Chapter 210 'Oriental Metropolis Daily' before the storm

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"Shoot the first bird,"

Jiang Hai's expression was very subtle: "This is not unreasonable!"

"At that time, everything was about the Great Leap Forward," Li Ruocheng threw a peanut into his mouth:

"The distribution of books has not fallen behind, but the quality is not good enough. Finally, a book called "One Hundred Thousand Whys" appeared. Will the sales be good?"

"That book is not only loved by children," Li Huaiying recalled with his wife:

"At that time, the central government directly issued a set of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" to each leader, telling them that each of them must learn some scientific knowledge from the book."

"In fact, compared with the first edition, the second edition in 1964 has already begun to be restrained," Jiang Shan took over:

"The current edition in Pujiang Library is from 1964, and the writing is basically based on life and production."

Can any watermelon be used as a cannonball? Why is salt put in bombs?

What’s interesting is that the reviewers for the second edition were basically all powerful people at the time, including Li Siguang, Zhu Kezhen, Hua Luogeng...each of them was very impressive.

"What does the 70 version look like?" Liu Xiaoqing became more and more relaxed as she sat at the dinner table, and from time to time she would pick up chopsticks for Yu Sigui next to her.

"The people who compiled the 70th edition are even more awesome," Jiang Shan looked at Li Ruocheng with questioning eyes: "I heard that for every why they answer, they can quote quotations and Marx and Engels' works. Is that true?"

Li Ruocheng's expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "You will understand after a while when you read the book."

"I didn't realize it at the time," Li Huaiying said with a smile as he looked at Jiangshan, "Now that I hear Lao San describe it like this, I really think it's not that simple."

Several people sitting here also suddenly became curious about this set of books.

They really can't imagine what kind of encyclopedia it would be if every question could quote quotations and Marx and Engels.

"Don't worry about how it answers the question," Li Ruocheng looked at the group of young people in front of him:

"It was still a very popular book in those years because "One Hundred Thousand Whys" was a rare popular science book at that time."

"How amazing is this Ye Yonglie?" Jiang Shan was indeed very impressed: "In those days, he not only participated in the compilation of "One Hundred Thousand Whys", but also wrote his own book "The PHS: A Journey into the Future".


Although this book was released nearly twenty years late, it better reflects Ye Yonglie's advanced consciousness at that time.

"Lao San," Jiang Hai looked at Jiang Shan and shook his head: "This time I really found a treasure for Pujiang Daily."

Jiang Shan didn't understand for a moment: "What treasure did you pick up?"

"As for the "Little Smart Traveling in the Future" you just mentioned, since it was serialized in "Pujiang Daily", their circulation has been rising steadily."

"Oh, what else should I take?" Jiang Shan smiled: "If you want to say this, it should not only be the credit of PHS, but Uncle Li's "Gone with the Wind" is the first credit."

"Tsk," Li Ruocheng pursed his lips and said, "I didn't let go of this at that time. You are still a good person."

"You blame me," Jiang Shan said with a look of reluctance: "We should have brought "Gone with the Wind" to our Oriental Metropolis Daily."

"Lao San," Jiang Hai has been thinking about one thing recently:

"Pujiang Daily recently showed up. Since he became a pioneer of science fiction novels, many newspapers and periodicals have followed suit. I am planning to ask Lao Cai to find a science fiction novel recently..."

Jiang Shan, who was across the table, immediately shook his chopsticks and said, "Brother, there is no rush about science fiction. Let's talk about it later."

Recently, he has also been thinking about something, and it is said that the time has come.

At the end of 1979, a storm against science fiction novels was about to begin.

That day while watching a commercial video at Pujiang TV Station, Director Gu mentioned something to Jiang Shan.

It is said that since the beginning of the year, the translation studio has reported to China Film Group that it plans to introduce "Star Wars" films, but it has not been approved until now.

Hu Xiao was so angry that he went to his office and cursed him for a long time.

In the end, the two came to the conclusion that China Film was seeking bargains and only wanted to buy out-of-season products.

But from Jiangshan's point of view, it's not just about the price.

The twists and turns inside cannot be explained in just one or two sentences.

The current China Film Distribution is the predecessor of China Film Group in later generations.

The films planned to be introduced every year must be approved by the immediate superior.

In 1977, after the release of "Star Wars" across the ocean, it became a hit all over the world.

To this end, the People's Daily published a commentary in 1978:

[This film, which cost tens of millions of US dollars, earned nearly US$200 million in box office revenue in just five months.

Such a film is so well-received that it reflects the dissatisfaction of the broad masses of the American people with reality.

They need to seek solace from illusory illusions...]

Hu Xiao didn't pay attention to the previous comments, thinking that everything would change after they were changed.

Unexpectedly, in 1979, it was still not allowed to be introduced.

That day, after listening to Director Gu's words, Jiang Shan remembered a point in time.

It won't be long before science fiction, which has enjoyed a good few days, will be thrown cold water on it from above.

Moreover, the first novel to be splashed with cold water was the now popular "PHS Adventures in the Future".

At this moment, Jiang Shan picked up a piece of tofu and put it into a bowl.

Seeing that the eldest brother hadn't given up yet, he simply reminded:

"Brother, just wait patiently for a while. Our "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will have to be serialized for a while anyway. Then we will see which direction the wind blows."

Look at the wind direction?

Jiang Hai, who didn't take it seriously at first, immediately took it seriously after hearing these three words.

Strong professional sensitivity can't stop coming out.

"What?" Jiang Hai asked directly: "What else did you hear?"

At this moment, not only him, but Li Ruocheng also cast an inquiring look at Jiang Shan.

"This is something that is not obvious," Jiang Shan did not explain clearly. He only quoted a comment made by Ye Yonglie in the China Youth Daily:

"What age are we in today? People have to pay a ticket to buy a piece of tofu, but they still keep talking about neutrinos, genetic modification... Some people have even considered space immigration."

"But it was originally a novel," Yu Sigui couldn't figure it out, and asked doubtfully, "Who would read it if I didn't write this?"

"Comrade Yu Sigui," Jiang Shan said with a smile: "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so it would be more appropriate for us to talk about the moon!"

Father Jiang, who had remained silent, looked sharply at Jiang Shan.

No matter how you look at it, you feel that the third child in your family is actually more worry-free than the eldest child.

"That's right." Dad Jiang took the lead and raised his wine glass: "Our youngest brought many friends back today, so don't be polite, hurry up and eat..."

The reunion dinner didn't end until eight o'clock in the evening.

After sitting in the yard chatting for a while, Liu Xiaoqing and Chen Peisi stood up and left without feeling satisfied.

The arrangement for the two of them was the same as that of Yu Sigui, and they were all taken to the hostel of the Cultural Affairs Bureau by Jiang Shan.

On the way there, Yu Sigui took an opportunity to get closer to Jiangshan.

"Have you thought about advertising recently?" Jiang Shan remained silent and simply twisted the other person's arm: "I'm asking you a question!"

"Hiss," Jiang Shan's face immediately became ferocious, and he rubbed his arms: "You really dare to kill someone if you dare."

"Does it hurt you?" Yu Sigui was also ready to rub it twice: "I didn't even try hard!"

"Pay attention to the influence, Comrade Yu Sigui,"

Jiangshan walking on the main road does not dare to make mistakes.

No matter what era you are in, talking about money is more reliable than talking about love.

"Tell me the price first," Jiang Shan asked a question that could calm both parties down: "If you can win this advertisement, how much remuneration will Dongjing Bank give your company?"

Sure enough, when Yu Sigui heard this sentence, he immediately calmed down a lot.

"Even if you don't ask, I'm still wanting to talk to you about this!"

Jiang Shan just smiled and said nothing, looking at each other with squinting eyes.

Yu Sigui met the other party's gaze without showing any signs of weakness, and held up his chest to block Jiang Shan's way:

"I've always done things according to rules. If you don't believe me, I'll send you the tender document when I get back."

"I only asked one sentence, so you can go on and on."

After Jiang Shan finished speaking, he glanced at Liu Xiaoqing and Chen Peisi who were walking with Jiang Hai in front of him.

"It's too late today, let's discuss the details tomorrow."

"No," Yu Sigui said hurriedly: "Since you asked this, I must make it clear to you."

"How many?"

"200,000," Yu Sigui quickly added: "I am talking about RMB, and I will give you 10% when the time comes."

"Twenty thousand? RMB?"

Jiang Shan checked again, thinking that it would be easier to make money through mental work.

"That's right," Yu Sigui nodded seriously: "If your advertising idea is liked by Dongjing Bank, you can get a reward of 20,000 yuan."


On the sidewalk at night, Jiangshan smiled brighter than the full moon in the sky.

"Whatever is OK, are you sure about this?"

Yu Sigui looked at Jiangshan anxiously. Before coming, she had rejected several advertising ideas from Dadi advertising creators.

I know how difficult this life is.

"Do you know how many advertising companies are eyeing this bid?" Yu Sigui hoped that Jiangshan would take this matter seriously: "It's not as easy as you think."

"I didn't expect it to be that easy. You don't need to be too nervous, just wait patiently!"


"When have I ever lied to you?"

When Yu Sigui, whose eyes were full of anxiety, met Jiang Shan's crystal clear gaze, his whole body relaxed a lot.

The next second, Yu Sigui, who was jumping up and down with his hands behind his back, started to think happily: "I'm telling you, if we can win this deal, you can count the money from now on!"

"How to say?"

"This year's Dadi Advertising has attracted the attention of the industry. If we win another big ticket like Dongjing Bank, then our Dadi Advertising's reputation will be completely established. Do you know how many advertisements are waiting to be planned in Japan every year?"


"I don't know where to go."

"Not only in Japan, I also plan to open a branch in Xiangjiang. Just wait and count the money carefully. Anyway, it is a number you have never heard of."

"Oh?" Jiang Shan couldn't help but smile: "Then let me see it!"

Jiangshan already has some ideas for the creativity of ATM advertisements.

Now that I know the amount of the remuneration, I have more ideas.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the small courtyard of No. 51 is really as bright as the stars and the moon.

Suddenly a cool breeze blew, and Li Ruocheng gathered up the coat on his body in front of the window.

The moment he raised his head, he saw Jiang Shan walking into the small courtyard with his hands in his pockets.

"Have they all been sent back to the guest house?"

As soon as he saw who was coming, Li Ruocheng asked with concern.

Jiang Shan raised his hand and looked at the time, and walked to the window with a serious face: "Uncle Li, you can't live like this every day. You have to pay attention to protecting the health of your heart."

"Except for my high blood pressure and high blood sugar," Li Ruocheng patted his chest: "Everything else is fine!"

"That's what they say when nothing happens," Jiang Shan said with an experienced look: "It will be too late when something happens."

In this day and age, there is no such thing as a stent to survive.

"Bah, bah, bah," Li Ruocheng hurriedly said, "The more you talk about it, the more ridiculous it becomes. You stay up very late every day!"

"How old am I?"

"Wait for me here," when Jiang Shan said this, Li Ruocheng's heart immediately felt warm: "Okay, I'll listen to you, I'll go to sleep right now!"

Jiang Shan nodded with satisfaction: "Hurry up, I will follow up and check in the future."

Tonight, the courtyard is missing a lighted window.

At this moment, in addition to the rooms of the two high school repeaters, Jiang Shan's desk was also brightly lit.

"A Tuo... opened an account when he was young... started saving from 500 yuan..."

Jiang Shan couldn't help but murmur to himself when he thought of the "Sumitomo Bank" advertisement that made the "Donjing Bank" jealous.

"What's so good about this advertisement? It actually overshadows the local established banks...?"

After some thought, Jiangshan made a choice between several advertising creative ideas.

Then, as time passed, stop-motion cartoons appeared on the drawing paper on the table, accompanied by paragraphs of text.

Not far from the desk, Jiang He was busy tossing and turning on the bed.

October 2 was a rare and auspicious day, and he could finally move into his new house on that day.

In Pujiang City Post Office,

After seeing heartwarming cartoons in the newspaper for two consecutive days, on the morning of the third day, Director Liang, who had just walked into the office, immediately pulled out a copy of "Oriental Metropolis Daily" from a pile of newspapers.

This time, he no longer rushed to find the serialization of "Legend of the Condor Heroes", but turned his attention to the comic section.

Soon, he was attracted by the comics in front of him.

"Incredible," Director Liang looked at the newspaper in front of him in surprise:

"It's actually another cartoon describing our post office. It seems that this comrade from Oriental Metropolis Daily is definitely a confidant of our post office!"

The protagonist in the comic is still the chubby postman.

In today's cartoon, on a plane with the slogan People's Postal Service Loves the People, the fat postman is sitting seriously in the cockpit of the plane.

Under the plane, the vast land was painted with countless cute mail buckets.

Looking up at these round mailboxes with smiles on their faces, they seem to be waiting for the postal plane to feed them.

"Chief Li,"

The excited Director Liang immediately picked up the phone on the table: "Come to my office right away, remember to bring the dispatch book..."

This chapter has been completed!
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