, "It's the underworld. There is also such a scene on the Huangquan Road in the underworld. Those who committed suicide and died abnormally can neither go to heaven nor be reincarnated. After transcending, they need to spend their life span before they can be summoned by the King of Hell."

.So Huangquan Road is their parking place. Here they will not be beaten by the Yin soldiers, nor will they work. They will only do things that torture themselves. Did you see the person who hit his feet with stones? That one

He must have broken his leg before he was alive and couldn't figure out how to commit suicide. The person who twisted off his own head must have hanged himself before his death, and the person who chewed his own flesh must have suffered from depression and committed suicide."

"Is this the underworld?" Fatty Wu asked me with a surprised look on his face.

I shook my head and said, "It's not the underworld, but pretending to be real makes these wandering ghosts think this is the underworld! The lifeless people we met before also evolved from them."

The road was very wide, and I couldn't see anything in front of me, but there was a red light on both sides of the road! So it looked a lot like the Huangquan Road described in the book.

After walking through Huangquan Road, we came to the top of a cliff. Looking down from the top of the cliff was a cliff of ten thousand feet! There was no one here, but I knew where this place was. This was Wangxiang Terrace.

None of us are dead, there's no way we can see anything from here!

Continuing forward, we should reach Naihe Bridge. This place is really built on the scale of the underworld. Anyone who stumbles into this place by mistake will definitely think that he is dead.

After crossing the Naihe Bridge, we should go to Hades! The so-called Hades must be the lobby of Wu Mingmen.

Sure enough, after passing through these two places, we walked into a hall!

The moment he walked into the hall, Fatty Wu let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Li, are we taking a trip to the underworld?"

I hummed and said, "That's pretty much it!"

As I spoke, I began to walk around the empty hall. There was no one in the hall, but it was very lively above the hall, as if some ceremony was being held there.

I raised my head and looked up, and then said to the two of them, "This time, if we can't get out, this will be our tomb! And the Huangquan Road, Wangxiang Terrace, and Naihe Bridge we just walked through will be real

Journey to Hades.”

"So, there is no way out from the moment we walk in here. Do you understand?"

When the two of them saw that I had become serious, they also became serious. Fatty Wu said with a serious expression, "Mr. Li, from the moment I followed you, I never thought about what kind of ending I would have.

!You know, in my previous life, apart from drinking and bragging, the rest of my life was waiting for death! But since I met you, I realized that life can be so exciting."

"The most important thing about a person is not how long he can live, but how he lives! Some people can live a hundred years, but they have lived an ordinary life for these hundred years. They only know that they go to work at dawn, and when they arrive,

The diners ordered and cooked and ate. This was repeated every day. So what’s the point of a hundred years like this? On the other hand, some people can only live for fifty years, but in those fifty years they traveled all over the earth, mountains and rivers, doing

If you do what you like to do, even if you die, it's worth it, isn't it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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