Chapter 289 Advertising in Three Countries

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In 1980, after a year of conscientious implementation, the people no longer evaded or hesitated when talking about the "family planning" policy.

He opened his mouth and kept talking about the previous ban on rain, IUD, taking pills, using condoms... all became topics that could be discussed at any time.

In Pujiang City, some buildings with imported characteristics, embellished with "family planning" propaganda slogans, exude the atmosphere of the times that has never been seen before.

At this moment, many "Family Planning" slogans were also hung in the Meiying Studio.

Faced with Liao Mingzu who suddenly came to the door, Jiangshan's red heart could finally land safely.

Even though he stayed in the editing room all morning, he behaved steadily, like a man of five and six.

In fact, I have been thinking about the market's reaction to the tape.

But when Liao Mingzu came to tell him about the huge response from the market, Jiang Shan felt that the response was a bit too intense.

"so much……"

Before he could say the word "city", Liao Mingzu, who was already out of breath, grabbed Jiang Shan's hand:

"Chief Jiang, you are so awesome. You said the tapes were going to be a big hit, and they really were.

To be honest, when you asked me to prepare for shipment the day before yesterday, I almost didn't take it seriously.

Look at it now, haha...hahaha..."

The laughter couldn't stop coming out, and Liao Mingzu was laughing so hard at this moment!


Seeing the other party's excitement, Jiang Shan's smile began to brighten: "You are happy now, I told you that there will be no problem."

"I really believe what you said now. From the first order call this morning to the first salesperson who came to ask for doesn't matter if you don't want to believe it!"

At first, the sales department located in the guest house only received a large number of replenishment calls from several bookstores.

Liao Mingzu, who was a little relieved, thought this was what Jiang Shan called a "big sale".

But then, the phone calls for goods from major shopping malls in Pujiang City also started ringing.

As soon as ten o'clock in the morning passed, some salesmen from shopping malls came to ask for goods with the business cards they had received before.

It was only then that Liao Mingzu realized the change in the direction of the wind.

After all, before this, the tape of "Roses Bloom Everywhere" could only be seen at the record counter of the bookstore, but the shopping mall where they missed each other day and night had never been open to them.

"You just said there was a call from Guangzhou?" What Jiang Shan cared about most was this sentence.

"It was a call from the leaders of Radio and Television. They said that merchants in some cities called them to ask why the tape of "Rose Blooms Everywhere" is only available in Pujiang. They also asked if they were treating them differently."


"I don't know the specific situation. I'll call you after I get back to find out more."

"Okay, okay, okay,"

Seeing that Liao Mingzu was speaking faster and faster, Jiang Shan decided to wave goodbye first: "You should go back and take a look first, and pay attention to safety on the road!"

"It's time for me to leave, otherwise I won't be able to catch the plane in a while."

"Have the flights been booked?"

"Haha, it was your elder brother who helped!"


Looking at Jiang Shan's confused expression, Liao Mingzu then remembered who sent him here:

"After receiving the call from Guangzhou, I quickly called your newspaper office.

But the little girl who answered the phone said that you were not at work. When she saw that I was in an emergency, she ran to notify your elder brother..."

Amidst Liao Mingzu's rambling words, a familiar figure appeared in the corridor outside the editing room.

Jiang Shan smiled, and Jiang Hai in the corridor also smiled.

Just when Liao Mingzu's figure was about to disappear at the end of the corridor, he stopped again.

"Chief Jiang..."

The moment I looked back at Jiangshan, the past came to my mind one by one.

["Mr. Liao, I really can't do anything about the market in Xiangjiang. But if I change the place, I can sell it without leaving a single plate."

"What? Chief Jiang, what did you just say?"

"I said, I can be responsible for selling out these tapes."]

"Chief Jiang," middle-aged Liao Mingzu suddenly felt the tip of his nose was a little sour:

"Thank you. No matter whether the tape is sold out or not, I will thank you very much."

"Don't worry," Jiang Shan is still certain of this: "The tapes will definitely be sold without a single tape left, and you won't even get a cent of my compensation."

"Hahaha," Liao Mingzu, whose nose became sour the more he smiled, waved his hands vigorously: "Just wait for my good news."

"You go and come back quickly, I'm waiting!"

"Crack" sound,

The two brothers were lying on the railing on the second floor and lit the cigarettes in their hands.

Seeing his car quickly drive out of the gate of Meiying Factory, Jiang Hai leisurely exhaled a thin stream of smoke:

"It seems that the Pacific issue has been resolved. It didn't take long, right?"

"It's not so smooth," Jiang Shan was still wondering: "Is it just because of the opening ceremony that was broadcast on TV last night?"

To say that one Pujiang City was enough, the response from so many cities was beyond his expectation.

Before he could throw out several cards in his hand, the war was actually over.

The more Jiang Shan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. After all, although Zhu Fengbo appeared in the opening ceremony, he didn't even mention Qiangwei at all?

"You haven't read today's newspaper, have you?" Upon hearing what Lao San asked, Jiang Hai slowly took out a copy of "Oriental Metropolis Daily".

"I haven't been able to take care of it for the past two days!"

"Let's take a look!"

"Just watching..."

The moment he opened the newspaper, Jiang Shan saw the truth.

[Literature master Shen Congwen said in an interview with our reporter:

I have a journalist friend in Pujiang. I heard from him that Zhu Fengbo had a tape called "Rose Blooms Everywhere" that was very popular in Xiangjiang. When I was young, I also liked this song very much. (Reposted from Yanjing Daily)]

[According to drama master Cao Yu's recent reflection: I have always wanted to buy a tape of "Rose Blooms Everywhere".

I heard that due to the limited quantity for domestic sales, it can currently only meet the market needs of Pujiang.

The people of Pujiang are blessed. I wonder when we in Yanjing will be able to see this box of "Rose Blooms Everywhere". (Reprinted from China Youth Daily)]

"Oh My God……"

Jiang Shan couldn't believe his eyes: "So the doorway is here!"

"Now you understand," Jiang Hai and Lao San looked at the newspaper side by side: "With these two speaking out for the tape, you will have to waste a lot of time!"

As soon as Jiang Hai saw the journalist friend Shen Congwen mentioned, he knew it was the third child who hadn't run away!

Like newspapers in other cities, Oriental Metropolis Daily immediately forwarded these two pieces of news.

"Thank you, brother." Jiang Shan, who figured out the situation, smiled even happier.

With these two spokespersons here, do you still need to worry about the tape of "Pacific"?

"My brother, what can I thank you for?" Jiang Haike kept watching for his brother: "Thanks to you, the phone at home is even on the phone."


"I also fell in love with color TV."


"The video recorder has not been turned on yet."

"Wait a minute," Jiang Shan knew nothing but the phone: "These are also sent by the Light Industry Bureau?"

"Why, you don't know yet?" Jiang Hai lowered his voice immediately: "They gave you a pair of sofas in your house!"


Thinking again about the 80 plus square meter house, Jiang Shan had a hunch that there must be a big job waiting for him in the future.

"Let's not talk about this for now," Jiang Shan also lowered his voice: "Boss, do you still remember what I mentioned to you years ago?"

"Don't worry, the series of reports on the "Latent" radio drama will be available in newspapers tomorrow," Jiang Hai had already explained the matter:

"At the end of the article, I added this paragraph: At present, Pujiang Translation Factory has received advertising consultation calls from some large and medium-sized enterprises..."

"Just do it," Jiang Shan was very satisfied with the boss's careful arrangement: "According to the previous plan, after the tape matter is settled, it will be the turn of "Latent"."

Faced with the final implementation standards of "maximum two, preferably one!" and "only one!", Shangfeng still has not made a decisive blow.

However, the implementation of "family planning" began to be implemented as early as 1979.

Therefore, since the implementation of the "family planning" policy was announced last year, the publicity work of organizations at all levels has been continuously carried out.

Pujiang Garment Factory No. 2, Workshop No. 4.

Comrade Jiang Xiangnan, the workshop director, was reading out the latest "family planning" knowledge to a group of workers.

"Everyone, please put aside what you are doing. Let's finish talking and leave the meeting early."

After a year of running-in period, Jiang Xiangnan is already quite experienced in carrying out family planning work.

Faced with the laughter and commotion in the lounge, Director Jiang, who had long been used to it, decided to say it early:

"...To sum it up in one sentence, our workshop now must focus on both production and reproduction, and neither can be relaxed.

Due to the large number of lesbians in our factory, we are also a key publicity unit for family planning work.

Everyone who should get condoms should get condoms, and those who should get medicine should get medicine. Lesbians who meet the requirements for IUD should also seize the time to go to the medical office to sign up."


"Don't laugh," Jiang Xiangnan shook the document in his hand: "I will post this in the break room later. Everyone should take time to study it..."

The same propaganda work is being carried out in every corner of the country.

In the director's office of Pujiang TV Station, Jiang Shan was pulled over from home by Zhang Lu as soon as he left his dishes.

At this moment, two young men who were not even married were quietly receiving literacy education on "family planning".

"As early as many years ago, countries and regions around us have successively promulgated "family planning" policies,"

Director Gu, who was sitting in front of them, flicked the cigarette ashes in his hand:

“As the first country to propose family planning, Japan also shouted the slogan of ‘fewer births, fewer deaths, good upbringing’ a few years ago.

As early as 1971, South and North Korea also proposed the family planning standard of "no distinction between men and women, no more than two".

Also in Xiangjiang, in 1975, the slogan "Two is enough" was issued..."

As he spoke, Director Gu stood up slowly:

“While they put forward the slogan of family planning, they also did an excellent job in promoting family planning.

And I believe everyone has seen the importance our country attaches to this policy, right?"

Jiang Shan and Zhang Lu nodded together.

It’s impossible not to see the overwhelming scene with loud gongs and drums!

"In order to better cooperate with the publicity work, our Pujiang TV station decided to produce a promotional advertisement to promote family planning work,"

Director Gu, who was pacing in the office, suddenly stopped:

"Of course, this is also a task assigned to us by the superior department."

The whole country is busy with this matter, and publicity units like TV stations must of course be on the front line.

Facing Director Gu's gaze towards him, Jiang Shante smiled understandingly.

"But... this propaganda task seems not as simple as imagined."

Gu Zhengzheng's words echoed in his ears, Jiang Shan still kept smiling.

An advertisement for family planning still couldn't stop him.

"It must be in line with international standards. This is the advertising requirement given to our station by our superiors." Worried that the comrades in front of him did not understand, Director Gu added: "Have you both seen the Yangshi promotional video?"


"The style of our station must be different from theirs."

"I understand," Jiang Shan understood what Gu Tai meant: "That can't be in line with international standards."

"Yes," Director Gu continued to reveal: "Currently, every TV station has received the task of shooting promotional videos."

“Everything must conform to the international style?”

"Currently, only our station has received this request."

"But..." Jiang Shan was puzzled: "How can a family planning advertisement be in line with international standards?"

Gu Zhengzheng smiled. If he understood, would he still need to call you?

"That's what I think," Director Gu helped Jiang Shan analyze: "It's said to be international, but in fact it's just the two surrounding countries."

"Just the Japan and South Korea you just mentioned?"

"Right now, they are the only ones."

"Then... do you have their advertisements?" Jiang Shan decided to open his eyes first: "I want to take a look first."

"Yes, of course." At this time, Zhang Lu stood up: "I have prepared everything for you."

A few minutes later, the TV in the office came on.

[While newlyweds of different generations appeared, lines of subtitles continued to flash on the screen:

In 1930, the more children the better, right?

In 1950, for a good man and a good woman, five were necessary.

In 1970, one son and one daughter were enough.

In 1980, I gave birth to one child and raised him well.】

"What you are seeing now is the latest family planning advertisement from South and North Korea,"

At this moment, Director Gu was already sitting next to Jiang Shan: "This is also their propaganda slogan over the years."

Jiang Shan nodded and said nothing.

At this moment, another set of images was playing in his mind.

A slovenly British man was looking out of a window that was in disrepair, calling:

"Xiao Du, Xiao Ai, Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao S..."

After shouting out a long list of people's names, the old father shouted out the final goal: "Go home for dinner soon!"

This is a foreign family planning advertisement that is short, funny, and thought-provoking.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shan couldn't help laughing.

But soon, the scene broadcast on TV made him immediately stop smiling...

This chapter has been completed!
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