Chapter 3401 A domineering punch

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 The generous sacrifice of Huatian before inspired the morale in their hearts.

But no matter how strong their morale is, it is impossible for them to struggle to the death. As long as Huantian dies, even if the Huanshi Sect has ten thousand Dragon Realm warriors, they will not be the opponent of the Cloud City Alliance.

They are from the Cloud City Alliance and know very well what their other companions are like.

If you want to unite them, unless someone can convince them and promise them huge profits, there is no need to even think about it.

The warriors of the Cloud City Alliance were overjoyed. They didn't expect Alliance Leader Qin to have such a powerful attack. ??

Although it seems that Alliance Leader Qin cannot fully grasp this power, it doesn't matter, as long as he can kill Huantian.

As long as they kill Huantian, they will have absolute confidence that they can defeat the Huanshi Sect.

A group of courageous bandits only dared to scratch the tiger's beard because they were exhausted after a battle with the poisonous demon forces.

Their strongest sect leader is dead. These courageous bandits must be disloyal and run away like headless flies.

Under everyone's attention, Huantian's hand blocked the silver light.

"Ah..." Huantian screamed in pain, but his eyes were firm and he tried his best to make Qin Ming's fist move to the side.

Under his desperate efforts, Qin Ming's fist moved.

If Qin Ming had used all his strength to strike, Huotian would not have the strength to move at all.

But Qin Ming was in a daze, and the power of this punch was not strong. It relied entirely on the three ways to merge into one.

Huantian's hand was crippled and completely disappeared. As soon as the blood flowed out, it was instantly swallowed up by the silver light.

But the result was enough. The direction of Qin Ming's punch was completely deflected by him.
At the same time, the pressure on his body was greatly reduced and he was able to move.

However, the aura on Qin Ming's body was still locked on him. Even when Qin Ming was unconscious, his strong willpower caused his body to attack Huantian involuntarily.

"Oops, this punch is just a temporary deflection..." Seeing this situation, Huantian knew that if he didn't activate the secret technique now, then when Qin Ming's attack hits him again, the powerful momentum of the True Dragon Realm will still be there.

Press on him again.

If it happened again, Huantian was not sure that he would be so lucky to deflect Qin Ming's attack again.

And he had already lost one right hand and didn't want to lose another one.

For some reason, he lost his right hand, even if he had taken a perfect dragon-level healing elixir and the elixir was still in his body, he would not repair the injury, and he could not even stop the bleeding.

"Is it because the power of the true dragon realm has exceeded the potency of the perfect dragon-level elixir, so even the perfect dragon-level elixir has no effect on the injury." Thinking of this, Huantian clicked his tongue.

He looked at the silver light with unprecedented dignity.

If you had unrealistic illusions before, your illusions are completely shattered now.

He knew that if he did not activate the secret method, he would definitely die here today.

So Huantian no longer hesitated, gritted his teeth and activated "Blood Escape".

At this time, Qin Ming's attack happened to have come down.

A wave of ripples flashed through the space, Huantian disappeared on the spot, and Qin Ming's attack went straight down and hit the ground.

"Boom..." The powerful attack stirred up countless dust, and a huge sound like thunder appeared below. The huge mountains next to it collapsed, and the entire Tianlong world seemed to be shaken. Huantian's generous sacrifice before inspired

The morale in their hearts.

But no matter how strong their morale is, it is impossible for them to struggle to the death. As long as Huantian dies, even if the Huanshi Sect has ten thousand Dragon Realm warriors, they will not be the opponent of the Cloud City Alliance.

They are from the Cloud City Alliance and know very well what their other companions are like.

If you want to unite them, unless someone can convince them and promise them huge profits, there is no need to even think about it.

The warriors of the Yuncheng Alliance were overjoyed. They didn't expect Alliance Leader Qin to have such a powerful attack.

Although it seems that Alliance Leader Qin cannot fully grasp this power, it doesn't matter, as long as he can kill Huantian.

As long as they kill Huantian, they will have absolute confidence that they can defeat the Huanshi Sect.

A group of courageous bandits only dared to scratch the tiger's beard because they were exhausted after a battle with the poisonous demon forces.

Their strongest sect leader is dead. These courageous bandits must be disloyal and run away like headless flies.

Under everyone's attention, Huantian's hand blocked the silver light.

"Ah..." Huantian screamed in pain, but his eyes were firm and he tried his best to make Qin Ming's fist move to the side.

Under his desperate efforts, Qin Ming's fist moved.

If Qin Ming had used all his strength to strike, Huotian would not have the strength to move at all.

But Qin Ming was in a daze, and the power of this punch was not strong. It relied entirely on the three ways to merge into one.

Huantian's hand was crippled and completely disappeared. As soon as the blood flowed out, it was instantly swallowed up by the silver light.

But the result was enough. The direction of Qin Ming's punch was completely deflected by him.
At the same time, the pressure on his body was greatly reduced and he was able to move.

However, the aura on Qin Ming's body was still locked on him. Even when Qin Ming was unconscious, his strong willpower caused his body to attack Huantian involuntarily.

"Oops, this punch is just a temporary deflection..." Seeing this situation, Huantian knew that if he didn't activate the secret technique now, then when Qin Ming's attack hits him again, the powerful momentum of the True Dragon Realm will still be there.

Press on him again.

If it happened again, Huantian was not sure that he would be so lucky to deflect Qin Ming's attack again.

And he had already lost one right hand and didn't want to lose another one.

For some reason, he lost his right hand, even if he had taken a perfect dragon-level healing elixir and the elixir was still in his body, he would not repair the injury, and he could not even stop the bleeding.

"Is it because the power of the true dragon realm has exceeded the potency of the perfect dragon-level elixir, so even the perfect dragon-level elixir has no effect on the injury." Thinking of this, Huantian clicked his tongue.

He looked at the silver light with unprecedented dignity.

If you had unrealistic illusions before, your illusions are completely shattered now.

He knew that if he did not activate the secret method, he would definitely die here today.

So Huantian no longer hesitated, gritted his teeth and activated "Blood Escape".

At this time, Qin Ming's attack happened to have come down.

A wave of ripples flashed through the space, Huantian disappeared on the spot, and Qin Ming's attack went straight down and hit the ground.

"Boom..." The powerful attack stirred up countless dust, and a huge sound like thunder appeared below. The huge mountains nearby collapsed, and the entire Tianlong World seemed to be shaken.

This chapter has been completed!
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