Chapter 7473 A large number of black stones

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Qin Xixuan was originally very interested in the poison-killing demon. Now that the poison-killing demon can obtain heroic spirit energy, her eyes are even brighter.

"Brother, let's go kill the Poison Demon. Anyway, there are a lot of Poison Demons in the maze. If you kill more Poison Demons, the heroic spirits will have more energy!" Qin Xixuan suggested.

She couldn't wait to deal with the poisonous demon.

"Okay!" Qin Ming nodded, "The last warehouse has probably been moved by the poison demons. It is almost impossible to find the resources in that warehouse."

"But killing poison demons is different. As long as you kill 10,000 divine beast realm poison demons, it will be no less than 200,000 ninth-grade black stones!"

There is a huge gap in martial arts strength between the Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm, so after killing them, there is also a huge gap in the black stones obtained by corrupting their corpses using the mind space.

Some Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm are only at the early stage of the Divine Beast Realm in martial arts, so they can only obtain energy equivalent to a few ninth-grade black stones.

However, some poison demons in the divine beast realm have reached the peak of the divine beast realm in martial arts. After their corpses have been corrupted, they have a lot of energy, which is equivalent to dozens of ninth-grade black stones.

The Poison Demons in the maze are all very powerful, and there are very few Poison Demons who are only in the early stage of the Divine Beast Realm in the martial arts realm.

The most important thing is that the number of Poison Demons here is far more than 10,000.

In addition to the teleportation array that has been transporting Poison Demons into the maze, Poison Demon Half-Step Supreme found out that he was in the maze, and would definitely dispatch a large number of Divine Beast Realm Poison Demons from outside.

As long as he kills a small part, the energy obtained will be enough for him to use for a long time, and it will also be enough for the heroic spirits in his mind space to practice.

However, it will definitely require a lot of energy for the heroic spirits to break through the realm of martial arts to the realm of divine beasts.

For Qin Ming, he can easily afford the breakthrough of one or two heroic spirits, but the breakthrough of 20,000 heroic spirits
Yes, that requires a huge amount of energy.

Fortunately, after the heroic spirit absorbs ordinary energy, it will be converted into heroic energy.

Even if the heroic spirits absorb ordinary energy and break through, they should still convert a large amount of heroic spirit energy.

For Qin Ming, ordinary energy is of little use.

The energy of heroic spirits is different, and it is very useful whether it is fighting or practicing.

Therefore, even if a large amount of ordinary energy can be exchanged for a little heroic energy, Qin Ming is very willing to do so.

Moreover, the heroic spirits are absolutely loyal to him, and improving their strength is equivalent to improving his own strength.

Qin Xixuan smiled happily when she heard that Qin Ming agreed with her suggestion.

"By the way, we must collect all the heart of the world fragments in the Yuexuan world and trap all these poisonous demons in the Yuexuan world!" Qin Xixuan ordered.

As long as the poison demons are trapped in the world of Yuexuan, they will be killed sooner or later and turned into heroic spirit energy.

"Of course, let's go to that warehouse first!" After saying that, Qin Ming led Qin Xixuan towards the last warehouse of the Poison Demon Family.

Even if there was no defense in the warehouse, Qin Ming would not dare to enter.

Because once they enter the warehouse, if the Poison Demon Half-Step Supreme Sikodai suddenly appears and blocks the outside, they will have no way to go to the sky and no way to the sea.

It's one thing not being able to go in. Qin Ming has to find a place first. After finding Sikodai, he starts to think of ways to enter the warehouse and take out the Heart of the World fragments.

The world of Yuexuan does not belong to the Poison Demon Family, and he is trying every possible means to get all the heart fragments of the world.

Only by obtaining the World Heart of Yuexuan World can Yuexuan World truly regain its freedom. Qin Xixuan was originally very interested in the poison-killing demon, and now that the poison-killing demon can obtain heroic spirit energy, her eyes are even brighter.

"Brother, let's go kill the Poison Demon. Anyway, there are a lot of Poison Demons in the maze. If you kill more Poison Demons, the heroic spirits will have more energy!" Qin Xixuan suggested.

She couldn't wait to deal with the poisonous demon.

"Okay!" Qin Ming nodded, "The last warehouse has probably been moved by the poison demons. It is almost impossible to find the resources in that warehouse."

"But killing poison demons is different. As long as you kill 10,000 divine beast realm poison demons, it will be no less than 200,000 ninth-grade black stones!"

There is a huge gap in martial arts strength between the Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm, so after killing them, there is also a huge gap in the black stones obtained by corrupting their corpses using the mind space.

Some Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm are only at the early stage of the Divine Beast Realm in martial arts, so they can only obtain energy equivalent to a few ninth-grade black stones.

However, some poison demons in the divine beast realm have reached the peak of the divine beast realm in martial arts. After their corpses have been corrupted, they have a lot of energy, which is equivalent to dozens of ninth-grade black stones.

The Poison Demons in the maze are all very powerful, and there are very few Poison Demons who are only in the early stage of the Divine Beast Realm in the martial arts realm.

The most important thing is that the number of Poison Demons here is far more than 10,000.

In addition to the teleportation array that has been transporting Poison Demons into the maze, Poison Demon Half-Step Supreme found out that he was in the maze, and would definitely dispatch a large number of Divine Beast Realm Poison Demons from outside.

As long as he kills a small part, the energy obtained will be enough for him to use for a long time, and it will also be enough for the heroic spirits in his mind space to practice.

However, it will definitely require a lot of energy for the heroic spirits to break through the realm of martial arts to the realm of divine beasts.

For Qin Ming, he can easily afford the breakthrough of one or two heroic spirits, but the breakthrough of 20,000 heroic spirits
Yes, that requires a huge amount of energy.

Fortunately, after the heroic spirit absorbs ordinary energy, it will be converted into heroic energy.

Even if the heroic spirits absorb ordinary energy and break through, they should still convert a large amount of heroic spirit energy.

For Qin Ming, ordinary energy is of little use.

The energy of heroic spirits is different, and it is very useful whether it is fighting or practicing.

Therefore, even if a large amount of ordinary energy can be exchanged for a little heroic energy, Qin Ming is very willing to do so.

Moreover, the heroic spirits are absolutely loyal to him, and improving their strength is equivalent to improving his own strength.

Qin Xixuan smiled happily when she heard that Qin Ming agreed with her suggestion.

"By the way, we must collect all the heart of the world fragments in the Yuexuan world and trap all these poisonous demons in the Yuexuan world!" Qin Xixuan ordered.

As long as the poison demons are trapped in the world of Yuexuan, they will be killed sooner or later and turned into heroic spirit energy.

"Of course, let's go to that warehouse first!" After saying that, Qin Ming led Qin Xixuan towards the last warehouse of the Poison Demon Family.

Even if there was no defense in the warehouse, Qin Ming would not dare to enter.

Because once they enter the warehouse, if the Poison Demon Half-Step Supreme Sikodai suddenly appears and blocks the outside, they will have no way to go to the sky and no way to the sea.

It's one thing not being able to go in. Qin Ming has to find a place first. After finding Sikodai, he starts to think of ways to enter the warehouse and take out the Heart of the World fragments.

The world of Yuexuan does not belong to the Poison Demon Family, and he is trying every possible means to get all the heart fragments of the world.

Only by obtaining the Heart of the World from Yuexuan World can freedom be truly restored to Yuexuan World.

This chapter has been completed!
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