Chapter 4157 Hide first

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 Many warriors have never even seen a genius at the genius level, let alone a genius at the monster level.

They simply couldn't believe that Qin Ming was a monster-level genius.

Therefore, in the battle at Yunqing Cliff and the deaths of those leaders, the warriors attributed everything to the collapse of Yunqing Cliff.

And Qin Ming is not a person who likes to show off, so he didn't tell the three of them about his true strength.

The matter of the monster-level genius is of great importance, so it is better to hide it.

So facing the sudden appearance of seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors, Qin Ming's face was calm, while the other three's expressions were full of seriousness.

The seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors stared at Qin Ming, then at Song Chaoyun and the others, and then the next few people passed by without stopping.

After the seven true dragon realm peak warriors left, Song Chaoyun breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there were no lecherous ones among those warriors, otherwise there might have been a fight.

Originally, Song Chaoyun thought that with their strength, they should be able to deal with the warriors they encountered on the road.

I didn't expect to meet seven true dragon realm peak warriors together. This is extremely rare.

"Could it be because of the Alchemy Conference held by Xuandan Pavilion, but their direction is not to go to Haoyuan City." Song Chaoyun shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Not all warriors are greedy for beauty, most warriors value training resources most.

As long as you are strong, you can have anything.

And without strength, even if you have good things, they will be taken away by others.

A false alarm.

Qi Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

The few people continued to move forward, not taking this matter to heart.

After all, in the past two months, they had encountered as many as eight thousand warriors, if not ten thousand.
It's normal to meet a warrior on the road.

Because there were experts at the peak of the True Dragon Realm in the team, the whole journey was very peaceful.

On the contrary, the warriors they met were worried that they would rob each other.

Of course they would not rob for a few resources, so everything was peaceful along the way.

"That's not right!" Qin Ming suddenly stopped and turned his head to look behind him.

There is nothing behind it.

"Huh?" Several people were surprised and stopped.

Looking at Qin Ming with a serious look on his face, he became extremely vigilant and paid attention to his surroundings.

"There is something wrong with those seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors. I feel joy in them, and their eyes seem to be looking for someone." Qin Ming looked serious.

After listening to what Qin Ming said, Song Chaoyun recalled their brief encounter before and suddenly realized, "There is something very wrong. Those warriors seem to know me."

Qi Qi also realized that whenever they met a male warrior along the way, his eyes would stay on Song Chaoyun's face for a long time.

But this time, the seven warriors just swept past.

You must know that with their strength, there is no need to worry about the four of them, and they should be scrutinized without any scruples.

Even if those seven true dragon realm peak warriors were of good character, they would not just glance at them.

"We change direction and lurk if we can find a hidden place." Qin Ming said.

"Yes!" Qi Qi nodded, and several people followed Qin Ming and rushed towards the dense forest.

Under normal circumstances, if they can avoid the forest, they will avoid the forest.

There are many origin beasts in the forest. Some origin beasts have no brains and will attack warriors when they encounter them.

And no one knows if there are any Saint Beast Realm Origin Beasts in the dense forest. Many warriors have never even seen a Prodigy-level genius, let alone a Monster-level genius.

They simply couldn't believe that Qin Ming was a monster-level genius.

Therefore, in the battle at Yunqing Cliff and the deaths of those leaders, the warriors attributed everything to the collapse of Yunqing Cliff.

And Qin Ming is not a person who likes to show off, so he didn't tell the three of them about his true strength.

The matter of the monster-level genius is of great importance, so it is better to hide it.

So facing the sudden appearance of seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors, Qin Ming's face was calm, while the other three's expressions were full of seriousness.

The seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors stared at Qin Ming, then at Song Chaoyun and the others, and then the next few people passed by without stopping.

After the seven true dragon realm peak warriors left, Song Chaoyun breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there were no lecherous ones among those warriors, otherwise there might have been a fight.

Originally, Song Chaoyun thought that with their strength, they should be able to deal with the warriors they encountered on the road.

I didn't expect to meet seven true dragon realm peak warriors together. This is extremely rare.

"Could it be because of the Alchemy Conference held by Xuandan Pavilion, but their direction is not to go to Haoyuan City." Song Chaoyun shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Not all warriors are greedy for beauty, most warriors value training resources most.

As long as you are strong, you can have anything.

And without strength, even if you have good things, they will be taken away by others.

A false alarm.

Qi Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

The few people continued to move forward, not taking this matter to heart.

After all, in the past two months, they had encountered as many as eight thousand warriors, if not ten thousand.
It's normal to meet a warrior on the road.

Because there were experts at the peak of the True Dragon Realm in the team, the whole journey was very peaceful.

On the contrary, the warriors they met were worried that they would rob each other.

Of course they would not rob for a few resources, so everything was peaceful along the way.

"That's not right!" Qin Ming suddenly stopped and turned his head to look behind him.

There is nothing behind it.

"Huh?" Several people were surprised and stopped.

Looking at Qin Ming with a serious look on his face, he became extremely vigilant and paid attention to his surroundings.

"There is something wrong with those seven peak True Dragon Realm warriors. I feel joy in them, and their eyes seem to be looking for someone." Qin Ming looked serious.

After listening to what Qin Ming said, Song Chaoyun recalled their brief encounter before and suddenly realized, "There is something very wrong. Those warriors seem to know me."

Qi Qi also realized that whenever they met a male warrior along the way, his eyes would stay on Song Chaoyun's face for a long time.

But this time, the seven warriors just swept past.

You must know that with their strength, there is no need to worry about the four of them, and they should be scrutinized without any scruples.

Even if those seven true dragon realm peak warriors were of good character, they would not just glance at them.

"We change direction and lurk if we can find a hidden place." Qin Ming said.

"Yes!" Qi Qi nodded, and several people followed Qin Ming and rushed towards the dense forest.

Under normal circumstances, if they can avoid the forest, they will avoid the forest.

There are many origin beasts in the forest. Some origin beasts have no brains and will attack warriors when they encounter them.

And no one knows if there are any holy beast realm beasts in the dense forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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