Chapter 3405 Powerful True Dragon Realm

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 How could it be of poor quality? This elixir was refined by him himself. Every elixir is full of medicinal properties, so there is absolutely no possibility of it being of inferior quality.

Then there is only one possibility. The perfect dragon-level healing elixir can't do anything about the injuries he suffered.

Thinking of this, he carefully observed the injuries in his body and discovered that these injuries were all caused by him using three kinds of Tao to merge into one.

The injuries he suffered in the previous battle had long been cured by the perfect dragon-level healing elixir.

"Could it be that my attack has exceeded the limit of the perfect dragon-level healing elixir? Its power has no effect on the injuries in my body." Qin Ming thought, recalling the details of the previous battle, nodded, and confirmed.

Yes, it should be for this reason.

Pills are not omnipotent, even if they are perfect pills, they still depend on their grade.

Just like the snake-level elixir, it is of no use to dragon realm warriors.

Even the perfect snake-level elixir has little effect on dragon realm warriors.

This is because the dragon realm warrior is too powerful and the energy in his body does not match the snake-level elixir.

Similarly, if it is a Dragon Realm elixir, if a Snake Realm warrior takes it rashly, there will only be one outcome. If he cannot withstand the powerful power of the elixir, he will either be poisoned to death or his body will explode and die.

When the medicinal properties reach a certain level, even good medicine can become highly toxic.

For snake realm warriors, dragon-level elixirs are extremely poisonous.

As an excellent alchemist, Qin Ming quickly understood the reason why the injury did not heal.

"It seems that my previous attack did exceed the dragon level, which is why the dragon level elixir has no effect on the injuries in my body." Qin Ming confirmed his guess, and couldn't help but recall the previous events over and over again in his mind.

> At that time, he was fighting with Huantian. Because Huantian had a perfect dragon-level elixir, he had no way to kill him. He could only risk using "Guiyi" to merge the three Tao into one.

He had never done this before, but luckily he succeeded.

Although he succeeded, the power of the three ways combined into one was too powerful. Even with his outstanding mental strength, he could not control this power.

At that time, this power was in his body, and Qin Ming tried his best to use it reluctantly.

But because he couldn't fully control it, he suffered serious injuries in the process of gathering strength.

When attacking Huantian, Qin Ming couldn't even concentrate his mental power because the power was too strong and he became in a daze.

If his mental strength was not affected, he would never let Huantian run away.

As long as his attack is faster, Huantian, who is targeted by the True Dragon Realm attack, is like a bigger ant and can be easily crushed to death.

"Huantian's talent and strength have reached the top of the Tianlong world. Even compared to the Demon Ancestor, he is not far behind. In addition, he is a holy blood warrior..."

"With such strength, he can't even escape."

Qin Ming recalled the powerful attack at that time, yearning for it in his heart.

That kind of power made him intoxicated. It was a completely different power from the Dragon Realm.

Even though he could only deliver one blow, Qin Ming felt its unrivaled power.

It’s no wonder that Tianlong World cannot support warriors of this level. If such powerful warriors were not restricted from attacking in Tianlong World, then the entire Tianlong World might be destroyed.

Yes, it was destroyed.

Qin Ming guessed that the strength he had displayed before was only 50% of the True Dragon Realm. How could it be of inferior quality? This elixir was refined by him personally, and every elixir was full of medicinal properties, so there was absolutely no possibility of it being of inferior quality.

Then there is only one possibility. The perfect dragon-level healing elixir can't do anything about the injuries he suffered.

Thinking of this, he carefully observed the injuries in his body and discovered that these injuries were all caused by him using three kinds of Tao to merge into one.

The injuries he suffered in the previous battle had long been cured by the perfect dragon-level healing elixir.

"Could it be that my attack has exceeded the limit of the perfect dragon-level healing elixir? Its power has no effect on the injuries in my body." Qin Ming thought, recalling the details of the previous battle, nodded, and confirmed.

Yes, it should be for this reason. ??

Pills are not omnipotent, even if they are perfect pills, they still depend on their grade.

Just like the snake-level elixir, it is of no use to dragon realm warriors.

Even the perfect snake-level elixir has little effect on dragon realm warriors.

This is because the dragon realm warrior is too powerful and the energy in his body does not match the snake-level elixir.

Similarly, if it is a Dragon Realm elixir, if a Snake Realm warrior takes it rashly, there will only be one outcome. If he cannot withstand the powerful power of the elixir, he will either be poisoned to death or his body will explode and die.

When the medicinal properties reach a certain level, even good medicine can become highly toxic.

For snake realm warriors, dragon-level elixirs are extremely poisonous.

As an excellent alchemist, Qin Ming quickly understood the reason why the injury did not heal.

"It seems that my previous attack did exceed the dragon level, which is why the dragon level elixir has no effect on the injuries in my body." Qin Ming confirmed his guess, and couldn't help but recall the previous events over and over again in his mind.

> At that time, he was fighting with Huantian. Because Huantian had a perfect dragon-level elixir, he had no way to kill him. He could only risk using "Guiyi" to merge the three Tao into one.

He had never done this before, but luckily he succeeded.

Although he succeeded, the power of the three ways combined into one was too powerful. Even with his outstanding mental strength, he could not control this power.

At that time, this power was in his body, and Qin Ming tried his best to use it reluctantly.

But because he couldn't fully control it, he suffered serious injuries in the process of gathering strength.

When attacking Huantian, Qin Ming couldn't even concentrate his mental power because the power was too strong and he became in a daze.

If his mental strength was not affected, he would never let Huantian run away.

As long as his attack is faster, Huantian, who is targeted by the True Dragon Realm attack, is like a bigger ant and can be easily crushed to death.

"Huantian's talent and strength have reached the top of the Tianlong world. Even compared to the Demon Ancestor, he is not far behind. In addition, he is a holy blood warrior..."

"With such strength, he can't even escape."

Qin Ming recalled the powerful attack at that time, yearning for it in his heart.

That kind of power made him intoxicated. It was a completely different power from the Dragon Realm.

Even though he could only deliver one blow, Qin Ming felt its unrivaled power.

It’s no wonder that Tianlong World cannot support warriors of this level. If such powerful warriors were not restricted from attacking in Tianlong World, then the entire Tianlong World might be destroyed.

Yes, it was destroyed.

Qin Ming guessed that the strength he had displayed before was only 50% of the True Dragon Realm.

This chapter has been completed!
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