Chapter 106 Mercury-based civilization, extraterrestrial threat

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Mu Cang, who was walking in the dark metal corridor, looked as leisurely as if he were walking in a garden.

After twists and turns and walking through several corners, he entered a large auditorium with a large area and full of rich pagan style.

Look around.

The lightless environment cannot block Mu Cang's sharp sight at all.

As far as the eye can see, the four walls of this spacious auditorium are all carefully carved with gold foil to create complex paintings full of eerie styles.

But it is different from other religious paintings.

These painting styles look extremely weird and bloody.

It doesn’t look like a normal religion.

"Paintings about the Mystery of Flesh and Blood."

Mu Cang shook his head, "It's really boring."

Then, he began to recall the information about the Mercury clan in "Dragon Fist".

In the second half of the original story.

Decades from now, an alien exploration ship will accidentally enter the solar system through a natural wormhole hidden somewhere in the vast Oort cloud, thereby discovering the human civilization of Blue Star.

That unexpected encounter with the third kind of contact was just an accident.

But this accident started a brutal war between Blue Star and the Mercury Tribe.

In that war, human civilization, led by Song Di, the strongest of Blue Star, paid the price of 90% of the total population being wiped out and most of the surface plates being destroyed, and was able to defeat only one expedition fleet of the Mercury Tribe.

And Song Di, in that huge war that stretched across the entire solar system, was in desperate situations and survived many times, and finally relied on her extremely rich martial arts background and incredible martial arts talent to break through the realm and finally break through the martial arts.

He reached the limit of the Holy Realm and stepped into the Martial Arts Heavenly Realm, which laid an extremely critical foundation for the future counterattack on the Mercury Clan's home planet.

Speaking of the mercury family.

They are also known as Dirip people.

It is a group of alien intelligent creatures from 100 light-years away.

The birthplace of its civilization is a binary star system.

The orbit of the planet where the mercury family was born is an ellipse with a large arc.

Each revolution around a binary star takes 3 blue star years.

This revolution time is called the cold star cycle by the mercury family.

On the mercury family star, a complete cold star cycle has only two seasons - cold season and hot season.

During the cold season, the mercury family parent star will move away from the star.

This will cause the average temperature on the planet's surface to drop sharply, to a temperature lower than the South Pole of Blue Star, which can easily freeze steel to pieces.

During the hot season, the planet will be close to the star again, causing the surface temperature to rise sharply to 400c.

At that time, all the liquid on the planet's surface will evaporate violently, forming dense clouds that will cover the sky and the sun.

That kind of environment is almost like purgatory.

Generally speaking, the probability of life appearing in a binary star system is very small.

It can even be said that there is no.

Because once violent stellar activity occurs, the strong solar wind will blow the planet's surface atmosphere into pieces or even disappear completely.

Liquid water is almost impossible to retain.

Even if life is fortunate enough to be born, it will become extinct due to the destruction of the ecological environment.

But the universe is so mysterious.

Since the mercury family parent star is rich in huge amounts of mercury, even the dense clouds floating in the sky during the hot season are mostly composed of mercury vapor.

The thick mercury cloud cannot be completely destroyed even by solar wind.

It is precisely because of this situation that the original ancestors of the mercury tribe were not extinct.

Instead, it is due to the large amount of thunder and lightning produced by the intense friction between the dense clouds above the planet during the long hot season.

As a result, the mercury tribe, who were still in the age of ignorance and had not yet even written, embarked on the path of utilizing electric energy early.

This has brought about a rapid increase in the overall productivity of the mercury family.

Just skip the fossil energy stage and start with electrical technology.

At the same time, the mercury tribe, which struggled to evolve in this terrible natural environment, also inherited the extremes of the external environment.

Temperament, extremely moody.

If that's all, it's nothing.

The key is that during a long period of harsh natural selection, this race has also evolved a powerful alloy muscle that relies on electrical energy to contract and expand.

This unique electric metal muscle allows every adult member of the Mercury clan to possess hundreds of tons of strength.

The physical quality is more than ten times that of a Vajra-level martial artist.

Even Mu Cang's original inspiration for designing and manufacturing titanium crystal muscles came from this alien race.

However, it is precisely because of their extremely strong physique that the Mercury clan has never been able to develop a sound martial arts system.

Except for a few bloodline aristocrats and even rarer royal families, almost all Mercury clan individuals have no big difference in physical strength and combat power.

But they combined their powerful physical talents with cutting-edge science and technology to develop another combat power system.

Psychic combat body!

An implantable semi-mechanical biochemical warfare body that combines biotechnology and electronic machinery technology.

By analogy, it is quite similar to the form of Space Knight Tegaman.

Even the most ordinary mercury warrior can be equipped with the most basic spiritual weapon combat body.

Their combat power will soar by dozens or hundreds of times, and they can be comparable to the primary martial saints.

Not to mention, those royal families of the Mercury clan who are already powerful enough to be no weaker than the junior martial saints.

If those royal families are equipped with top-level spiritual weapon combat bodies, their terrifying power can even kill thousands of martial saints instantly.

Of course, for Mu Cang, these threats are equivalent to nothing.

No matter how much he comes, it's not enough for him to kill with one hand.

But as an interstellar civilization with relatively mature technology.

The Mercury Tribe naturally possesses interstellar weapons capable of destroying planet plates and even the crust of Blue Star.

Even destroying stars...


Suddenly a low buzzing sound interrupted Mu Cang's thoughts.

The dark auditorium was suddenly as bright as day.

All the shadows lying peacefully on the ground were instantly torn apart by the intense light shooting out from all directions.

This experience is something that normal people have never experienced before.

The originally empty hall was now filled with 'accumulation' of light, making it airtight.

In an instant, Mu Cang was exposed to a large expanse of pure white.

His psychic power quickly swept around.

It was easy to spot the dense spots of light popping out of the surrounding walls and ceiling.

These are all lights.


A low voice suddenly came from the shining light source directly in front:

"Good day, Mr. Abram, I hope I didn't scare you. I am Anthony, the director of this base."

Mu Cang tilted his head, not paying attention to the dazzling light, and smiled:

"I'm quite surprised that no one stopped me along the way. I was waiting here."

"Please understand the base's indifferent attitude towards you. I should have been more 'enthusiastic', but..."

The deep voice sighed, "I have to admit that as one of the six-pointed stars, Mr. Abram, you are still quite dangerous, especially to ordinary people."

"The Los Angeles base has always been short on manpower. As a leader, I don't want them all to be lost in your hands."

The low voice said humorously, "The high pension alone will make my insomnia worse."

At this point, his voice suddenly turned cold:

"Fortunately, my boss, the distinguished Mr. Flanders, gave me a great idea."

"He suggested that I welcome you with a grand optical party with a light intensity of 9,000 lumens."

"Look at it, it's so dazzling, I bet even the sleepiest person in the world can't sleep here."

"Now, Mr. Abram, the escaped prisoner..."

"Compared to these big headlights."

Mu Cang interrupted the other party's chatter, "It's because you keep talking like a black woman that it makes people unable to sleep even more."

Perhaps this description made Anthony, who is white, a little annoyed, so he was unable to reply for a while.

Mu Cang lowered his head and looked at his body, then looked around leisurely.

Sure enough.

On your own clothes.

As well as the shadows hidden in the subtle wrinkles and pits on the surrounding walls, they all completely collapsed and disappeared under this high-intensity light without blind spots.

And because the brightness is too high and too strong, even the skin of this body has begun to turn slightly red.


After a sound of the gun bolt being pulled.

The wall directly in front suddenly cracked silently.

A strong white man, with his hands behind his back, led a group of more than ten armed soldiers with guns and quickly walked out of the gap.

The crack in the wall closed silently again.

"With this high intensity of light, shadows would become very unwelcome in this hall."


This white man is Anthony.

He smiled happily and said:

"Mr. Abram, there is nothing you can do."

Mu Cang frowned and shook his head and smiled: "Really, but my point of view is exactly opposite to yours.

I think here... it's all shadows."

After saying that, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Following the snap of fingers, everyone at the scene suddenly became confused.

When they came back to their senses, they made a shocking discovery.

The entire floor, walls, and corners of the hall were suddenly covered in darkness.

They are all black shadows with bared teeth and claws.

This chapter has been completed!
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