232. Chapter 232 Rewards for the right to use drones

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 Chapter 232 Rewards for the right to use drones

The battle in the north and south areas of Xinxian County began, and the Yue Army troops continued to attack, hoping to break through and were blocked by the Shanxi-Sui Army troops.

The main force of the 358th Regiment, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Battalions, are stationed in the Baizi Mountain and Wohu Mountain areas under the personal command of regiment leader Chen Ziyun.

They repelled several group charges by the Lunar Army, and the two sides fell into a red-hot battle.

However, the Lunar Army's engineering troops quickly launched operations. They immediately cleared the minefields and blasted anti-tank trenches in an attempt to open the road.

By seven o'clock in the morning, the east and west roads of Baizi Mountain and Wohu Mountain were opened.

The reinforcements dispatched by the First Army began to deploy a unit to contain the highland defenders, and the main force quickly detoured from both sides.

Their intention was obvious, which was to encircle the troops commanded by Chen Ziyun on the high ground and completely annihilate them.

After Chen Ziyun discovered what the Japs were doing, he began to direct his troops to abandon the high ground and gradually move toward the county area.

The three infantry battalions began to alternately cover the evacuation of the high ground, and they moved towards the county area.

Of course, during the transfer process, various ministries did not hesitate to set up mines to hinder the Japanese troops.

At the same time, some troops were also mobilized by Chen Ziyun to launch guerrilla warfare against the Moon Army from both sides to contain their advancement speed.

About 20,000 Yuan troops passed through the highlands, and they accelerated towards the county seat.

By eight o'clock in the morning, after repeated battles, the troops stationed in Mongolia also passed the Hutuo River.

The cavalry battalion and artillery battalion moved toward the hilly area west of Xinkou Town to assist with the defense of the 7th Battalion.

At this moment, more than 20,000 Yuanjun troops entered Xin County from the north and south, and those troops quickly advanced towards the county seat.

The system's required holding time was only four hours, and the troops of the 358th Regiment were under great pressure.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Ziyun quickly contacted Sun Ming's security company.

The guard company quickly attacked and directly flanked the First Army troops to conduct guerrilla operations, harassing the Japanese troops and slowing their advance.

The troops of the Second and Third Battalions immediately advanced towards Hesuo Town and Qicun Town to ensure the retreat of the main force of the regiment.

In addition, the reconnaissance platoon units directly under the regiment also began to be dispatched. Wei Monk commanded that unit to search for the Lunar Army command authority to launch a combat strike.

For a time, in Xin County, gunfire was heard everywhere, and fierce fighting continued.

A large number of Moon Army troops are advancing crazily towards the county seat of Xinxian County. Are they ready to seize the county seat and quickly disperse to the surrounding areas to engage in a battle of annihilation?

In addition, Xin County was a town recaptured by the Jin-Sui Army, Bufu was a unit of the First Army, and the Mongolian Army was stationed there. They all wanted to take the lead in taking over the county seat.

After all, taking Dong County means continuing to capture Xin County, which is not a military achievement at all.

By the time it was past ten o'clock in the morning, the fighting had already begun on the outside.

The 224th Regiment and 225th Regiment, which attacked from too far away, were equipped with certain cavalry, engineers, artillery and other units to launch a fierce attack.

The troops of the 4th Battalion of the 358th Regiment actively launched defenses east of Chen Ziyun's command, and they held fast to their outer positions.

Of course, the Fourth Battalion troops were under greater pressure, and their overall casualties and losses continued to increase.

The fierce fighting lasted until 11:30, and Chen Ziyun had to mobilize his cavalry campfire again to rush over for reinforcements.

The various departments under the 358th Regiment also quickly adjusted their combat deployments.

The Second Battalion is responsible for the first-line defense of Hesuo Town and Qicun Town.

The third battalion and artillery battalion are responsible for the defense of hilly areas, and the seventh battalion is responsible for the defense of Xinkou Town.

The fourth battalion, the cavalry battalion, and the baggage company were responsible for the defense of the county.

The guard company and reconnaissance platoon launched guerrilla warfare on the outside to harass the Japanese troops.

During the half hour that he arrived from the east, Chen Ziyun kept coming to the front lines to direct operations.

Did he feel that every second was like a day? Facing a fierce attack by the Lunar Army troops, the losses of the participating troops continued to increase.

The temporary positions were successively destroyed by the Lunar Army's artillery strikes.

The time finally reached midnight, and as the system sound sounded, Chen Ziyun issued the combat order without hesitation.

At twelve o'clock at midnight in September and October, the various units of the 358th Regiment moved towards the hilly area one after another.

At this time, more than 3,000 troops of the Mongolian Army were under the command of Major General Tanaka Shinichi, Chief of Staff, and they directly bypassed Xinkou Town and detoured towards the county seat.

Tanaka Shinichi wanted to seize the county seat and get Dong's military exploits.

The Lunar Army troops under his command were very mobile, but they could not do that.

At around 12:15, the mechanized infantry of the Mongolian Army quickly entered outside the city.

As they entered outside the city, the First Army troops also came to the county town.

The troops from both sides will be together, so it is inevitable that they will have some disputes with each other.

The First Army troops thought that the troops stationed in Mongolia were not picking peaches at all. After all, the county town could not be invaded by them from the east.

The Mongolian troops thought they had entered the outside of the city. The troops of the First Army continued to come outside the city, obviously seeking to seize the victory.

There was a quarrel between the two units belonging to different command systems, and the officers on both sides even argued about it and almost tried to move their legs.

At half past twelve, when Major General Tanaka Shinichi, the chief of staff of the Mongolian Army, arrived in the county town, the situation changed.

If Tanaka Shinichi can have a hot temper, I hope his temper will come back, bumgbuqin.

When he saw troops from both sides arguing outside the city, he slapped him on the leg without saying a word.

Whether it was an officer of the First Army in Bucheng or an officer of the Mongolian Army, he slapped them all.

In an instant, the officers came back calmly, and the little devils who had been quarreling also came back calmly.

"The troops of the Jinsui Army moved to the hilly area, and their strength was at most one regiment."

"It seems that they will not stick to Xin County for a long time, so the regiment will put up a symbolic resistance."

"Then when Jiedong comes to fight, they must be completely annihilated."

"Don't forget, the First Army in Port and Mongolia both suffered heavy casualties."

"What they asked to do when they came to Jiedong was to annihilate the Jin-Sui army and wash away the previous humiliation."

"It would be a great shame and a great disgrace if they were not allowed to escape safely with their more than 20,000 troops!"

Tanaka Shinichi had a cold expression on his face. He looked towards the officers and said in a cold tone.

The Moon Army had very obedient habits during combat, which meant that some officers were completely disobedient to their orders.

Of course, such a situation often occurs when the Japanese soldiers on the front side beg to stop fighting and the military officers on the east side beg to continue fighting.

But when troops are in combat, they must obey the command of the highest-ranking officer.

Tanaka Shinichi has the rank of major general and is not the chief of staff of the army.

Although the First Army has a total of 20,000 troops and several captains, they do not have to obey the command of Tanaka Shinichi.

Orders began to be conveyed from Tanaka Shinichi, and the various departments that received the orders quickly mobilized.

The first troops to be dispatched were the Mongolian troops. After being reinforced by armored units, they advanced directly towards Hesuo Town.

There are more than a thousand cavalry, more than a thousand mechanized infantry, sixteen cavalry field guns, dozens of tanks, and armored vehicles.

They sought to capture Donghesuo Town, and then advanced towards Qicun Town, cutting off the 358th Regiment's evacuation route to the western highlands.

The 224th Regiment, 225th Regiment, 237th Regiment, and 110th Regiment will strengthen different numbers of troops to attack the 358th Regiment in the hills.

For a time, a large number of Lunar troops took action, and they advanced towards different areas.

A surrounding net gradually began to disperse towards the hilly area.

The main force of the 358th regiment, which had moved to the hilly area, quickly began to take a short rest.

Relevant rewards given by the system have also begun to be discovered one after another.

Did the system give you a lot of rewards after completing the mission?

"The system commended the Field Artillery Battalion for six Liao-made 75MM field guns and two Liao-made 77MM field guns with detailed firing parameter tables."

"The system commends the artillery battalion for six Bofors mountain guns and a detailed firing parameter list of one Type 94 mountain gun."

After the system awarded those artillery detailed firing parameter tables, the twelve artillery pieces in the field artillery battalion and the twelve artillery pieces in the artillery battalion all had detailed firing parameter tables.

Can the overall combat effectiveness of those twenty-four artillery pieces be greatly improved?

In addition to the detailed firing parameter table of the artillery, the system awarded those artillery 2,800 rounds of grenades and 200 rounds of armor-piercing shells.

In addition, Chen Ziyun's command skills of related arms have also been improved.

The cavalry command skills have been upgraded from elementary to intermediate.

By now, Chen Ziyun already has intermediate command skills in cavalry, infantry, and artillery.

In addition, he is very good at martial arts and has intermediate shooting skills.

Of course, these awards are not a big surprise to Chen Ziyun.

The system gives the best reward, in Chen Ziyun’s opinion, the right to use drones!

Chen Ziyun's keen eye for pearls can help him select officers and soldiers with hidden talents.

At that time, did the system give Chen Ziyun the authority to select thirty people?

Chen Ziyun's keen eye for pearls and his skill in identifying pearls on the previous two occasions allowed Chen Ziyun to select suitable officers and soldiers.

By now, those officers and soldiers have gradually become the core personnel of the artillery and cavalry units.

Whether they have relevant talents, they will be directly discovered and become the core of the relevant troops' operations.

Chen Ziyun was naturally very happy to have the skill of discerning pearls again.

And the right to use drones makes him even more excited.

The so-called drone usage right means that you can use the drone provided by the system three times.

In each of those three opportunities, the drone could be controlled to start from Chen Ziyun's own position and carry out activities within a radius of 20 kilometers.

Of course, the time is also limited each time, and the time of each use is not more than half an hour!

As for the drones provided by the system, are there any relevant adjustments to ensure that the drones can maintain a certain speed and have a long endurance within half an hour?

Everyone knows the importance of drones on the battlefield.

Even if it only lasts for half an hour at a time, the activity range of 20 kilometers in radius can play a decisive role at all.

Not to mention anything else, the fact of whether to investigate or not can play a decisive role.

Is Chen Ziyun full of expectations and Dongci’s role? Will he definitely want to use drones to carry out activities?

In that case, any whereabouts of the little devil will be exposed right under his nose.

If there are drones assisting artillery, can those artillery pieces really hit the mark with perfect accuracy?

The Japanese artillery troops and command organizations will all use those artillery pieces to attack the East!

"Regiment leader, the baggage company has carried all the ammunition they found."

At that time, Chu Yu, commander of the seventh battalion, came to Chen Ziyun to report.

Chen Ziyun did not hesitate and immediately issued the evacuation order.

At one o'clock in the morning in September and November, the troops of the 358th Regiment gradually moved towards the western highlands.

Of course, during the transfer process, they were constantly attacked by Japanese troops.

However, despite the Eighth Route New Regiment stationed in the highlands on the west side, the Independent Regiment troops actively launched response operations.

As early as nine o'clock in November, all units of the 358th Regiment evacuated Xin County one after another.

After Chen Ziyun sent Chu Yucuo's Eighth Route Army to express his gratitude, he and his troops began to move towards the Yangcun area.

At this point, the eastern divisions of the 48th Independent Brigade of the Shanxi-Sui Army completely left the Xinxian area.

Have they finished fighting in Xinxian? Did they fight many good battles in Xinxian this time?

Of course, their own casualties were also staggering, and many units had to be replenished several times.

When they retreated to their base for rest and recuperation, they must have made some adjustments, otherwise the troops would have been greatly affected.


"The Shanxi-Sui Army troops withdrew to the western highlands, and the Eighth Route Army launched a response operation."

"Baga Yalu, what on earth are we doing? A force of more than 20,000 people actually allowed them to retreat unscathed."

"Ma is organizing his troops and immediately launch an attack on the high ground on the west side!"

"Find them, annihilate them completely, and never let them slip away."

Tian Zhongxin, the chief of staff of the Major General of the Mongolian Army, showed an angry expression on his face, and he couldn't help but roar loudly.

Of course, that order was not given to the First Army Dongda.

The troops stationed in Mongolia all have cavalry and mechanized infantry, so they cannot attack on high ground.

After the four colonel captains of the First Army received the order, they did not carry it out for the time being, but failed to contact the First Army headquarters as soon as possible.

After Shinozuka Yoshio learned about the situation in Xin County, after careful consideration, he immediately started communicating with Tanaka Shinichi.

At 12 noon, the Japanese troops began to attack the high ground on the west side.

Li Yunlong's new regiment in Bu Nao and Kong Jie's independent regiment resisted for a while, and then were directly reduced to pieces.

They dispersed and evacuated towards different areas. Will the Japanese troops be unable to capture and annihilate them?

At six o'clock in the morning, the Moon Army captured the high ground on the west side, but they did not achieve much success.

Tanaka Shinichi looked gloomy and began to mobilize troops to conduct investigations.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Tanaka Shinichi received the report.

He learned that there was the 48th Independent Brigade in the Yangcun area, as well as related troops of the Eighth Route Army.

But if they want to reach Yangcun, they want to continue advancing in the southwest direction.

And after the Yuan army troops penetrate deeply, Coco will start a battle with the main force of the Jinsui army currently stationed in western Shanxi.

Tanaka Shinichi thought about it, and he had already decided to command the troops to advance towards the Yangcun area.

Just because he has such thoughts does not mean that the First Army also has such thoughts.

At half past eight, the First Army Headquarters sent a combat order to the east.

Yoshio Shinozuka begged the 224th Regiment and other troops to gather in Xin County, stop any operations, and wait for follow-up orders.

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(End of chapter)

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