Chapter 36 Start by studying the Three Character Classic

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 Theoretically speaking, Wang Chengzhu's state of self-contained consciousness while the body is sleeping is like the spiritual body coming out of the body. But it is not completely out of the body, because our game system is superior to this bright sword world, and we can use some tricks.

Force the body to wake up.

Wang Chengzhu, who fell asleep like this, had a unique side effect - high-quality sleep without being awakened. That is, sound, light and other non-physical interference would not wake him up. Of course, when he was pushed awake,

There will be a prompt in the system view.

Wang Chengzhu's consciousness came to the system vision, and his attention and virtual reality gloves appeared. Unlike the reality augmented vision, mouse and keyboard when he was awake during the day, Wang Chengzhu liked the feature of not getting tired in the virtual reality state.

He couldn't wait to open the game, enter his character, and start the journey to obtain equipment. Even though there were many fatigue points and supplements during the activity stage, Wang Chengzhu still hurriedly cleared the fatigue points and supplements available today before zero o'clock.

When sorting and receiving goods, because of this infinite grid warehouse, the gunner role collected all kinds of functional props and equipment. For Wang Chengzhu, getting books randomly is a sign of returning home without getting one.

Before ability, it is the most important way to pass the time.

Even if you can "go home on Sundays" in the future and bring some local specialties to become a two-world stall practitioner. These books can also be given to friends in Liangjian World for study or as souvenirs after erasing the imprint of the times.

These equipments with unique functions are effective for you in the game and in the world of Bright Sword, and are also good benefits. For example, you can be resurrected every 200 seconds, the music aura activates the group healing effect, and you can choose to be a lone hero or a member of a group, etc., each has its own


For example, right now, the character of the Gunner wears the Dancer of Heaven on the left, and the Light of Dawn and the Truth of the World on the right, holding no survivors in his hand, just like a white-faced consul.

Wang Chengzhu is sitting on the stairs reading a book. The reason for sitting on the stairs is very simple. There are no seats in this tree house hotel. It is ridiculous that such a relatively complete safe house does not even have a low stool.<


I had no choice but to sit on the floor in front of the bookshelf in the tree house, with two legs that seemed to exist on the stairs, looking at the few books that were randomly synthesized today. After flipping through a few dictionaries, I felt that reading such bilingual books was very interesting.

It's boring.

Close "Enter the Voice" 1 and put it on the left, pick up a book of documentary literature "Extraordinary Track" 2 from behind you like a prize, and start reading it with fascination.

This reading lasted the entire second half of the night. Tireless reading or writing is the best way to kill time. As the melodious xylophone music played, the time for Wang Chengzhu to set the alarm went by in a flash.

His concentration on feeling the march and smoke from the battle route map illustrated in the novel was disturbed by the alarm clock. Wang Chengzhu realized that a new day had arrived. He hurriedly packed up the books piled beside him. This treehouse bookshelf has wonderful expansion slots.

No matter how many books you go up there, it won’t feel crowded.

Put the books that have been sorted into corresponding positions, and plan to continue organizing the rest during nap or at night. After doing all this, Wang Chengzhu quit the game and looked at the visual interface blankly, waiting for his body to wake up or be awakened.

The comrades in the temporary shop accidentally woke up.

Looking at the openable games under the entries related to me on the left, Wang Chengzhu suddenly called out the chat window and asked the system a question: "When you are awake, you can use in-game items to materialize. Can you refresh your fatigue or read a book?" <


A line of records was refreshed on the system announcement panel. Before Wang Chengzhu could take a closer look, his body woke up. The vision suddenly lit up, and Wang Chengzhu felt that he was lying in bed, and a new day had begun.

March 7, 1940, the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month.

Wang Chengzhu opened his eyes and saw the time 06:05 displayed in the lower right corner of his vision. The dormitory echoed with the snoring sounds of "ho ho... hoo...". In this environment, Wang Chengzhu could not continue to stay in bed.

I got up and put on my shoes, took the clothes and pants on the left side of the bed, opened the curtain and went to the yard to get dressed in the dim light.

There is some white clouds in the light blue sky in the east-southeast, and red light shines between the two mountain ridges.

The early spring wind was blowing in the yard. Wang Chengzhu, who was wearing a coat, sat on the edge of the wooden pier and searched for the knot in the front of his pants. Shivering, he put on his clothes and pants that were soaked in the residual warmth of the quilt. Wang Chengzhu turned around and went back to the room to get toiletries.
The service company's boiling water room does not turn off the flames at night, and a pottery urn is placed on the sealed and smoldering coal stove. No one lives near this boiling water room, so there is no need to worry about soldiers being poisoned by gas.

Wang Chengzhu entered the water boiling room, opened the wooden board on the pottery urn, poured two ladles of hot water into the wooden basin, turned around and went out. When he came to get the hot water for scrubbing last night, the soldier who watched the stove add coal told him

.You can come here to get hot water at night, but you are not allowed to stay. Be careful about smoking.

Squatting under the tree, Wang Chengzhu washed up in the cold wind and poured the sewage into the tree pit. When he returned to the room, the snoring warrior was still there, and the other eight people were getting dressed and folding quilts. Look.

When Wang Chengzhu carried the wooden basin upside down and entered the house, a warrior with sharp eyes and quick feet took a few steps, took the wooden basin, picked up the teapot and toothbrush, and walked out.

Wang Chengzhu could only grin at this situation, take off his shoes and go to bed to tidy up the housework.

After getting up early in the morning, the cook opens the door of the canteen and distributes breakfast. It takes about an hour for the soldiers to take turns to wash up. After the soldiers who move quickly have tidied up the housework, they will consciously pick up the wooden bucket and pole next to the water tank and go to the village.

Carrying water from two wells.

When the soldiers of the guard service company are not fighting, in addition to taking turns standing guard at night, the most important thing they do is the logistics service work of the agency.

Wang Chengzhu did not join in the fun to fetch water, because the poles and buckets had already been boarded first. He ran around the half of the village where the regiment headquarters was located twice, and walked quickly back to the dormitory half an hour later. Wang Chengzhu saw three or four people lined up in front of the canteen.

A long team of ten people hurried back to greet their comrades to have breakfast.

After breakfast, the soldiers left the cafeteria in twos and threes. Wang Chengzhu walked with the soldiers in the same dormitory. Although he inherited the memory of the original owner of the body, the double experience is prone to hallucinations and inappropriate subconscious actions. Many of the soldiers around him were with Wang Chengzhu.

Carrying a gun and gradually changing your speech and behavior will help you live safely here.

Wang Chengzhu had already suffered a loss once, so he became cautious. When he returned to the dormitory, he looked at the time 07:50, picked up the white tea jar, went to the boiling water room, scooped some hot water to rinse his mouth, and drank some hot water to dissolve his food.<


When I was walking back to the dormitory carrying hot water, I saw my comrades walking out neatly. Although I didn't know the reason, but in line with the principle of not being that "thief who sneaked into the square dance", I put down the teapot and followed the team in blue and gray military uniforms.

Left the barracks area.

Wang Chengzhu mixed in with the team and walked for about five minutes to a drying field in the village. The drying field is a common open space in the countryside, used to stack straw and firewood and dry grain. Wang Chengzhu thought to himself, is this a morning exercise? Why?

Not even a wooden stick wrapped in cloth was seen.

The soldiers who arrived gathered in small groups until a whistle blew. The soldiers, like students who heard the school bell, ran quickly on the drying ground. Under the guidance of their squad platoon leader, they lined up and lined up.

Stand neatly in four square formations.

The soldiers standing in front of the team kept shouting commands such as "Take a break, stand at attention, look to the left, look forward, and report the count." The soldiers in neat rows followed the commands and made corresponding adjustments. In Wang Chengzhu's eyes, the originally neat team was

Standing straighter and more integrated.

The soldier who shouted the command turned left after the command "Stand at attention" was given, held his fists in both hands to the armed belt and ran. When he came to the two soldiers standing in front of the right side of the team, he raised his right hand in a military salute and shouted loudly

: "Report to the regimental leader, political commissar, and regiment headquarters that the assembly has been completed. 455 people were supposed to be present, but 423 actually arrived, 31 of whom took turns to patrol, and 1 was out on official business. Please give instructions!"

The two men who were called the leader and political commissar returned the greeting. I don’t know what they said. The soldier who reported the report ran to the left side of the line and stood at the front, turned around and looked forward.

The political commissar of the regiment walked to the front and center of the team, and could vaguely hear the political commissar shouting: "Take a moment, stand at attention, please take a moment. Comrades, resisting aggression is not a task that can be completed overnight. After driving away the invaders, we still need to build base areas

,Build the fruits of our struggle.

"Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war. This is talking about learning combat skills. The soldiers of the new regiment kill the enemy on the battlefield without hesitation.

"However, the war will end sooner or later. Many comrades have been given land in their families, and many comrades are printing workers. Going home to farm is the way out, and working in the factory is also the way out.

"There is one thing that all comrades need to keep in mind. No matter what you do, no one can take away the ability to read and read. In our country, the vast majority of people are illiterate and writing letters on the roadside is also a job.


"Comrades, you should study more, be literate and read. Use your gun to kill the enemy, and pick up your pen to write letters home. Drive away the invaders and build a new home."

The regiment leader standing next to the political commissar took the lead in applauding, and the soldiers imitated him in applauding. For a while, the field was filled with thunderous applause.

The political commissar clapped his hands, and the regiment leader put down his hands. The applause gradually died down. The political commissar continued to shout: "Stand at attention, everyone is here. Please organize the cadres and directly affiliated companies to organize themselves and study in groups according to stages. Disband!"

Several clerks from the political and engineering department walked out of the team, raised the wooden signs they had prepared, and stood at the edge of the drying field to form a second team.

Wang Chengzhu glanced at the wooden sign, as if a student choosing a course was choosing a teacher. "Qie Jie Ting Essays", "Nan Qian Bei Tiao Collection", "Hua Gai Collection Continuation", "Grave", Wang Chengzhu thought to himself that I had fallen into Lu Xun's nest.

Oh, why are they all miscellaneous books?

Finally, he saw a wooden sign on the far right that read "The Three-Character Classic of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers". Wang Chengzhu made up his mind to go to this team. After reading Lu Xun's literature, in the 1920s, it was like a crucian carp crossing the river, but this Three-Character Classic was rarely seen.

Few people mentioned it. Taking this learning opportunity to experience different enlightenment literature, Wang Chengzhu felt that he had made the right choice.

After the group selection of courses is completed, the political clerks will take the soldiers of their respective teams to a small courtyard or a corner of the drying area to organize learning.

The clerk stood on the steps in front of a small courtyard, copied the text on a piece of wooden board with charcoal strips, and read it.

Wang Chengzhu followed the document and read sentence by sentence: "In the world, human beings are the most spiritual. The creators are workers, peasants and soldiers. Men and women are all human beings.

"When there is injustice, everyone cries out. Workers, they work non-stop. They work hard from dawn to dusk..."

***The author has something to say***

The equipment corresponds to the suits with mythical pendants: The Remains of the Time War, The Dancer of Heaven, The Crossing of Destiny, The Ancient Dust Warlock, The Cry that Penetrates Destiny, and the Impermanence of Destiny. The last four suits have group effects.

Note 1: "An Annotation of Rusheng Zi" is the work of Mr. Shen Kecheng, a dialectologist, philologist and expert in Chinese character information processing.

Note 2: Shuangshi, the author of "Extraordinary Trajectory: The Battle of the Central Red Army's Fourth Crossing of Chishui to Cross the Jinsha River". Shuangshi, formerly known as Zhou Jun, has many years of military experience and has long been committed to the study of China's modern war history.

This chapter has been completed!
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