Chapter 104 Summary Meeting Self-Criticism

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 Unlike expected praise from the leader and envy from his comrades, Wang Chengzhu received criticism for his private actions.

The reason is very simple. In a collectivist context, a fighting rhythm that does not support individual heroism is not encouraged. Although Wang Chengzhu's infiltration was successful, it set a bad example for his comrades that is difficult to repeat. The soldiers in the regiment knew it after all.

Some of Comrade Wang Chengzhu’s personal deeds and information about comrades in other troops may not be fully known.

A teacher once wrote an article criticizing that going alone is a dangerous behavior that will lead people to decline in thinking and lose sight of the world.

When Wang Chengzhu was performing combat missions as a soldier, he obeyed the messenger to convey the orders of his superiors. But now he has become a low-level commander and combatant leading the battle. He did not fully implement military democracy before organizing the battle, nor did he report the battle plan to the superior leadership. In the organized

In the military system under leadership, it is taboo to act independently.

Under the persuasion of the regiment leader, the political commissar thought that Wang Chengzhu was a first-time offender, so he dropped the punishment measures of issuing criticisms and warnings within the regiment. After delivering the spoils, he took Wang Chengzhu to the courtyard where the regiment leader lived and gave him a lesson.

First of all, the political commissar commended Wang Chengzhu in front of the chief and deputy regimental commanders for his first solo battle. He demolished a gun tower without any casualties among his own soldiers. This kind of result is worth learning from comrades.

Secondly, a lot of supplies and ordnance were brought back through battle seizures. Excluding the previously promised grassroots rebate replenishment, the food and supplies can be eaten by a hundred people for more than a month. The replenishment of weapons, ammunition, clothes and blankets to each battalion will increase the proportion of weapon retention.

However, this kind of battle experience is your first independent battle, Wang Chengzhu, and the regiment headquarters hopes that it will also be the last time to hear such a command and battle.

The political commissar said earnestly: "Comrade Wang Chengzhu, our army is organized and led by workers and peasants who serve the people, not bandit leaders in the surrounding villages. When marching and fighting, we must use our brains more, discuss more with comrades, and sum up experience after the war."

Lesson learned. You don’t need one or two people to be heroes. You must rely on your comrades and constantly work together in daily training and battles to improve the team’s technical and tactical level and coordination.

"Go back and think more and think clearly. Tomorrow afternoon, we will organize a post-war summary meeting for you. Prepare a self-criticism and improvement measures and read them at the summary meeting."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Wang Chengzhu knew that this was for his own good and protected him in terms of organizational procedures.

After watching the political commissar's speech, the regiment leader warned Wang Chengzhu: "Comrade Wang Chengzhu, remember to write this review in plain language. Although the soldiers have gone through the army to learn literacy and literacy, the time is short after all, so they need to speak more clearly.

, it’s easier to understand what you mean. Do you understand?”

This chapter has been completed!
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