Chapter 37 A day in the life of a GA soldier

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 The cultural class in the morning lasted for two hours. Wang Chengzhu followed the political clerk to lead the group of people and returned to the sunbathing field.

Next is political class time. The combination of cultural education and ideological line education is the only magic weapon for the development and growth of the Red Flag Army and improvement of combat effectiveness.

Today’s lesson selection is “Learning Bethune”. Henry Norman Bethune was a famous thoracic surgeon born in Gravenhurst, Ontario. He died in Tang Yao, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area on November 12, 1939.

Huangshikou Village passed away.

The political commissar held up a loudspeaker made of rolled gray iron to receive the lesson in person: "... Comrade Bethune and I only met once. Later he sent me many letters. But because I was busy, I only replied to one letter from him, and I still don't know.

Did he receive it? I am very sad about his death. Now that everyone commemorates him, it can be seen that his spirit is deeply touching. We all must learn from his spirit of no selfishness. Starting from this point, we can

Become a person who is of great benefit to the people. A person's ability may be great or small, but as long as he has this spirit, he is already a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste, a person who is beneficial to the people.

A man of the people."

The article of 1,000 words was read in less than ten minutes. In the following time, several clerks stood up to do reading comprehension of the article. Mr. Henry passed away last year, and it took less than three months for this article to be circulated.

The ideological leaders in Gaonu issued a call to learn from Bethune's spirit, and Mr. Henry's story gradually became known to everyone.

"When Mr. Henry was in his forties, he had already become a consultant to the health department in North America and a director of the Society of Thoracic Surgery. In the winter of 1936, he volunteered to go to Spain to participate in the "International Brigade." In 1938, he brought his own medicines and medical equipment to Hong Kong Island, where he worked in Konu

He stayed and worked in the mountainous areas of western Hebei and served as a health consultant for the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area. He founded a health school and trained a large number of medical cadres...

"Later, while operating on the wounded during the Battle of Motianling, Mr. Henry accidentally cut his left middle finger and died within a month due to lack of medical treatment. He was forty-nine years old. Mr. Henry was born on March 4, 1890.

Day, a few days ago was his birthday.

"That's it for this week's political class. It's getting late. Comrades, please pack up and get ready for lunch." The last person to lecture the soldiers was the political commissar.

Political classes are different from cultural classes. The literacy content of cultural classes can be carried out at any time. It is even common for soldiers in front to hang wooden boards on their backpacks to learn Chinese characters while marching. Political classes only have two or three periods a week or ten days, focusing on quality rather than quantity, and focusing on purpose.

In cultivating the soldiers' world outlook, outlook on life and values.

The soldiers who were sitting cross-legged on the drying ground listened to the commander's instructions, stood up from the ground, patted the dust on their trousers, and went back to the barracks in company and platoon groups.

There was no one to disturb him during his nap time after lunch. Wang Chengzhu lay down in his clothes. He operated the gunner role in his consciousness to refresh equipment, saving time for reading at night.

According to the records on the system announcement panel, you can expand the game window to operate the character in a place with low light when you are awake. If you want to read a book, you need to map an ImagePacks2 folder to the 'Start' screen and read the CHM from a specific NPK file.

Help file reading.

According to the remarks, the use of virtual reality to control exclusive characters can effectively improve the synchronization and coordination level of the body and the character. It is helpful for the accuracy of casting character skills and materializing props in the world of Bright Sword, and will not be limited to the game.

Window sight distance. Skills will only be placed within the field of view, and items will only be dropped under your feet.

Wang Chengzhu took a nap, picked up the teapot and filled some hot water to drink. In the afternoon, he went out with his comrades to participate in military training. The artillery squad led by Wang Chengzhu trained with the infantry on subjects such as formation formation, cross-country marching and wooden spear stabbing, and other soldiers carried out

Practice mortar during the confrontation game.

Three gunners and four gunners quickly dig a mortar pit. Two hours of training often digs more than ten mortar pits. It is indeed a dirty and tiring position in the mortar team. Because of the firmness of the mortar pedestal,

Directly affects the live ammunition shooting accuracy of the entire artillery squad.

The main gunner and the second gunner worked together on the rapid assembly of the gun mount, sighting and re-aiming, and shouted commands to implement safe operating regulations. The gunner's operating skills were strengthened during the day, and quick calculation skills were trained at night.

The mortar squad seems safe and easy on the battlefield, but in fact it is not easy at all in training. In fact, it is not easy on the battlefield. The 70mm gun is light and portable, so you need to see what weapons it is compared with. The 63 kg ten

The 1888 gun can be dismantled and transported. The 1888 Commission rifle without bayonet weighs only 3.166 kilograms, and the M1897 75mm artillery weighs 1160 kilograms.

The routine of combat troops is different from that of field hospitals. In addition to military training classes, literacy reading classes and ideological and political classes, there are also sports and games.

After dinner, Wang Chengzhu was organized to the drying field again, where soldiers from the same company sat in a circle and sang to each other.

Amid the laughter and laughter, the sky gradually became dark. The soldiers were led back to the barracks in separate groups, and turned off the lights to rest.

After Wang Chengzhu washed up, he lay down on the bunk with a sense of ritual to get some sleep. His comrades who snored in the same dormitory fell asleep the earliest, so Wang Chengzhu and the six or seven other soldiers in the same bed had to ask each other a few mental arithmetic problems to consume their attention.<


After calculating, I will report the answer and then ask the next question. Slowly, the voice of the answer is getting softer and softer, and the voice of the answer is getting smaller and smaller. It is dark in the windowless dormitory, and only Wang Chengzhu is not asleep.


In desperation, Wang Chengzhu began to count things, one shovel, two shovels, three shovels... fifty-five shovels...

Finally, Wang Chengzhu, who was counting shovels with his eyes closed, fell asleep, his body rising and falling regularly with his breathing. His consciousness became active, he clicked on the game window familiarly, and sat in front of the bookshelf to read a book.

Distracted by the sound of a xylophone, Wang Chengzhu suddenly realized that his empty fatigue level had been filled with blue, and a new day had arrived.

March 8, 1940, the 30th day of the first lunar month.

The full name of International Women's Day is "United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace". It began with a series of labor movement events in the early 20th century. It was celebrated every year in March 1924 as a symbol of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Wang Chengzhu was lying on the bed in a daze. He had no idea why such a line appeared on the system announcement panel. Until the game window that had not been closed showed that he had received an email. It turned out that our game system had a so-called women's holiday event. It was issued.

3800 joy tokens and a female doll are randomly summoned props to randomly summon a female combat character or non-player character that lasts for fifteen minutes. It will be deleted after maintenance on March 14.

There were already soldiers beside him who were starting to get up and get dressed, but were awakened from their daze. Wang Chengzhu simply stopped lying on the bed, took his clothes and pants and started to put them on.

The wooden basin has been taken over first, and the remaining people had to clean up the house first. They brought the iron teapot to brush their teeth, borrowed the wooden basin, or simply used the teapot to wash the facial towels.

***The author has something to say***

The original plan was to study excerpts from the textbook "Eighth Route Army Soldiers Must Read" in the political class, Lesson 18 Model Soldiers (5). This thing was only promoted by a public account of the BJ Archives in 2017, and there is no specific content that can be quoted.

So I chose to use the timeline of "Studying Bethune" (December 21, 1939) without affecting the work.

This chapter has been completed!
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