Chapter 4154 Reward

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 Qin Ming's good conditions are unmatched by other warriors. If Qin Ming can become a disciple, President Yin Hensong will probably accept him as his disciple.

Once he becomes a disciple of President Yin Hensong, with Qin Ming's talent, it will be easy to break through the alchemy path to the holy beast level in the future.

That would be a holy beast-level alchemist, and his status would be completely different from what it is now.

Especially with Qin Ming's alchemy talent and the help of President Yin Hensong, he will definitely be able to go further on the path of alchemy.

"Yes, Qin Ming, if you can be accepted as a disciple by President Yin Hensong, with your Alchemy talent, you may even surpass Yin Hensong in the future." Qi Qi also persuaded anxiously from the side.

If Qin Ming can become the disciple of President Yin Hensong, he can also enjoy the blessings.

From now on in Haoyuan City, you can almost walk sideways.

"President Yin Hensong has nothing to teach me." Qin Ming shook his head and said, "I have no way of accepting the mantle handed down by President Yin Hensong. My alchemy system is different from his, and I will not change my method of alchemy.


"If there is a chance, I hope to discuss alchemy with President Yin Hensong one day."

Hearing this, Qi Qi and Song Chaoyun were both a little confused.

Qin Ming's words clearly meant that he and President Yin Hensong were equal beings.

But Qin Ming is just a true dragon level alchemist, a late stage true dragon level warrior. In his heart, he actually equates himself with President Yin Hensong.

What he said was extremely arrogant.

But to a few of them, it seemed a bit natural.

Song Chaoyun seemed to see that in the future, Qin Ming's alchemy strength would far surpass President Yin Hensong, surpass everyone, and become the strongest in the Supreme World!
>Only those who have absolute confidence in themselves can do it!

How can someone who doesn't even believe in himself become a powerful person?

"Although you don't want to be the disciple of President Yin Hensong, you can participate in the Dandao Conference of Xuandan Pavilion." Song Chaoyun said with a smile, "Xuandan Pavilion has set up generous rewards. If you can get the first place, you will become Haoyuan."

The honorary deacon of Chengxuan Dan Pavilion."

"Honorary deacons enjoy a transcendent status without having to join the Xuandan Pavilion and work hard for the Xuandan Pavilion."

Xuandan Pavilion is a very special force. It was established to protect all alchemists.

Xuandan Pavilion has always adhered to its own goals and has not competed with other forces for fame and fortune.

When an alchemist joins the Xuandan Pavilion, he does not need to make any contribution to the Xuandan Pavilion. Even if the Xuandan Pavilion is in danger, the alchemist can choose not to take action.

Xuandan Pavilion does not have strict regulations on how the alchemists who join should behave.

Countless alchemists have received the favor of Xuandan Pavilion. Even if they are not ordered to do so, when Xuandan Pavilion is in danger, countless alchemists will come to help.

Alchemists themselves are a group of people with wide connections, and Xuandan Pavilion can gather a large group of alchemists. You can imagine how high the prestige and influence of Xuandan Pavilion are.

Such a force naturally has its own warriors.

Generally speaking, only warriors who have fully joined the Xuandan Pavilion can hold positions in the Xuandan Pavilion.

In addition, only warriors with particularly strong talents will be given the positions of honorary deacons and honorary elders by Xuandan Pavilion.

There is no difference between honorary deacons and deacons who have fully joined Xuandan Pavilion, except that they do not have a monthly salary.

There are no obligations and there are countless benefits, so naturally countless warriors flock to him. Qin Ming's good conditions are unmatched by other warriors. If Qin Ming can become a disciple, President Yin Hensong will most likely accept him as his disciple.

Once he becomes a disciple of President Yin Hensong, with Qin Ming's talent, it will be easy to break through the alchemy path to the holy beast level in the future.

That would be a holy beast-level alchemist, and his status would be completely different from what it is now.

Especially with Qin Ming's alchemy talent and the help of President Yin Hensong, he will definitely be able to go further on the path of alchemy.

"Yes, Qin Ming, if you can be accepted as a disciple by President Yin Hensong, with your Alchemy talent, you may even surpass Yin Hensong in the future." Qi Qi also persuaded anxiously from the side.

If Qin Ming can become the disciple of President Yin Hensong, he can also enjoy the blessings.

From now on in Haoyuan City, you can almost walk sideways...??.

"President Yin Hensong has nothing to teach me." Qin Ming shook his head and said, "I have no way of accepting the mantle handed down by President Yin Hensong. My alchemy system is different from his, and I will not change my method of alchemy.


"If there is a chance, I hope to discuss alchemy with President Yin Hensong one day."

Hearing this, Qi Qi and Song Chaoyun were both a little confused.

Qin Ming's words clearly meant that he and President Yin Hensong were equal beings.

But Qin Ming is just a true dragon level alchemist, a late stage true dragon level warrior. In his heart, he actually equates himself with President Yin Hensong.

What he said was extremely arrogant.

But to a few of them, it seemed a bit natural.

Song Chaoyun seemed to see that in the future, Qin Ming's alchemy strength would far surpass President Yin Hensong, surpass everyone, and become the strongest in the Supreme World!
>Only those who have absolute confidence in themselves can do it!

How can someone who doesn't even believe in himself become a powerful person?

"Although you don't want to be the disciple of President Yin Hensong, you can participate in the Dandao Conference of Xuandan Pavilion." Song Chaoyun said with a smile, "Xuandan Pavilion has set up generous rewards. If you can get the first place, you will become Haoyuan."

The honorary deacon of Chengxuan Dan Pavilion."

"Honorary deacons enjoy a transcendent status without having to join the Xuandan Pavilion and work hard for the Xuandan Pavilion."

Xuandan Pavilion is a very special force. It was established to protect all alchemists.

Xuandan Pavilion has always adhered to its own goals and has not competed with other forces for fame and fortune.

When an alchemist joins the Xuandan Pavilion, he does not need to make any contribution to the Xuandan Pavilion. Even if the Xuandan Pavilion is in danger, the alchemist can choose not to take action.

Xuandan Pavilion does not have strict regulations on how the alchemists who join should behave.

Countless alchemists have received the favor of Xuandan Pavilion. Even if they are not ordered to do so, when Xuandan Pavilion is in danger, countless alchemists will come to help.

Alchemists themselves are a group of people with wide connections, and Xuandan Pavilion can gather a large group of alchemists. You can imagine how high the prestige and influence of Xuandan Pavilion are.

Such a force naturally has its own warriors.

Generally speaking, only warriors who have fully joined the Xuandan Pavilion can hold positions in the Xuandan Pavilion.

In addition, only warriors with particularly strong talents will be given the positions of honorary deacons and honorary elders by Xuandan Pavilion.

There is no difference between honorary deacons and deacons who have fully joined Xuandan Pavilion, except that they do not have a monthly salary.

There are no obligations and there are countless benefits, so naturally countless warriors flock to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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