623. Finale

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 Because of Mr. Lu’s perseverance and perseverance in begging, Falcon finally felt sorry for his father’s painstaking efforts and felt sorry for his father’s helplessness, so he became his father’s lobbyist and persuaded Qiao An and Huo Xiaoran to return to the Lu family to recognize their ancestors.

Just because Huo Xiaoran had sworn to Qiao An before that he would never have anything to do with the Lu family in this life. Therefore, Huo Xiaoran was unwilling to break his oath and has not responded to it for a long time.

On the contrary, it was Qiao An who persuaded Huo Xiaoran: "Grandpa is getting older. He has managed to survive the clouds and see the moonlight. When he is old, he can happily gather with his children and grandchildren. Neither you nor I should deprive him of this."

Family happiness. Brother Xiaoran, go home."

Huo Xiaoran asked Qiao An deeply, "If I go home and Lu Xiaoyun comes up to me again, what will I do?"

Qiao An smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lu Xiaoyun has been sent abroad by her second uncle."

Huo Xiaoran said sincerely: "Since it is my wife who asked me to go back, I can only be respectful and obey her order."

Qiao An pinched his cheek: "Okay, you got an advantage and behaved well. In your heart, I'm afraid you want to go home."

In this way, Huo Xiaoran chose a good day and returned to the Lu family.

Mr. Lu has transferred the manor where he lives, and he has moved to a secluded side yard. This shows that he attaches great importance to Huo Xiaoran's return home.

Qiao An and Huo Xiaoran were flattered. They hurried to the side yard and invited their grandfather back to the front yard again and again.

Huo Xiaoran said: "Grandpa, you are the elder, how can we occupy the magpie's nest?"

The old man said: "I am old, and living in such a big house is a waste. You have a big house with many people."

Qiao An thought for a while and gave Huo Xiaoran a look. Then Qiao An said to the old man: "Grandpa, why don't you live with us juniors so that you can take care of us. If you don't go, we will never dare to move in.

.If you live here, we can also live comfortably."

The old man couldn't resist Qiao An, so he could only move into the main courtyard uneasily. He was originally worried that several generations living in the same building, looking up and down would not see each other, the age gap was huge, and there were many conflicts and differences, which would make life incompatible.
Who knows, after moving in, he discovered that Huo Xiaoran and Qiao An were two very ambitious young people. Moreover, the couple had a harmonious relationship, respected the old and loved the young, and had the same views.

They live a poetic life as a young couple. Qiao An is straightforward and cute. Xiaoran is tolerant and tolerant. She shows great concern for the elderly, whether it is daily life or work and rest patterns.

However, if the old man makes a mistake, Qiao An will criticize the old man seriously. She simply does not regard their high moral character and reputation. She just regards them as her family. She will criticize him very sharply for secretly eating sweets. She will also criticize them.

Stay up late at night without looking at your body.

Over time, Mr. Lu felt that Qiao An was not like his grandson-in-law, but more like his precious granddaughter who was integrated into his blood.

What makes Mr. Lu even more gratified is that Qiao An can also respect his uncle and aunt when mediating family conflicts, and does not care about fame and fortune. The second wife also slowly lets go of her grudge against Xiaoran and Qiao An.

The old lady of the Lu family had been paralyzed in bed for many years. It was Huo Xiaoran who used his superb medical skills to slowly regain consciousness. Occasionally, the old man would push the old lady out for a walk.

The first year that Huo Xiaoran moved into the Lu family, the first New Year was ushered in. Qiao An suggested that the Lu family and the Huo family celebrate the New Year together. This way, relatives from the Huo family would not be left out in the cold.

Mr. Lu agreed very much with Qiao An's proposal, so the two families happily spent a lively New Year's Eve.

During the meal, Falcon sat next to his parents and whispered: "Dad, Mom, we all have to be very grateful to Qiao An, she is a noble person of our Lu family.

Because it was she who pulled Xiaoran out of the quagmire, and then Xiaoran rescued me from prison. And that’s why today’s happy event of the Lu family’s reunion happened.”

Mr. Lu said: "Yes, An'an is a good child. She is not vain or fame-seeking, and she is smart and wise. Marrying her is the Lu family's greatest blessing."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to Qiao An, the hero. Unexpectedly, Qiao An helped Sisi hold the infant child. She didn't care about eating, so Sisi took a few mouthfuls and said to Qiao An, "Sister An An."

, you come to eat. I'll hold him."

Qiao An turned around and told Sisi: "You just gave birth to a baby and your body is weak, so you need to take good care of yourself. Feed me food quickly, and don't wait for the food to cool down."

Huo Xiaoran walked over and said, "An'an, let me hug my nephew. You go and eat."

But when the child was in Huo Xiaoran's arms, she cried very hard.

Not to mention Huo Xiaoran, even Huo Zhou couldn't hold the child.

Zhouzhou's mother sighed: "Oh, I don't know what happened to this child, but he only recognizes Qiao An and Sisi. He cries when he hugs him."

Qiao An said patiently: "It's okay, it's getting bigger every day. Children grow up very fast. I won't let you hug me anymore if I want to."

Zhouzhou's mother was full of praise for Qiao An: "Oh, my silly girl An An is the best at enjoying hardships."

"She is naturally optimistic. If this girl hadn't been optimistic, how could she have survived until now."

Mr. Lu was very emotional. He pulled his son Lu Ze's hand and whispered: "You must always remind Xiaoran that such a good wife must be cherished."

Falcon laughed loudly: "Dad, don't worry. How can Xiaoran have the confidence to abandon his wife? He is now a penniless pauper. Without Qiao An, he is nothing."

Mr. Lu looked at Falcon in surprise, "Xiaoran has no money?" Just as he was about to say that he would inject his funds to Xiaoran, he heard Falcon say: "Xiaoran transferred all his company and funds to Qiao Ran."

It’s okay. He is just Qiao An’s migrant worker now."

Mr. Lu was stunned.

Xiaoran was so doting on his wife that he was surprised. He had never seen a man dare to put his wealth and life on marriage.

At this time, they heard Huo Xiaoran's Qingyue voice suddenly rang out: "New year and new atmosphere, I wish my big baby good health and success every year, and happiness forever."

Then came Qiao An's gentle voice: "Husband, you too!"

Several sighs came from the corner: "Oh, we must buy phone credit and get it as a gift. Or just give it as a gift if you top up 50 yuan."

"Both the big baby and the little baby are babies, why is there such a big difference in treatment?"

"Ask Du Niang?"

Everyone laughed at the three children in the corner.

At this time, Kiki's voice sounded: "My parents are alive, happy and healthy, isn't it the greatest joy for us as children?"

"That's right." Joey said.

Angel Qiao cheered excitedly.

"Daddy, Mommy, you must be happy forever."

The sound of firecrackers, the explosion of firecrackers, and the appearance of beautiful fireworks in the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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