Chapter 68 Electric Off-Road Vehicle

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 Chapter 68 Electric Off-Road Vehicle

"It's so dangerous outside..."

Ding Yuqin lay on Wang Tao's chest, drawing circles and sighing.

She had heard Ou Yingying's words just now. It was hard for her to imagine how long she would survive in that situation...Thanks to Wang Tao!

"How can we call it the end of the world if it's not dangerous..."

Wang Tao gently stroked Ding Yuqin's hair, and then suddenly said with a wicked smile in Ding Yuqin's ear: "Sister-in-law, why don't you thank me?"

"You, how do you want your sister-in-law to thank you..."

Feeling the heat in her ears, Ding Yuqin raised her head with a slight blush on her ears and twisted her body uneasily.

Wang Tao looked at her red lips.


It rained again today.

Wang Tao was going to brave the rain and go to the previous parking lot again.

The tasks of collecting fuel and finding a car are not yet completed.

As Ding Yuqin watched him off, Wang Tao left the Xingfu Community carrying the oil barrel.

Yesterday, Wang Tao cleaned up all the zombies on this road, but as the night passed, many more zombies came to the street.

Without any hesitation, Wang Tao in the rain took a hammer and hammered one by one.

"These zombies seemed to stay a lot. They didn't even notice me when they were so close... Could it be because of the rain?"

Wang Tao was thoughtful.

The raindrops fell on the ground and the building made a crackling sound. Perhaps these sounds interfered with the zombies' hearing, and the rain can also cover up the smell... so it is reasonable for the zombies' senses to be weakened.

After killing more than a dozen zombies, Wang Tao successfully arrived at the open-air parking lot.

However, he did not dare to go directly. Instead, he carefully observed the area outside and made sure that there were no self-destructing zombies like yesterday before he cautiously walked in.

Wang Tao took a few glances and found that except for the doors of two cars that were open, the rest of the doors were locked. Among these locked cars, three more were accident cars and had been hit by something unknown.

The cars Wang Tao collected gasoline from were the ones with open doors and damaged cars.

Because these car alarms would not go off, if he tried to pry open those intact cars, the alarm would most likely go off. He didn't want to be chased by those crazy zombies like yesterday.

Soon, Wang Tao filled a pot of gasoline without causing any movement.


The fourth car was a car with its door open. There was a zombie lying on the steering wheel. It didn't notice Wang Tao coming.

Wang Tao suddenly pulled the zombie down, picked up the hammer and hit the head with a headshot.


The zombies didn't even react and were killed instantly.

Then Wang Tao looked at the car.

"Huh? This should be a tram, right? It seems to be an extended-range train..."

This is a hard-core off-road vehicle of a domestic brand. It is angular and looks very powerful and domineering.

Before the end of the world, the whole world was advocating new energy vehicles, and the country of Qian was no exception. It had produced some very good new energy vehicles.

There are all kinds of cars, SUVs, off-road vehicles, etc. But relatively speaking, the sales of new energy vehicles are SUVs, followed by sedans, and off-road vehicles, which are the worst.

The reason for this is that in addition to personal preference, the most important thing is the price. The price of new energy off-road vehicles is much more expensive than other vehicles.

For example, the car in front of you, if Wang Tao remembers correctly, is an extended-range new energy vehicle that can be refueled and charged. The engine does not directly drive the wheels, but uses the fuel to generate electricity and the motor to drive the wheels.

Its price seems to start at 600,000 yuan. It belongs to the type that is popular but not popular. After all, the price is not close to the people.

Wang Tao got in and rummaged around and found a car key.

With a slight click, Wang Tao felt happy when he saw the car key light up.

"Huh? It's not broken yet?"

He stepped on the brake and held down the start button.


Wang Tao heard a slight sound of motor starting.

"There is electricity and 70% of gas!"

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the car, Wang Tao drove directly out of the parking lot.

I have to say that the sound of the tram is very quiet, especially in pure electric mode. In addition, it is rainy again, and the sound of raindrops interferes with the zombies' judgment... Wang Tao did not have any setbacks along the way and returned to Xingfu Community smoothly. .

It wasn't until the car parked under Building No. 4 that Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now that I have a car and enough gas, I can go to the Mizusawa University Survivor Base to explore the road first to see if it is safe and suitable for me. If it is suitable, then go. If not, just go I can look at other places again..."

Wang Tao still prefers to live in places where there are many survivors. With more people, there is greater strength. Especially in a survivor base with a certain order, he doesn't have to do everything himself, and he can concentrate on spending time improving his strength.

It is too dangerous for one person to be in the apocalypse. Let alone these endless zombies, the monster with 10,000 health that he encountered in the wild before could not be solved by one person. Even with his current strength, There is no certainty of victory.

And to put it bluntly, if there is any danger, if there are many people, there will be cannon fodder to block him. But if he is alone, he can only rely on himself.

Of course, the premise is that he himself will not become cannon fodder.

Wang Tao has his own judgment. If the survivor is really unsuitable, he won't force it.

As for setting up a survivor base by himself, Wang Tao will not consider it for the time being. He needs to have the kind of management or commanding ability. Instead of starting a business to make a lot of money, he just stays here and becomes a small martial arts actor?

Although it is said that this is the end of the world, personal strength is very important, but it does not mean that you can forget about your brains, otherwise you will not know if you are tricked. Unless your strength is against the sky and you can defeat all laws with one force, but he is obviously not at this level yet.

For him now, the best choice is to join a large-scale survivor base organized by the official organization, followed by ordinary large-scale survivor bases. He is not interested in the medium-sized ones, but the small ones... are just like the Happy Community, so there is no need.


Of course, he defines the big, medium and small according to his own understanding.

"But before that, the car must be inspected and modified..."

Wang Tao touched his chin and said to himself.

Now that he has cleaned up the entire community and found a lot of materials and tools, he is going to modify the car to cope with the current harsh environment.

It took Wang Tao three days to reinforce many parts of the car, and a layer of steel plates was added to the outside of the car.

Although this affects the speed somewhat, in a place like this, the car cannot run too fast, so it is quite appropriate to sacrifice some speed in exchange for stronger defense.

That day, it rained again.

Looking at the raindrops falling outside the window, Wang Tao thought it was time to go out today.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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