Chapter 3415 Enlightenment

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"I am a very open-minded person. If you have different opinions, you can stand up." Qin Ming glanced at all the warriors and said calmly.


The Dragon Realm warriors of Huan Shizong fell silent when they looked at the corpse that had just stood up and been killed by Qin Ming's punch.

Is this what is called enlightenment?

If they dare to come out, they believe that Qin Ming will kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Huan Shizong almost wiped out the Yuncheng Alliance in a sneak attack. Qin Ming must have held a grudge and was thinking about how to torture them and avenge his previous revenge.

Going out now doesn't give Qin Ming a chance?

The warriors who summoned Shizong remained motionless. Whatever Lian Ren said was what they said.

Seeing this, the Yuncheng Alliance warriors behind Qin Ming looked a little disappointed, as if they were unhappy that they did not dare to come out and could not kill people.

Most of the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance have fought many battles with the Cloud City Alliance. They have experienced hundreds of battles and have seen through many things.

The only dissatisfaction is that these warriors of the Summoning World Sect are not strong enough. Not only do they not fight against the poisonous demon forces, but they dare to attack them boldly.

Having almost fallen into the hands of these people before, all the warriors had already held their breath.

It was because of lack of physical strength that they did not cause more killings after the warriors of Summoning World Sect surrendered.

The warriors of the Cloud City Alliance wished that these warriors had not surrendered, so that they could avenge their previous hatred.

Seeing that the warriors of Huan Shizong seemed to have no objections, Qin Ming nodded, handed the matter to Lian Ren, and went to practice in the sedan chair.

Ever since he built a sedan to disguise himself, Qin Ming felt that instead of
Now that the Cloud City Alliance doesn't have a headquarters, he might as well stay in the sedan.

After Qin Ming left, Lian Ren and several deputy leaders of the Yuncheng Alliance began to distribute these prisoners.

After that battle, Huan Shizong failed to kill Huantian, but he was no longer a threat to the Cloud City Alliance.

It is simply impossible for Huan Shizong to make a comeback.

And as long as they integrate these dragon realm warriors into the team now, the number of dragon realm warriors in the Cloud City Alliance will greatly increase.

Although their strength may not have increased much, they are still Dragon Realm warriors. As long as they undergo rigorous training, they can be qualified cannon fodder.

Lian Ren began to train them more intensively. Once any of the Dragon Realm warriors of the Summoning World Sect disobeyed orders, the Dragon Realm warriors of the Cloud City Alliance would beat them up without hesitation.

If anyone dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot.

With the assistance of four thousand dragon realm warriors from the Cloud City Alliance, some warriors resisted at first. After being killed by them, fewer and fewer people dared to resist.

Lian Ren's requirements became more and more strict. While training them, he also let them participate in battles to capture the Dragon Realm warriors who had previously summoned Shizong to escape.

In the previous battle, after Huan Shizong was defeated, some warriors were killed on the spot, some warriors were captured, and most of the warriors escaped.

And those warriors who escaped did not all return to the World Calling Sect, but most of them left the World Calling Sect directly.

They know that with the defeat of Huan Shi Zong, they are no longer qualified to fight against the Yun City Alliance. If they stay in Huan Shi Zong, they will definitely be retaliated by the Yun City Alliance.

What they didn't expect was that even though they left the World Calling Sect, the Yuncheng Alliance still didn't let them go, or in other words, they didn't let go of any Dragon Realm warrior in the Yuncheng Alliance. "I am a very open-minded person. If you have different opinions,

, you can stand up." Qin Ming glanced at all the warriors and said calmly.


The Dragon Realm warriors of Huan Shizong fell silent when they looked at the corpse that had just stood up and been killed by Qin Ming's punch.

Is this what is called enlightenment?

If they dare to come out, they believe that Qin Ming will kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Huan Shizong almost wiped out the Yuncheng Alliance in a sneak attack. Qin Ming must have held a grudge and was thinking about how to torture them and avenge his previous revenge.

Going out now doesn't give Qin Ming a chance?

The warriors who summoned Shizong remained motionless. Whatever Lian Ren said was what they said.

Seeing this, the Yuncheng Alliance warriors behind Qin Ming looked a little disappointed, as if they were unhappy that they did not dare to come out and could not kill people.

Most of the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance have fought many battles with the Cloud City Alliance. They have experienced hundreds of battles and have seen through many things.

The only dissatisfaction is that these warriors of the Summoning World Sect are not strong enough. Not only do they not fight against the poisonous demon forces, but they dare to attack them boldly.

Having almost fallen into the hands of these people before, all the warriors had already held their breath.

It was because of lack of physical strength that they did not cause more killings after the warriors of Summoning World Sect surrendered.

The warriors of the Cloud City Alliance wished that these warriors had not surrendered, so that they could avenge their previous hatred.

Seeing that the warriors of Huan Shizong seemed to have no objections, Qin Ming nodded, handed the matter to Lian Ren, and went to practice in the sedan chair.

Ever since he built a sedan to disguise himself, Qin Ming felt that instead of
Now that the Cloud City Alliance doesn't have a headquarters, he might as well stay in the sedan.

After Qin Ming left, Lian Ren and several deputy leaders of the Yuncheng Alliance began to distribute these prisoners.

After that battle, Huan Shizong failed to kill Huantian, but he was no longer a threat to the Cloud City Alliance.

It is simply impossible for Huan Shizong to make a comeback.

And as long as they integrate these dragon realm warriors into the team now, the number of dragon realm warriors in the Cloud City Alliance will greatly increase.

Although their strength may not have increased much, they are still Dragon Realm warriors. As long as they undergo rigorous training, they can be qualified cannon fodder.

Lian Ren began to train them more intensively. Once any of the Dragon Realm warriors of the Summoning World Sect disobeyed orders, the Dragon Realm warriors of the Cloud City Alliance would beat them up without hesitation.

If anyone dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot.

With the assistance of four thousand dragon realm warriors from the Cloud City Alliance, some warriors resisted at first. After being killed by them, fewer and fewer people dared to resist.

Lian Ren's requirements became more and more strict. While training them, he also let them participate in battles to capture the Dragon Realm warriors who had previously summoned Shizong to escape.

In the previous battle, after Huan Shizong was defeated, some warriors were killed on the spot, some warriors were captured, and most of the warriors escaped.

And those warriors who escaped did not all return to the World Calling Sect, but most of them left the World Calling Sect directly.

They know that with the defeat of Huan Shi Zong, they are no longer qualified to fight against the Yun City Alliance. If they stay in Huan Shi Zong, they will definitely be retaliated by the Yun City Alliance.

What they didn't expect was that even though they left the World Calling Sect, the Yuncheng Alliance still didn't let them go, or in other words, they didn't let any of the Dragon Realm warriors of the Yuncheng Alliance go.

This chapter has been completed!
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