Chapter 7815 Crazy

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 Hmm...I can't say that there are no benefits at all.

Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength breaks through to the half-step supreme level, and the family will become stronger.

But the benefits of Hong Yuanliang's breakthrough to the half-step supreme realm are simply not worth mentioning compared to his own martial arts realm's breakthrough to the supreme realm.

There are more than three thousand heroic spirits, so much heroic spirit energy was wasted by Hong Yuanliang.

In Sikodai's opinion, Hong Yuanliang's absorption of the energy of these heroic spirits is a waste.

Sikodai asked again, "Hong Yuanliang killed more than 3,000 divine beast realm heroes?"

What he questioned was Hong Yuanliang's cronies.

Hearing Sikodai's angry voice, several of Hong Yuanliang's cronies started talking.

"Sir, Hong Yuanliang asked us to kill more than 3,000 divine beast realm heroes, saying that you want to train him to be a half-step supreme!"

"We didn't know that Hong Yuanliang could lie to others. We dare not disobey his orders!"

"Sir, we are innocent. We have never thought that Hong Yuanliang would be so bold and dare to fake your orders!"

"Crazy, Hong Yuanliang is really crazy!"


"That's enough!" Sikodai was annoyed by the noise. He stretched out his hand, pinched Hong Yuanliang's neck, and asked loudly again, "I ask you, did Hong Yuanliang kill more than three thousand people?"

He captured the heroic spirit of the divine beast realm and absorbed all the energy of the heroic spirit."

"Cough...cough..." The poisonous demon coughed and nodded quickly, "Yes, sir."

"Humph!" Sikodai's eyes seemed to be about to burst out with flames, and he squeezed hard with his hands, strangling him to death.

Throwing the poisonous demon on the ground, Sikodai chased Hong Yuanliang in the direction where he left as quickly as possible.

It's just that it's too late for Sikodai to pursue him now.

After Hong Yuanliang left everyone's sight, he quickly
Run forward.

Afraid of being found by Sikodai, Hong Yuanliang kept changing directions.

He didn't even know where he was, he only knew that he was far away from Sikodai.

However, there were poison demons everywhere in the maze, and the poison demons saw him running like this.

When the poisonous demons saw him, they all saluted him.

Especially some poisonous demons in the holy beast realm, seeing him covered in blood, were so frightened that they trembled and kept saluting.

"Follow me." Hong Yuanliang felt that he was far away from Sikodai and began to summon the poisonous demons on the road.

All the poison demons who saw him, he asked them to follow him.

This way, they won't reveal his whereabouts.

Fortunately, Qin Ming killed many poisonous demons before, and now the number of poisonous demons in the maze is much smaller.

It is not very difficult for Hong Yuanliang to summon these poisonous demons.

Especially those poisonous demons in the holy beast realm obeyed his words.

Even if he is a poisonous demon in the realm of divine beasts, he only needs to say that it is Sikodai's order, and no matter what the other party is doing, he will not dare not follow him.

No one thought that he would betray Sikodai.

He is a close confidant of Sikodai, which is something that all poison demons know.

Therefore, no one would doubt that it was Sikodai's order.

"Sir, what happened?" A poisonous demon in white asked carefully.

Hong Yuanliang thought for a while and replied, "Don't ask too much, just follow me."

"Lord Sikodai is going to take action against Qin Ming and plans to train me to be a half-step supreme."

"I'm about to break through to half-step supreme. You just need to protect me and keep others from getting close."

Hearing Hong Yuanliang's words, all the poison demons looked at him in disbelief. can't be said that there is no benefit at all.

Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength breaks through to the half-step supreme level, and the family will become stronger.

But the benefits of Hong Yuanliang's breakthrough to the half-step supreme realm are simply not worth mentioning compared to his own martial arts realm's breakthrough to the supreme realm.

There are more than three thousand heroic spirits, so much heroic spirit energy was wasted by Hong Yuanliang.

In Sikodai's opinion, Hong Yuanliang's absorption of the energy of these heroic spirits is a waste.

Sikodai asked again, "Hong Yuanliang killed more than 3,000 divine beast realm heroes?"

What he questioned was Hong Yuanliang's cronies.

Hearing Sikodai's angry voice, several of Hong Yuanliang's cronies started talking.

"Sir, Hong Yuanliang asked us to kill more than 3,000 divine beast realm heroes, saying that you want to train him to be a half-step supreme!"

"We didn't know that Hong Yuanliang could lie to others. We dare not disobey his orders!"

"Sir, we are innocent. We have never thought that Hong Yuanliang would be so bold and dare to fake your orders!"

"Crazy, Hong Yuanliang is really crazy!"


"That's enough!" Sikodai was annoyed by the noise. He stretched out his hand, pinched Hong Yuanliang's neck, and asked loudly again, "I ask you, did Hong Yuanliang kill more than three thousand people?"

He captured the heroic spirit of the divine beast realm and absorbed all the energy of the heroic spirit."

"Cough...cough..." The poisonous demon coughed and nodded quickly, "Yes, sir."

"Humph!" Sikodai's eyes seemed to be about to burst out with flames, and he squeezed hard with his hands, strangling him to death.

Throwing the poisonous demon on the ground, Sikodai chased Hong Yuanliang in the direction where he left as quickly as possible.

It's just that it's too late for Sikodai to pursue him now.

After Hong Yuanliang left everyone's sight, he quickly
Run forward.

Afraid of being found by Sikodai, Hong Yuanliang kept changing directions.

He didn't even know where he was, he only knew that he was far away from Sikodai.

However, there were poison demons everywhere in the maze, and the poison demons saw him running like this.

When the poisonous demons saw him, they all saluted him.

Especially some poisonous demons in the holy beast realm, seeing him covered in blood, were so frightened that they trembled and kept saluting.

"Follow me." Hong Yuanliang felt that he was far away from Sikodai and began to summon the poisonous demons on the road.

All the poison demons who saw him, he asked them to follow him.

This way, they won't reveal his whereabouts.

Fortunately, Qin Ming killed many poisonous demons before, and now the number of poisonous demons in the maze is much smaller.

It is not very difficult for Hong Yuanliang to summon these poisonous demons.

Especially those poisonous demons in the holy beast realm obeyed his words.

Even if he is a poisonous demon in the realm of divine beasts, he only needs to say that it is Sikodai's order, and no matter what the other party is doing, he will not dare not follow him.

No one thought that he would betray Sikodai.

He is a close confidant of Sikodai, which is something that all poison demons know.

Therefore, no one would doubt that it was Sikodai's order.

"Sir, what happened?" A poisonous demon in white asked carefully.

Hong Yuanliang thought for a while and replied, "Don't ask too much, just follow me."

"Lord Sikodai is going to take action against Qin Ming and plans to train me to be a half-step supreme."

"I'm about to break through to half-step supreme. You just need to protect me and keep others from getting close."

Hearing Hong Yuanliang's words, all the poison demons looked at him in disbelief.

This chapter has been completed!
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