Chapter 69: The brigade chief’s instructions before leaving

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 "Take a break!"

"Stand at attention!"

"Using the eighth fighter in the first row as a benchmark, the distance between the front and back is one arm, the distance between the left and right is one punch, and the distance between them is aligned in the middle!"

The warrior who had previously called out eight stretched his left upper arm flat, raised his forearm and made a fist, and at the same time shouted: "Use me as the benchmark, look towards the middle!"

The soldiers in the phalanx queue started to move in small steps. Taking the soldiers who raised their hands to shout as the reference position, they moved their positions and arranged their positions. Since they had aligned themselves once before, they only made slight adjustments this time to complete the alignment.

Queue training.

"Look forward!" the company commander gave the order, and the soldiers who were moving in small steps stopped in unison, and at the same time turned their faces to look straight ahead.

"All of them! Turn left, turn backward, turn right, turn right!" Under the command of the company commander, the soldiers of this phalanx used their left heel as the axis, left heel and the front of the right foot.

At the same time, use force to make the body turn 90 degrees to the left in a coordinated manner, with the weight on the left foot. Take a shortcut with the right foot and quickly move closer to the left foot, establish an upright posture and complete the left turn. Listen to the command, turn to the right 180 degrees, stand still, and then turn to the right.

Turn right and stand 90 degrees.

When the phalanx warriors turned and leaned on their feet, they kept their legs straight and kept their upper body in an upright posture. The sound of "唰...咵" was followed by the sound of turning and leaning on their feet, showing the high degree of consistency trained by the troops.

"Everyone, turn left... turn! Form into two rows, start... go!" Wang Chengzhu, who was standing behind the phalanx, was now in the front row, turned left and walked in step with the comrades in front.

Under the leadership of the company commander, we walked to a corner of the training ground, formed a square formation again, and stood still waiting for the command.

"Stand still, turn right...!" The soldiers of the guard service company ordered and prohibited, and turned around after hearing the sound. Under the command of the company commander, they completed the training content of dispersing, disbanding, gathering, and running back to the training ground formation area.

After the phalanx formations of each company were assembled, the deputy commander reported the training situation to the brigade headquarters observation group again and asked the brigade commander for guidance.

The brigade commander walked to the north of the training ground and faced eight square formations of soldiers. Instead of holding a loudspeaker, he spoke loudly: "Comrades, thank you for your hard work. On behalf of the headquarters of the 38th Army Brigade, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the new regiment

Greetings from all soldiers and cadres!"

The whole place was quiet, there was no applause or response, only the orderly formation showed to the brigade commander that they were well-trained.

The brigade commander glanced with satisfaction at the political commissar of the new regiment leader and continued loudly: "Today, I brought a dozen cadres from the brigade headquarters to pay my respects to the soldiers who died in the battle three days ago.

"This is the sixth time I have attended Xinyi Tuan's memorial service. Every time I see some old acquaintances and some new faces.

"No one is immortal in a war. You sweat more during training, bleed less on the battlefield, and your comrades and compatriots shed less tears.

"I have watched the training conducted by all comrades, and it can be said that the military appearance is neat and solemn. But this is not enough. Our combat effectiveness must not only rely on obeying orders and obeying commands, but also relying on the masses. For the fallen comrades and for the masses in the base area behind us.

,Keep fighting the invaders."

The regimental commander listened to the brigade commander cheering for the soldiers, raised his hands and clenched his fists and shouted: "Keep fighting!"

When the first battalion and the regiment directly jointly trained the phalanx, they saw the regiment commander shouting and signaling. The company commanders took the lead in imitating the regiment commander's actions and shouted: "Keep fighting!"

The soldiers raised their right fists together, and the sound of "keep fighting" echoed throughout the training ground and echoed in the valley.

The brigade observation group left the training ground accompanied by regimental cadres, and each company disbanded and lined up. There were group entertainment activities in the afternoon, and some thirsty soldiers took turns holding the company commander's turtle pot to quench their thirst.

This chapter has been completed!
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