Chapter 70: Piloting artillery fire in the first battalion

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 In the afternoon entertainment time, the first battalion and the regiment directly organized a tug-of-war competition. As expected, the top three units were the first company, third company and fourth company of the first battalion. The second company and the logistics support company competed for fourth place, but unfortunately they lost.

The reporter saved some face for Tuanzhilian and received a round of applause and encouragement.

After dinner, the soldiers sat on the tamped ground in the drying area and played songs to each other.

Most of them attended the farewell and memorial ceremony for their comrades in the morning. In the evening, the soldiers sang war songs in memory of their comrades.

"The wind is roaring. The horses are braying.

"The Yellow River is roaring. The Yellow River is roaring.

"The mountains in Hexi are tens of thousands of feet high. The sorghum in Hedong and Hebei is ripe...[1]"

Wang Chengzhu listened to his comrades singing and hummed along. As he sang and hummed, he unknowingly developed a close feeling. Watching the performance in the auditorium of the same opera troupe, the feeling was very different.

The cheeks of the comrades beside him were shining brightly, and Wang Chengzhu could not see clearly clearly. He closed his eyes and wiped the water droplets squeezed out of his eyelids with his sleeves, and looked at the soldier beside him. It turned out that he was shedding tears.

Wang Chengzhu understood that it was not just one person who missed his comrades, but more than one person was moved emotionally. It was just that in this era of war and chaos, a person's strength was limited, so only by following the army could he have a chance to survive.

A grain of sand in the times is like a mountain when it falls on everyone. Wang Chengzhu felt that he had a system to protect himself, but he was powerless to change the general environment.

Fortunately, I explained it to the chief very neatly this afternoon, and I was given a job.

Ability leads to power, power improves status, and status represents responsibility.

A string of rapid whistles interrupted Wang Chengzhu's meditation, and the company and platoon leaders began to assemble the team. The soldiers quickly found their positions and followed the leader back to the barracks to prepare for bed.

After Wang Chengzhu finished washing, he lay down on the bunk in the dormitory and soon fell asleep.

As for the fatigue value, I sat alone in front of the bookshelf and read books, and input some training plans and experiences into the chat bar from time to time.

Rome was not built in a day. The weekends before the time travel were spent squatting at home and living a low-social life, which made Wang Chengzhu develop the habit of reading. There are advantages to reading widely.

Time passed quietly without any nostalgia while Wang Chengzhu was taking notes on reading.

March 16, 1940, the eighth day of February.

A new day began. Wang Chengzhu transcribed the plan items listed last night on yellow paper during the morning cultural break.

After lunch, Wang Chengzhu received a notice from the political commissar's security guard, asking him to come to the regimental leader's courtyard if he had anything to do.

When Wang Chengzhu quickly walked into the yard, knocked on the door and entered the house, he found the political commissar and the regiment leader sitting on the kang bed chatting, and the first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao was also there.

When the political commissar saw Wang Chengzhu coming, he hurriedly greeted him: "Captain Zhang, Comrade Wang Chengzhu is your old comrade. Let's talk about the matter directly.

"Yesterday, after the brigade commander's approval, Comrade Wang Chengzhu was appointed as the executor of the first-round rapid artillery promotion working group. The regiment leader and I concurrently serve as the chief and deputy group leaders. The pilot of this promotion working group is placed in the new regiment and battalion. Starting this afternoon, Wang Chengzhu

Comrade went to the first battalion to guide new weapons training, what do you think?"

Zhang Dabiao was so happy when he heard that new weapons were issued, including cannons. He held the political commissar's hand tightly and shook it: "Comrade political commissar, and the head of the regiment, thank you both very much. What can I do for you?"

Hold the battalion together in advance and I will give you a big salute."

The regimental leader waved his hand, held Zhang Dabiao's bowing hand, pointed at Wang Chengzhu who was standing at the door and said: "Zhang Dabiao, don't just thank us. Get closer to Comrade Wang Chengzhu. He is the one who made the weapons this time. Put them together."

The battalion just wants to be nearby and convenient, and it will be promoted to the entire regiment and division and brigade troops in the future."

***The author has something to say***

Note[1]: "Yellow River Cantata" was written by Guang Weiran and composed by Xian Xinghai. It was first screened in 1939. This chapter uses the seventh movement "Defending the Yellow River".

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