Chapter 265: The Military Monk Among the Invaders

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At night, Wang Chengzhu sneaked alone into the house he had chosen during the day. This three-door local wealthy house did not look as dilapidated as the houses in the village far away. Judging from the two sentries holding guns in front of the door.

, there must be a protected object here.

Generally, soldiers and bandits who invade civilian houses usually gather the residents of a residential area and conduct harmless treatment. Young and middle-aged laborers are dragged into doing coolies, women and children are locked up as hostages, and the elderly are often expelled because they have no use value.

, or serve as hand-to-hand combat training partners for soldiers on the spot.

The above are the simple management measures of the invaders in the occupied areas under an ideal situation, without restraint and puppet regime to manage the civil affairs on their behalf. In fact, in order to weaken the survival soil of the guerrillas, waves of looting and lightening of the occupied areas were carried out to boost morale.

Logistics and security pressures, and armies without strict military discipline often only receive evaluations such as "loss of humanity and brutal".

As he concealed himself all the way to the mansion, Wang Chengzhu heard many female screams and wails outside the houses along the way. As we all know, most armies will not organize non-combatants to perform cultural and artistic condolences activities when they are not stationed. These houses

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, held back his anger, and walked lightly towards the courtyard where there were sentries.

This chapter has been completed!
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