Chapter 108 Everyone, come and work for me

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Everyone looked down.

Beneath the gray concrete platform, there is an endless flow of dark blue water.

Here is a port.

A port built very deep beneath the Luo City base.

Everyone looked from a distance and saw a gray-white submarine lying quietly on the sea.

"I told you when you entered the base that I will ensure your safety."


The leading elderly scientist took a few steps forward, pointed to the submarine far below, turned around and introduced to everyone with a smile:

"The total length is 6 width and the displacement is 100 tons. The underwater displacement is 190 tons. The surface sailing speed is 1 knot and the underwater sailing speed is 1 knot. The crew has a total of 30 people. They are always ready. We will leave on this submarine later.



Everyone present looked at each other, put down their worries, and smiles appeared on their faces again.

"It's finally safe."


"I thought something would really happen."

"Hahaha, everyone is fine."


At this time, the top hatch of the submarine was opened from the inside.

A young white man climbed out and quickly ran up the platform through the inclined ladder to report to the elderly scientist:

"Dr. Campbell, are you going to sail now?"

"Well, we can start."

Campbell nodded calmly.

"Okay." The white man nodded and turned back to the submarine.

Then, under the leadership of Campbell, everyone entered the submarine one after another.

After all personnel entered, the gray-white submarine slowly began to vibrate.

This is preparation to set sail and leave.



"Please note that the valve is open!"



"Please note that the valve is open!

There were constant currents surging around the submarine, and the front of the waterway where the bow of the submarine was located suddenly sunk.


Suddenly, a large amount of seawater poured in and began to slowly flood the port.

This is the door to the ocean outside the base opened.



The huge propeller at the tail of the submarine rotates rapidly, pushing the submarine forward slowly.

The scientists staying in the long cabin of the submarine breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord, we are finally out of danger."

But at this moment.

A huge gap suddenly exploded in the zenith dozens of meters above the submarine.


Mixed with broken steel bars and cement blocks flying everywhere.

A huge black hand with a round head like a train emerged from the gap.

The roar spanned a distance of tens of meters and firmly grasped the tail of the submarine that was about to set sail.

Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick!

In an instant, the rapidly rotating propeller blades at the stern of the boat violently impacted and rubbed against the palms of the giant black claws.


In an instant, large groups of red sparks shot out from the friction area and swirled around.

Not long after, the propellers of the Bohemian exploded with loud noises and flew away, and the stern of the boat also began to bang and muffled, and black smoke was billowing out wildly.

At the same time, the entire submarine swayed unsteadily from left to right.

The scientists who were sitting, resting and chatting in the submarine cabin were also flying left and right in a chaotic manner and crashed into the surrounding bulkheads, screaming and howling in pain with their faces covered in blood.

"Oh my nose! My nose is broken!"

A tall, thin scientist covered his face and howled.

"Ah, ah, ah, my hands, my hands!

A pudgy scientist holds his twisted penis

The arms hissed and howled.

At this time, a large mass of material-like shadow suddenly emerged from the gap in the port's ceiling.

The moment he poured out, the entire vast port seemed to be dark for a moment.

No, it’s not like that.

As soon as the shadow appeared, it burst out with endless black shadows, climbing crazily and covering it in all directions.

This black shadow is Mu Cang.

Based on the map in Anthony's memory, he penetrated all the bases and chased him to the underground port.

Just more than ten seconds.

Inside the port, the ceiling, the platform, the sea surface, the tall and wide walls all around, and even the submarine Bohemia.

All places where there is a solid plane are covered and smeared by the shadow controlled by Mu Cang.

At the same time, thousands of pitch-black tentacles suddenly emerged from the completely black sea surface, completely surrounding the submarine from the inside out.

Then, the tops of these black shadow tentacles suddenly transformed into continuously rotating drill bits, big saws, and sharp turntables, and fiercely attacked the submarine.

In an instant——


A terrifying friction sound that was so terrifying that it shattered the eardrums suddenly resounded inside and outside the submarine.



"I can't stand it anymore!

"Help! Help!"

Everyone in the submarine was tortured by the noise. They covered their ears with all their strength and lay on the ground incapacitated.

Just ten seconds.

The entire submarine was shattered into pieces, broken into scrap metal fragments by Mu Cang's countless shadow whiskers.

Except for those scientists who were held firmly on the platform by the tentacles, they were unscathed.

All the other idlers were brutally twisted by countless tentacles into dripping blood in a matter of seconds, and fell into the black ocean mixed with mutilated limbs and corpses.


Mu Cang, who stood on the wide platform with his hands behind his hands, quietly looked at the pale Lighthouse scientists lying or sitting in front of him, and smiled gently:

"Your scientific talents are very valuable, and I really need you to work for me."

"Of course, just be a scientific research technician. After all, I don't trust you at all."

Having said that, Mu Cang's body, far away in space, activated the mind-suppressing demonic seal, and through this spiritual projection, it was implanted into the depths of the souls of all scientists one by one.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were dim and their minds were dull.

Then Mu Cang raised his hand, and the scientists of Fu Company and the precious technical data disappeared from the place, and were instantly transmitted to the Baolan Research Institute thousands of miles away through the real number channel.

"What have you done?!

Suddenly a roar came.

Mu Cang looked back in surprise at the place where the sound came from - the elevator door at the corner of the platform.

There, standing impressively was a black man with a strong physique and skin shining like obsidian.

He looked at Mu Cang with mixed emotions and said coldly:

"Abram, please surrender quickly, I will find a way to beg Bo to spare your life!"

Searching the memory, Mu Cang instantly knew the identity of the other party.

Sawyer Alexandra.

Abram's brother.

A...hypocritical and cruel scumbag.

"Standard...Twisted Ghast."

Seeing that Mu Cang didn't reply, he just looked at himself with strange eyes.

Sawyer suddenly shouted anxiously again: "Don't be stupid again, Abram. Offending people in the organization will not lead to good results."

Having said this, he calmed down and whispered: "I beg you, okay? Surrender!"

Mu Cang looked at Sawyer with interest and smiled:

"The twist is awesome, not bad."

After hearing this, Sawyer, who was walking quickly, was suddenly startled.

He stopped and said hesitantly:

"You...something's wrong. The tone, content, and expression of what you just said...are very wrong!"

This chapter has been completed!
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