Chapter 266: Living for relatives and friends who were killed

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Wang Chengzhu's arms have been modified with iron arm muscle enhancers. When crossing a wall, he only needs to borrow force from the top of the wall to drive his whole body over the obstacle. A person's strength and endurance are limited. Even a calculated and unintentional sneak attack will take his breath away.

It gradually became shorter and shorter. Fortunately, there was a system nearby. After setting up the automatic use of potions, my body felt a little tired. In an instant, it returned to normal due to the relaxation of the healing potions in heaven.

The middle courtyard at the second entrance is much quieter than the front courtyard. There are more than 20 red-named enemies sleeping in the east and west wing rooms. But Wang Chengzhu still dare not take it lightly, because there are secret whistles squatting on the two big trees in the yard. If there were not

Satellite positioning skills have the function of marking enemies. If someone else walked in swaggeringly, he might have become a dead soul under cold gunfire.

Fortunately, Wang Chengzhu habitually turned on the digitized body function, and could see every move of the enemy. His target was in the backyard, and it was insufficient and unnecessary to fight against the secret sentry here. He withdrew his reconnaissance sight from behind the courtyard wall, and quietly raised his hands.

He leaned on the wall quietly, pushed himself over and crossed into the middle courtyard.

Before his body landed heavily on the ground, he immediately let go and lowered his body's center of gravity, landed on his toes and rolled to remove the impact, and hid his body in the shadow of the large fireproof water urn in the courtyard.

This chapter has been completed!
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