Chapter 3413 Rules

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 These elders are just a bunch of trash who have martial arts realm but no fighting ability.

However, keeping these elders can better manage the Huanshi Sect.

Yes, Qin Ming does not intend to eradicate the problem, but intends to use these elders to manage the Huanshi Sect.

"Let all of you Dragon Realm warriors come out. I accept your surrender." Qin Ming said calmly.

"Yes, yes!" When several elders heard that Qin Ming agreed to surrender, with complimentary smiles on their faces, they quickly went down to notify the warriors to come up.

Those warriors stayed inside because they did not dare to face the Cloud City Alliance.

Soon, warriors from Huan Shizong arrived in front of Qin Ming one after another.

Looking at the chaotic team of Shihuanzong warriors, Qin Ming secretly shook his head. With such a team, it is no wonder that even a sneak attack cannot defeat the Yuncheng Alliance.

No wonder Huantian set off with only 10,000 people. .??.

In addition to covering the whereabouts of most of the warriors, the most important thing is that these Dragon Realm warriors are really useless. Huantian's ability to control ten thousand Dragon Realm warriors is already his limit.

No matter how much, not only will it not increase the team's combat effectiveness, but it will also cause a loss of combat effectiveness due to poor management.

"Lian Ren and other warriors from Summoning World Sect are entrusted to you for training. You must make them understand the rules of the Cloud City Alliance in the shortest possible time."

"If anyone dares to violate the rules of the Yuncheng Alliance, he will be killed without mercy." Qin Ming ordered calmly.

Although Qin Ming's expression was very calm, the warriors who summoned Shizong couldn't help but shiver all over.

In particular, some of the warriors had participated in the battle with the Yuncheng Alliance before. They remembered how Qin Ming showed his prowess on the battlefield and defeated Huotian.
, you can only use the perfect dragon level healing elixir to survive.

And Qin Ming finally launched a true dragon-level attack, which was so powerful that it could tear apart mountains and rocks, which made his heart even more frightening.

So he simply gave the order, and the warriors of Summoning World Sect remained silent.

Seeing the timid appearance of these warriors, Qin Ming had some hope. He also planned to have someone jump out so that he could scare the monkeys.

Now it seems that these warriors are more obedient than imagined.

"Yes!" Lian Ren walked out of the team and said loudly, "Leader Qin has handed you over to me for training. Let me introduce myself. I am Lian Ren, the deputy leader of the Yuncheng Alliance."

"Maybe most of you know me, and even if you don't, it doesn't matter. Just know that I was mainly responsible for the training of the Cloud City Alliance before, and now I am also responsible for your training."

"Anyone who dares to violate the rules set by the Cloud City Alliance will be severely punished."


Listening to Lian Ren's scolding, Qin Ming nodded lightly.

This was discussed with Lian Ren a long time ago. The most important thing is to let the warriors who summon Shizong know their positions so that they can be at the forefront during the battle and absolutely cannot retreat.

Of course he is not so strict with the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance.

Under normal circumstances, even if they violated the rules, Qin Ming would only drive the warriors out of the team instead of killing them without mercy.

But Huan Shizong is just a group of prisoners, and they are prisoners with extremely poor combat power. If they are not restrained by the strictest rules, once they go to the battlefield, most of them will escape.

Qin Ming didn't have that much time to train them, so he chose the simplest and fastest method. Once someone disobeyed orders or ran away, he would kill them directly! These elders were just a bunch of trash with martial arts realm but no fighting ability.

However, keeping these elders can better manage the Huanshi Sect.

Yes, Qin Ming does not intend to eradicate the problem, but intends to use these elders to manage the Huanshi Sect.

"Let all of you Dragon Realm warriors come out. I accept your surrender." Qin Ming said calmly.

"Yes, yes!" When several elders heard that Qin Ming agreed to surrender, with complimentary smiles on their faces, they quickly went down to notify the warriors to come up.

Those warriors stayed inside because they did not dare to face the Cloud City Alliance.

Soon, warriors from Huan Shizong arrived in front of Qin Ming one after another.

Looking at the chaotic team of Shihuanzong warriors, Qin Ming secretly shook his head. With such a team, it is no wonder that even a sneak attack cannot defeat the Yuncheng Alliance.

No wonder Huantian set off with only ten thousand people.

In addition to covering the whereabouts of most of the warriors, the most important thing is that these Dragon Realm warriors are really useless. Huantian's ability to control ten thousand Dragon Realm warriors is already his limit.

No matter how much, not only will it not increase the team's combat effectiveness, but it will also cause a loss of combat effectiveness due to poor management.

"Lian Ren and other warriors from Summoning World Sect are entrusted to you for training. You must make them understand the rules of the Cloud City Alliance in the shortest possible time."

"If anyone dares to violate the rules of the Yuncheng Alliance, he will be killed without mercy." Qin Ming ordered calmly.

Although Qin Ming's expression was very calm, the warriors who summoned Shizong couldn't help but shiver all over.

In particular, some of the warriors had participated in the battle with the Yuncheng Alliance before. They remembered how Qin Ming showed his prowess on the battlefield and defeated Huotian.
, you can only use the perfect dragon level healing elixir to survive.

And Qin Ming finally launched a true dragon-level attack, which was so powerful that it could tear apart mountains and rocks, which made his heart even more frightening.

So he simply gave the order, and the warriors of Summoning World Sect remained silent.

Seeing the timid appearance of these warriors, Qin Ming had some hope. He also planned to have someone jump out so that he could scare the monkeys.

Now it seems that these warriors are more obedient than imagined.

"Yes!" Lian Ren walked out of the team and said loudly, "Leader Qin has handed you over to me for training. Let me introduce myself. I am Lian Ren, the deputy leader of the Yuncheng Alliance."

"Maybe most of you know me, and even if you don't, it doesn't matter. Just know that I was mainly responsible for the training of the Cloud City Alliance before, and now I am also responsible for your training."

"Anyone who dares to violate the rules set by the Cloud City Alliance will be severely punished."


Listening to Lian Ren's scolding, Qin Ming nodded lightly.

This was discussed with Lian Ren a long time ago. The most important thing is to let the warriors who summon Shizong know their positions so that they can be at the forefront during the battle and absolutely cannot retreat.

Of course he is not so strict with the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance.

Under normal circumstances, even if they violated the rules, Qin Ming would only drive the warriors out of the team instead of killing them without mercy.

But Huan Shizong is just a group of prisoners, and they are prisoners with extremely poor combat power. If they are not restrained by the strictest rules, once they go to the battlefield, most of them will escape.

Qin Ming didn't have that much time to train them, so he chose the simplest and fastest method. Once someone disobeyed orders or ran away, he would kill them directly!

This chapter has been completed!
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