Chapter 887: Yin evil clashes with Yang, lifeline is cut

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 I explained the general situation, the purpose is to pinpoint the scope and why the problem occurred in the village.

What happened above is mainly due to the fear that some kind of patron saint in the village will be poached. For example, in a certain place, the weather has always been smooth and the whole family is happy, but suddenly one day, some "thieves" came, these

The thief blatantly took something from you in this village, saying he was using it for research.

Since then, weird things have been happening in the village, including male thieves and female prostitutes, five out of ten children with mental retardation, and another thing like this that happened in our village, where people kept dying. Of course, those people will not be responsible for these things, because

They don't think that the place became like that because they took that thing away.

As for me asking people, the purpose is to know from everyone's mouth whether someone came to our place to set up a Feng Shui array, or some ghosts from the underworld with ulterior motives came here.

I very much doubt that this thing was done by a ghost from the underworld, because the ghost from the underworld who escaped from hell did this kind of thing to massacre the village.

After hearing my inquiry, everyone looked at me and thought about it. After thinking for a while, they answered me, "No engineering team has come to the village, and nothing has been built. I want to say that there are deaths and strange things happening in the village."

, except for today’s incident, it seems that there really is no such thing. If there is any dispute with the outside world, this is definitely the case.”

"For example, there are some conflicts, arguments, and even fights with people from neighboring villages."

I shook my head and said, "This doesn't count. Some disputes are normal. What I mean is the kind of very fierce disputes, such as those related to the interests of the entire village."

"Then this one doesn't exist!" .??.

"Then we rule out this possibility. Has anyone been to the village recently?"

A few people looked at each other for a while, and then the patriarch said, "There are quite a few of them. Those who sell curtains, tofu, sofas, and other scrap collectors in the village often come to the village. Is there any other relative who comes to the village?"

Something like that, a common thing.”

This is quite normal, the range seems a bit large!

I continued to narrow the scope and asked, "So, have there been any special people here? People like my grandfather, for example, and people who look different from normal people."

"I know someone from our local area who comes to do Feng Shui for the deceased. Does that count?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it!"

The patriarch thought for a while and said, "Zhang Yiming from Sanqiao Village has come to show the land to the third aunt's house next to your house, and Aunt Hu from Gaoshan Village has come to help Li Sanming, and..."

The patriarch named several people, but these people all came to do things and left after doing things. Our village is so big, with dozens of families, if something happens to any family, it will almost always be reported quickly.

It's open.

It seemed to have nothing to do with these people. Just when I thought I couldn't ask anything! Suddenly, an old man shouted, "Oh, I suddenly remembered someone. I don't know if that person counts."

"Just before the Chinese New Year last year, a beggar came to our village. The beggar stayed near our village for three or four days, and then disappeared. I don't know if everyone still has that impression."

As the old man said this, everyone also followed suit and said, "Yes, yes, there is such a person who hangs around in front of Li Jinfu's house all day long!"

Li Jinfu runs a canteen in our village. He works there
Yuu, it’s to find something to eat!

"It scared a lot of children at that time. We chased them away several times but they couldn't drive them away. After staying there for three or four days, the beggar disappeared and I don't know where he went."

Hearing this, I nodded thoughtfully and said, "Do you remember what those days are? It's a little more accurate."

If it was the beggar who did it, his appearance in this place would not be random. There must be a certain order to his life.

Several people looked at each other, discussed for a while, and said, "Remember, he came to our village on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month. At that time, the Li Dazheng family in the village was marrying their daughter."

"Yes, yes, yes, it was the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month that came to our village! He disappeared on the twenty-first or twenty-second."

The eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month!

I started counting with my fingers. This day is a bit special. There is a legend that this day is the birthday of Taishang Laojun. On this day, in ancient times, many people worshiped Taishang Laojun. Especially Taoist people.

It is necessary to prepare specially for this day.

It is precisely because this day is special that some caretakers are negligent about the evil spirits in the world.

And these evil spirits just take advantage of this loophole to do some harm to people!

Therefore, this beggar is a bit suspicious.

Seeing that I didn't say anything, the patriarch couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Li, what's wrong with this beggar?"

I looked at the people in the room and said, "It's hard to say now, let me look around again!"

"By the way, Grandpa, you can ask someone to buy some yellow paper on the street. I will draw the talisman and paste it on everyone later!"

After the explanation, Fatty Wu and I left!

After walking out of the village, I walked around the village and observed the mountain elephants around me. I have studied the mountain elephants in our village, which are surrounded by golden cows. The entire mountain surrounding our village is like a cow prison.

Protected us firmly.

But now the mountain has changed, and it is no longer surrounded by the golden bulls before! The golden bull is still hugging, but the two horns on his head are gone. They are two big trees, and the trees are dense.

So it looks like two horns! But now the dense tree has dried up. I don't know if it is dead or something, but it looks like there is no difference.

And the mouth that was originally closed suddenly opened, revealing its fangs.

There are no horns and the mouth is open, which creates the posture of a tiger opening its mouth.

When the tiger opens its mouth, it means eating people! So many people have died in this village, so they really agree with this trend.

It has only been a year since I left, and the mountain has undergone such a big change! It seems that the treacherous people have mastered everything here and started to gather evil in the village.

This is a change in Feng Shui. I am also looking for another change, which is the change in the Zhengyang position of the center of the entire village.

Zhengyang position, I often came here when I was studying Feng Shui. This is a crossroads, located in the center of the entire village! This is the lifeblood of the entire village, and it is also the place with the strongest Yang energy.

When I came here, I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

The Zhengyang position is no longer dry, but is covered by a layer of greasy stuff and becomes dark.

This is Yin evil overcoming Yang, the Yang position is declining, and the lifeline has been cut! I explained the general situation again, the purpose is to pinpoint the scope and what caused the problem in the village.

What happened above is mainly due to the fear that some kind of patron saint in the village will be poached. For example, in a certain place, the weather has always been smooth and the whole family is happy, but suddenly one day, some "thieves" came, these

The thief blatantly took something from you in this village, saying he was using it for research.

Since then, weird things have been happening in the village, including male thieves and female prostitutes, five out of ten children with mental retardation, and another thing like this that happened in our village, where people kept dying. Of course, those people will not be responsible for these things, because

They don't think that the place became like that because they took that thing away.

As for me asking people, the purpose is to know from everyone's mouth whether someone came to our place to perform Feng Shui array, or some ghosts from the world with ulterior motives came here. ??

I very much doubt that this thing was done by a ghost from the underworld, because the ghost from the underworld who escaped from hell did this kind of thing to massacre the village.

After hearing my inquiry, everyone looked at me and thought about it. After thinking for a while, they answered me, "No engineering team has come to the village, and nothing has been built. I want to say that there are deaths and strange things happening in the village."

, except for today’s incident, it seems that there really is no such thing. If there is any dispute with the outside world, this is definitely the case.”

"For example, there are some conflicts, arguments, and even fights with people from neighboring villages."

I shook my head and said, "This doesn't count. Some disputes are normal. What I mean is the kind of very fierce disputes, such as those related to the interests of the entire village."

"Then this one doesn't exist!"

"Then we rule out this possibility. Has anyone been to the village recently?"

A few people looked at each other for a while, and then the patriarch said, "There are quite a few of them. Those who sell curtains, tofu, sofas, and other scrap collectors in the village often come to the village. Is there any other relative who comes to the village?"

Something like that, a common thing.”

This is quite normal, the range seems a bit large!

I continued to narrow the scope and asked, "So, have there been any special people here? People like my grandfather, for example, and people who look different from normal people."

"I know someone from our local area who comes to do Feng Shui for the deceased. Does that count?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it!"

The patriarch thought for a while and said, "Zhang Yiming from Sanqiao Village has come to show the land to the third aunt's house next to your house, and Aunt Hu from Gaoshan Village has come to help Li Sanming, and..."

The patriarch named several people, but these people all came to do things and left after doing things. Our village is so big, with dozens of families, if something happens to any family, it will almost always be reported quickly.

It's open.

It seemed to have nothing to do with these people. Just when I thought I couldn't ask anything! Suddenly, an old man shouted, "Oh, I suddenly remembered someone. I don't know if that person counts."

"Just before the Chinese New Year last year, a beggar came to our village. The beggar stayed near our village for three or four days, and then disappeared. I don't know if everyone still has that impression."

As the old man said this, everyone also followed suit and said, "Yes, yes, there is such a person who hangs around in front of Li Jinfu's house all day long!"

Li Jinfu runs a canteen in our village. He works there
Yuu, it’s to find something to eat!

"It scared a lot of children at that time. We chased them away several times but they couldn't drive them away. After staying there for three or four days, the beggar disappeared and I don't know where he went."

Hearing this, I nodded thoughtfully and said, "Do you remember what those days are? It's a little more accurate."

If it was the beggar who did it, his appearance in this place would not be random. There must be a certain order to his life.

Several people looked at each other, discussed for a while, and said, "Remember, he came to our village on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month. At that time, the Li Dazheng family in the village was marrying their daughter."

"Yes, yes, yes, it was the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month that came to our village! He disappeared on the twenty-first or twenty-second."

The eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month!

I started counting with my fingers. This day is a bit special. There is a legend that this day is the birthday of Taishang Laojun. On this day, in ancient times, many people worshiped Taishang Laojun. Especially Taoist people.

It is necessary to prepare specially for this day.

It is precisely because this day is special that some caretakers are negligent about the evil spirits in the world.

And these evil spirits just take advantage of this loophole to do some harm to people!

Therefore, this beggar is a bit suspicious.

Seeing that I didn't say anything, the patriarch couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Li, what's wrong with this beggar?"

I looked at the people in the room and said, "It's hard to say now, let me look around again!"

"By the way, Grandpa, you can ask someone to buy some yellow paper on the street. I will draw the talisman and paste it on everyone later!"

After the explanation, Fatty Wu and I left!

After walking out of the village, I walked around the village and observed the mountain elephants around me. I have studied the mountain elephants in our village, which are surrounded by golden cows. The entire mountain surrounding our village is like a cow prison.

Protected us firmly.

But now the mountain has changed, and it is no longer surrounded by the golden bulls before! The golden bull is still hugging, but the two horns on his head are gone. They are two big trees, and the trees are dense.

So it looks like two horns! But now the dense tree has dried up. I don't know if it is dead or something, but it looks like there is no difference.

And the mouth that was originally closed suddenly opened, revealing its fangs.

There are no horns and the mouth is open, which creates the posture of a tiger opening its mouth.

When the tiger opens its mouth, it means eating people! So many people have died in this village, so they really agree with this trend.

It has only been a year since I left, and the mountain has undergone such a big change! It seems that the treacherous people have mastered everything here and started to gather evil in the village.

This is a change in Feng Shui. I am also looking for another change, which is the change in the Zhengyang position of the center of the entire village.

Zhengyang position, I often came here when I was studying Feng Shui. This is a crossroads, located in the center of the entire village! This is the lifeblood of the entire village, and it is also the place with the strongest Yang energy.

When I came here, I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

The Zhengyang position is no longer dry, but is covered by a layer of greasy stuff and becomes dark.

This is Yin evil clashing with Yang, the Yang position is declining, and the lifeline is cut!

This chapter has been completed!
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