Chapter 351 Cosmic Era, Touching the Singularity

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"Will you survive to the next era..."

Mu Cang's thoughts swirled in his mind, "Does this mean... he wants and can travel through the universe for countless years with the black hole singularity, through the end of all things, and finally arrive in the newly born universe? So sure,

Could it be that he has experienced such an incident?"

In an instant, he fell into deep thought.

"If the universe exists in more than one era...then which era will I be in...?"

All things have a lifespan and all have an end.

The same is true for life, planets, stars, neutron stars, galaxies, including all kinds of tiny particles.

For example, the lifespan of a pi meson is only 25 billionths of a second; the lifespan of a muon is only 0.0000022 seconds; the lifespan of a free neutron is longer, about fifteen minutes; and the lifespan of a tritium nucleus is even longer, about

is seventeen years; the lifespan of uranium-238 is even longer, reaching 6.5 billion years, which is nearly two billion years longer than the age of the earth; and the lifespan of a free proton is thirty-five times ten

The size of a square year.

Likewise, the universe may also have a lifespan.

After who knows how many billions of years, it will also die.

Mu Cang thought that if the so-called cosmic epoch is understood in a normal sense, it should be like the way in myths and legends when mortals die after dozens of cold autumns, return to the underworld, and reincarnate for another life. The universe may also be destroyed after it is destroyed.

A new universe is reborn on top of the 'remains'.

In other words, the Big Bang that created the vast universe more than 1.3 billion years ago may not be the true starting point of time, space and all things, but just a turning point in the transition of the universe from one era to another.

Even this kind of turning point may have been experienced by the universe many times.

Every time it experiences a turning point, the universe may be born in a majestic big bang. At the same time, all matter and energy, including the four fundamental forces, are also produced, and then aggregate and evolve with each other, driving the boundless universe.

Thousands of things are moving towards the end of time and entering the next turning point again.

This turning point may appear as a great tear, a great silence, or a great collapse.

In short, it is the end of everything.

Mu Cang was actually not very surprised that there might be reincarnation in this universe.

In other words, he had already expected it, but he couldn't really confirm it.

In fact, before leaving the solar system, Mu Cang had already witnessed and discovered many strange or unexplainable observation data through astronomical observations.

These weird data are commonly found in various celestial redshift phenomena and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

For example, the cosmic microwave background radiation is covered with mottled traces left by the evaporation of a large number of black holes.

Such traces are generally named [Hawking spots].

Generally speaking, black holes do not just 'eat and drink' all the time. They also release energy to the outside universe through Hawking radiation.

As energy is released, the mass of the black hole will plummet.

When it drops to a sufficiently small size, the black hole will completely disappear in a violent gamma ray explosion.

Of course, the amplitude of this energy radiation will be very small under normal conditions.

A black hole as small as the mass of a blue star would probably take trillions of years to completely radiate away.

However, some scholars from Blue Star and other galactic civilizations, including Mu Cang himself, believe that if the temperature of the universe is low enough and the matter is thin enough in many billion years, the rate of Hawking radiation from the black hole may be greatly accelerated, and during its lifetime

When it is about to end, there may be an extremely large explosion, releasing a large amount of energy.

The electromagnetic wave signature left by this kind of explosion may remain for a long time, even long enough to appear in the next cosmic epoch, leaving large swaths of 'sparkling' traces in the microwave background radiation of the universe in that new epoch.

That is, Hawking point.

This kind of Hawking point exists in the cosmic microwave background radiation. As early as on the Blue Star, Mu Cang has discovered dozens of them through deep space observations. Most of them are triangles, squares, rhombuses, circles, etc. that are extremely regular.

geometric figures.

After he broke through the Oort cloud and broke into the interstellar space of the Milky Way, he successively discovered hundreds, thousands or even more Hawking points in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Without exception, they are all regular geometric figures.

If Mu Cang's guesses and inferences are correct, then these figures may be 'ghosts' from the previous cosmic era, and they are also direct evidence that the universe does have 'previous lives'.

Not only that, Mu Cang has always had some doubts about the so-called big bang theory.

Because according to his observations, the temperature and density of the universe here are too average, and the average is too thorough.

When researching and building a mental model of the birth process of the entire universe, Mu Cang discovered that it must be assumed that the universe has experienced n inflations again after the Big Bang or some kind of creation event, and that dark energy exists in each time.

Only under the premise can the temperature and density of all parts of the universe be completely leveled.

According to his estimation, the number equal to at least five digits.

This is just a conservative estimate. If extreme evaluation is performed, nine digits may not be reached.

Therefore, Mu Cang's conclusion is: If the universe here is really constantly reincarnated and reborn in the cyclic oscillation process of inflation-some kind of destruction-inflation, then the number of reincarnations can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions.

times, the maximum number of times... there is no upper limit.

Countless thoughts and ideas flashed through Mu Cang's mind.

But at this moment, the unresponsive Xiu Xiu, who was slightly slow to respond, also stuttered and questioned:

"You...what nonsense were you talking about just now? The experiment you want to to destroy the singularity?! How is this possible?!"


Mu Cang smiled slightly and did not answer. He just asked, "The source information you mentioned should refer to the source spirituality."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Root Spirituality..."

Although I have never heard of the term "root spirituality", Illusionary Practice instantly understood the meaning of this term.

It was as if what this star sea giant said was not simple words, but the truth of the universe that could be understood as soon as it was heard.

"That's right, it's the root spirituality."

Illusive Xiu said coldly, "So, how do you destroy the singularity and then destroy Xiu's spirituality?"

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk."

Mu Cang shook his head slightly and said, "After all, it's just a fake. It still seems a bit dull. All the answers and responses are as stiff and boring as a program."

Having said this, he recalled the moment before the spirituality he had just cultivated fell into the inner part of the horizon... a fleeting faint white light.

That... is the splendid brilliance that can only appear after the spirituality has been semi-materialized.

In other words, the powerful hungry god named Xiu... suddenly reached a level equivalent to the fourth level of Haoyang Xuanqiong [Fairy Fetus Solid Thoughts, Kill Love, Kill Me].

"No, the brilliance looks very patchy and shallow. Although it is not shaky, the foundation is extremely loose and crude, and the quality is also extremely rough and brittle."

Mu Cang's thoughts flowed, "It's inferior thing obtained quickly through some means."

Even so, this is the first intelligent life with semi-materialized spirituality that he has seen so far besides himself.

"However, is this just a special case, or is the entire Hungry God clan like this?"


Time and space ripple.

Those hungry gods that had been flying stiffly in all directions flew back in an instant under Mu Cang's will, and stopped one by one in front of him.

After clearing his mind, Mu Cang immediately understood that his guess just now was obviously wrong.

Because among these hungry gods, there was suddenly only one who looked like an otaku and wore thick glasses and a shirt with an anime character pattern, and possessed a semi-materialized spirituality.

Others, nothing at all.

"It's actually Ayanami Rei..."

Mu Cang looked at Yuan Zhou Beng, who was as small as dust and stiff and motionless in front of him, and smiled softly, "There is also the hungry god wearing a red Xingerke sweater from before. It's really strange. How come they all have elements of earth culture? And he also looks like a human from Earth."

All kinds of information were connected with each other, and a vague guess emerged in his mind.

While thinking, Mu Cang glanced at Xuanyuan Xiu, who was looking at him coldly, and said indifferently:

"Give you a...spirit."


The power of change operates.

Suddenly, a real spirituality appeared out of thin air in the vast void, and with a flash of light, it submerged into the information body of the illusory cultivation.

Yes, this is real spirituality, not illusory spirituality.

The power of change brought by divine-level spirituality is so omnipotent that even the spirituality of all sentient beings that Mu Cang worked so hard to collect after devouring the Milky Way... can be 'transformed' out of thin air.

After the illusory cultivation obtains the root spirituality, it is like transforming from clay into a real person.

All kinds of subjective initiative, creativity, imagination, thoughts, talents and inspirations, sparks of wisdom, as well as happiness, worry, sadness, anger, shock, fear, hatred and other emotions all emerged from the depths of his consciousness. It filled every part of the body.

All of a sudden, it broke away from its dull state and became extremely lively.

The practice of illusion suddenly turned into the practice of reality.

However, if compared with the initial cultivation phase, he can be regarded as the second cultivation.


Feeling the vivid body and consciousness, as well as the extremely clear self-understanding, the second cultivator couldn't help but be shocked to the point of trembling, "You...can actually create source information?!"

At this moment, he was so shocked that he suddenly felt that the other party... seemed to be really possible to wipe out the black hole singularity.

Because this source information, which cannot be interfered with or destroyed, belongs to the most fundamental existence of intelligent beings, can be created out of thin air by the cosmic giant in front of us...

This... is simply incredible.

"It's impossible, impossible! How is it possible? How is this possible! This is impossible?!"

Dan Dan glanced at the second cultivator who had already fallen into a state of collapse of his three outlooks. Mu Cang ignored him and turned to look at the super black hole in front of him.

For mortals, without an accretion disk filled with high-temperature and incandescent light, black holes would be difficult to identify with the naked eye.

Because the essence of a black hole, the singularity, is surrounded by an event horizon.

At the outer edge of the event horizon, objects would be torn apart by tidal gravity and nothing would happen.

But if you fall into the horizon, you will never be able to leave, including light.

The so-called event horizon or Schwarzschild radius is actually the dividing line where events occur, also known as the 'death line'.

Outside the horizon, various events will continue to occur.

Within the horizon, events no longer exist or are meaningless.

There, it is equivalent to another alien 'world' that cannot be understood and described by various physical rules of reality.

According to calculations and speculations, if a person does not die after crossing the event horizon, then all kinds of information about the past time and even the evolutionary history of the entire universe will appear in front of him.

Because the powerful gravity of the black hole singularity has completely distorted space-time, twisting the entire space-time structure into a loop.

Not only space, but also time is distorted into a one-way dead end heading towards the singularity.

In the past, there have been many black holes that were smashed by Mu Cang through dimensional dimensional cutting and exposed to naked singularities through the horizon. A small half of them were scattered among the vast galaxies, and most of them were stored in four-dimensional and five-dimensional unit cells.

But he really hasn't studied black holes that thoroughly.

In other words, Mu Cang has never really tried to go deep into the horizon and touch the singularity personally.

Now, he wanted to give it a try.

Try to see if the singularity deep inside the horizon can hurt you.

Can I destroy that singularity myself?

In the boundless empty space, Mu Cang looked down at the black hole with a diameter of six trillion kilometers standing silently in the palm of his hand.

"Let me take a look at your inside... what it looks like."

Buzz buzz——

Between thoughts.

The endless light lingering at the edge of the huge horizon of the super black hole suddenly condensed, twisted into a column, and suddenly penetrated into it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Buzz——

In an instant, Mu Cang's perception angle changed into two big pieces.

One piece is the dark starry sky beyond the horizon, as well as the high-energy particles and cosmic rays scattered throughout it.

The other piece is the indescribable absolute darkness and absolute silence within the horizon.

In this vast darkness and silence that completely exceeds the size of the black hole itself, the endless light falls towards the singularity at an extremely fast speed.

Yes, not even the black hole horizon can cut off the information transmission of the endless light, nor can it cut off Mu Cang's five-dimensional perception.

As for why the inside of the horizon is so dark?

It's simple, because all the light and imageable radiation here are falling toward the singularity deep inside the event horizon.

All material energy within the event horizon propagates in one direction, and the end point of the propagation is the black hole singularity, and no light will ever be radiated outward.

At the same time, the difference in time velocity inside and outside the black hole event horizon is also so huge that it is unimaginable.

For one second within the event horizon, hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of trillions of years may pass outside the event horizon.

At this moment, if anyone were to experience Mu Cang's terrifying perception of Mu Cang's perspective where time flows normally while time slows down trillions of billions of times and is almost at rest, and both fast and slow are superimposed at the same time, his thinking may be instantly confused and his cognition may collapse.

Vanished into nothingness.

But for Mu Cang, who has an anti-entropic mind and has experienced the bombardment and baptism of billions of illusory historical rivers every second, these are just a piece of cake.


In absolute darkness and absolute silence, the endless light falls rapidly.

During the fall, Mu Cang's completely unfettered five-dimensional perception ignored the limitations of the one-way space-time structure formed by the singularity, and looked beyond the horizon from a distance.

Because the speed of endless light is much faster than other passively falling matter and energy.

Therefore, Mu Cang, who is closer to the singularity... has completely seen all the condensation and fast-forward processes of this super black hole swallowing up the matter of the universe countless times in the past.

Being deep in the horizon, he saw in just one second infinite nebulae, comets, planets, stars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes and other celestial bodies in the universe converging towards the black hole's horizon at an unimaginable speed.

Hit hard.

Through these horrifying sights, Mu Cang even 'saw' the starry sky outside his horizon changing rapidly and violently like crazy.

The millions of slowly flowing stars have all turned into a vast sea of ​​​​stars made up of flickering streams of light under the power of time, rushing in and out quickly and wildly.


Time goes by.

After experiencing many chaotic and mysterious scenes, Mu Cang's endless light finally touched the singularity of a black hole with infinite density but infinitesimal volume.

This chapter has been completed!
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