Chapter 102 Infiltration with a similar plot

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 A strong fortress is often broken from the inside first. Wang Chengzhu firmly believes this.

Every night when I go to bed, I sit in the treehouse hotel and read books. There are too many novels and documentary literature that subtly instill this impression. Coupled with the life experience before time travel, Wang Chengzhu has the confidence to practice it in the world of Liangjian.

The ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is so rough that Wang Chengzhu mistakenly thought that he was not the protagonist of the story.

Sneaking into the courtyard wall where the blockhouse is located is relatively smooth, but that's about it. The reason why the flaw was discovered is simple. Wang Chengzhu's mental outlook is too positive.

In the timeline of the world of Liangjian, 1940 was the third year that China was invaded. The coalition government composed of the standing army of the Shengyang Kingdom and the large and small warlords of China conducted several battles around the central and eastern regions of China.

Although the invading army, which had superior equipment and a complete officer training system, won several battles, the soldiers of the invading army were also formed and trained by ordinary citizens.

Guns and bullets were ruthless on the battlefield. While the invading army inflicted huge casualties on the Chinese soldiers, they also suffered considerable casualties themselves.

The Shenzhou coalition government suffered more than half of its imperial and Xiang army casualties, and suffered serious losses in weapons and equipment. Its local governance and management efforts have been greatly weakened, and it is no longer able to invest heavily in launching large-scale battles against the invaders.

The situation of the Rising Sun State's invading army is not much better than that of the Shenzhou Army. 30% of the elite veterans with rich combat experience are dead or disabled. The combat effectiveness of the standing army's supplementary troops and the second and third line troops recruited and recruited is obviously not as good as that in the first year of the invasion war. It also lost

In order to gain the strength to launch large-scale mobile warfare, we entered a period of strategic stalemate.

Wang Chengzhu sneaked into the gun tower defense area before it got dark, but a second lieutenant of the invading army saw the flaw.

This chapter has been completed!
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