Chapter 371 The conspicuous bag advertisement causing traffic jams

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In the first two years of reform and opening up, thousands of fronts were running concurrently and a hundred flowers were blooming.

There are people like Jiang Hai and Jiang Shan who are ready to move forward and dream about the future, while there are also people who decide to make a desperate move and sacrifice their future.

After receiving the order to board the ship, many naval officers spent all their savings at the last moment.

After buying a tape recorder, an electric fan, a sofa... these furniture and appliances that I would normally be reluctant to buy for my family, I decided to board the warship.

It can be seen from the more than 20 body bags carried by each ship that although the 18 ships that gathered in the Pujiang River were poorly equipped, they were no longer easy to mess with before setting off.

"elder brother,"

When he thought that the bullet was about to be loaded, Jiang Shan immediately sat up straight: "Have you taken a photo?"

"Of course," Jiang Hai was holding the photo:

"Reporters in our newspaper are well-trained. They raise their cameras first when encountering an incident. No matter whether it is useful or not, they take pictures first."

"That's right, that's right," Jiang Shan said, "I'll pick it carefully when I get back. Don't waste the film. As long as you catch us a useful one, it will be a historical moment."

"such a pity,"

Jiang Hai knocked the photo in his hand: "If I could send reporters on board, the photos taken would be called a historical moment."

"You are becoming more and more bold now,"

Jiang Shan lamented that the times have transformed the people: "Boss, don't publish that photo in the newspaper now. I'll talk about it after I get back."

"Even if you ask me to do it," Jiang Hai said, "I wouldn't dare to do it. Let's wait until the People's Daily announces it."

"You're absolutely right." Jiang Shan counted the days and waited for the missile to take off: "How about we let you lead us."

At this moment, on the way to the "Huang and Lin" advertising company, several senior executives of Nestlé Xiangjiang were sitting in a Crown car discussing something.

When cars queued up and passed Paterson Street in Causeway Bay, the street was obviously noisier than usual, making them look out the window curiously.

With the speed of each car, the crowd became denser and denser, causing the passengers in the car to poke their heads out one after another.

After looking at it, I realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the sidewalk in front of me?

Pedestrians were walking back and forth in groups, each walking slower than the other.

Some even walk once and then again.

"What's going on ahead?"

"I don't know what happened. Everyone seems to be staring at the ground."

"Maybe something big happened," one of them pointed to the tall buildings on both sides of the road and said, "Look, there are people looking down from many windows."

When the Crown car finally moved to the scene of the incident, several people in the car saw the truth clearly.

It turns out that a sidewalk on Paterson Street has been repainted with bright yellow lines.

Not only that, at the other end of the sidewalk, there was a French fries box with a big M painted in bright red.

"Could the paintings on the ground be... French fries?"

“What huge fries!”

At this moment, the exclamations in the car were drowned out by the bustle and chatter of the sidewalk.

Not only them, but all the citizens who saw this scene felt strange and fresh about this matter... their eyes lit up!

"Look quickly,"

Following the driver's exclamation, several Nestlé executives turned their attention to both sides of the road.

Paterson Street, which was not very wide to begin with, has now been completely renovated.

Every once in a while, there is a McDonald's billboard that has been bitten a few times.

Compared with these, the tall McDonald's coffee pot street lights are even more eye-catching.

"Mai, Dang, Lao Avenue?"

Looking at the guy at the end of the street who looked like a street sign but was not a street sign, almost every passing vehicle and pedestrian was surprised!

“How does McDonald’s do this?”

Several people in the Crown car opened their eyes wide and turned their heads, feeling like there was something to see everywhere.

"It seems like a lot of money was spent."

"Is this something you can do with money?"

"Why not? It's just that simple in Xiangjiang!"

“Is this the outdoor advertisement designed by ‘Huang Yulin’ for McDonald’s?”

"Yes, it is said that he took over all McDonald's advertising designs in one fell swoop. It looks really extraordinary."

"This is not only extraordinary, it is simply eye-opening."

"Do you still remember that McDonald's advertising song that suddenly appeared on the radio a few days ago?"

"Is it sung by a kid?"

"Of course I remember, we were talking about this song together at that time. Grandma was laughing and it sounded pretty good."

"In the days after I first heard it, that tune was in my mind every day."

"Look at it this way,"

The head of Nestlé's promotion department thought for a while: "Huang Yulin's DQ advertisement is really amazing."

"It seems we have found the right advertising company this time."

"Well," the supervisor smiled, "I'll find out in a minute."

In the VIP reception room of the "Huang and Lin" advertising company, after the female secretary brought in a few cups of coffee, Lin Yanni handed over the revised plan with a smile.

"Where did you take action?"

The director of Nestlé's promotion department smiled and turned over the page: "Are there many changes?"

"Actually, I haven't changed much,"

Huang Zhan, who was sitting aside, laughed and said, "It's just two pieces of music added to the script."


The male supervisor closed the folder with a snap and looked at the other person sullenly: "Then there's no need to look at it."

"If it's just a simple soundtrack," another Nestlé executive said, "Why should we bother you? We can add it ourselves."

Huang Zhan smiled and asked the other party to have coffee first: "Actually, you don't need to watch, you just need to listen."

After saying that, before the other party could ask any more questions, the TV in the VIP room came on.

"Although time was tight, we still shot a demo for your company,"

Lin Yanni did not dare to laugh as arrogantly as Huang Zhan, so she explained softly:

"The plot of the advertisement has basically remained the same, except that the meeting at their respective doorways has been changed to the balconies of two families..."

The three Nestlé executives, who were originally cold-faced and ready to stand up and leave, now stopped talking.

On the TV at this time, it was really just as the other party introduced, it was still the original story of moving.

Seeing this scene, the Nestle manager's face became a few degrees colder.

But after a second, the saxophone music suddenly popped out of the screen, giving him a jolt.

I just feel that when a piece of music rises into the sky, there is an indescribable sense of joy.

Before he could fully recover, another string of lively bamboo flute sounds came up leisurely.

The next second, when the chorus of saxophone and bamboo flute wafted out, the three Nestlé executives felt that the entire VIP room was surrounded by a slight breeze and the gurgling mountain spring.

That feeling of being bathed in the spring breeze is really an indescribable freedom and freedom.

“It tastes so good!”

Just when these words came out on the TV, everyone in the VIP room smiled and took up their coffee.

At this time, Huang Zhan looked at the other party's expression with great satisfaction: "How do you feel?"

"On time," the supervisor raised his coffee cup to Huang Zhan: "It's on time."

After saying that, the Nestlé team looked at each other excitedly.

At this moment, they had a feeling that the advertising plan that they had been unable to change or ask for had not only been adapted successfully, but had also been completely transformed.

Only then did Lin Yanni introduce:

"If Mai's conveys an atmosphere of warm reunion, then what we designed for Nestlé this time is a chic and unrestrained advertising theme..."

In 1984, after Nestlé followed McLaren to the mainland, it also chose the foothold of its competitor: Peking University and Tsinghua University.

In their eyes, these progressive young people should be the first group of people to accept drinking coffee.

Yes, their predictions were very accurate.

College students did quickly adopt coffee.

Unfortunately, they have no money.

So likes are likes, and business is business. They are completely different things.

In 1995, Nestlé changed its marketing policy and targeted Shanghai as its main target.

Thus, a duet advertisement quite appealing to the Magic City was born.

It's the same as what Lin Yanni is talking about now, it's this unrestrained and foreign advertising style.

"In addition, we have a small suggestion,"

Just when the two parties were about to shake hands and seal the deal, Huang Zhan remembered Jiang Shan’s reminder:

"If possible, we hope that your company can invite Chow Yun-fat and Zhao Yazhi to be the protagonists of this advertisement."

Nestle's supervisor smiled: "Chow Yun-fat?"

Another: "Zhao Yazhi? The two leading actors in "Shanghai Beach"."

"That's right, it's "Shanghai Stall" which has the most ratings nowadays,"

Thinking of the scene of the two standing on the balcony blowing each other, Huang Zhan immediately felt great:

"With such a romantic advertising plot, if you add in the popularity of these two, no one in Hong Kong can beat it, let alone Max Coffee."

Lin Yanni: "If the invitation is successful, you can broadcast the advertisement together with "Shanghai Stall"."

"Stop talking, let me take a moment," the Nestle manager's eyes turned red: "If this is really the case..."

He glanced at the colleague next to him.

Then, the other party immediately gave him a definite answer: "We can increase production."

Since its establishment in 1920, Nestlé Xiangjiang has for the first time seen the hope of competing with Maxwell.

This time, after years of preparing bullets, I finally found the right gun...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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