Chapter 7816 Honor

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Breakthrough to half-step supreme?

Is this impossible?

None of the Poison Demons expected that Hong Yuanliang would break through to the Half-Step Supreme Level.

In the entire poisonous demon family, how many of the countless poisonous demons can break through to the half-step to supreme level?

It is very difficult to break through to the halfway level, and they dare not even think about it.

Even if he had known that Hong Yuanliang was very powerful, he would not have been accepted as a confidant by Sikou and taken seriously.

But he didn't expect that Sikodai would value him so much, and Hong Yuanliang would be so determined that he could break through to the half-step supreme level.

Although there is no breakthrough yet, I don’t know whether it will succeed in the end.

But as long as it can break through, it's already very good.

"This is our honor!" The poison demons around him congratulated Hong Yuanliang with their hands.

The way they looked at Hong Yuanliang was completely different.

Originally, Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength was much stronger than theirs, and his status was higher than theirs.

In addition, he is a close confidant of Sikodai.

So as long as there is an opportunity, they will please Hong Yuanliang.

But that's for Skodai's sake.

Maybe one day, Sikodai will let them work with Hong Yuanliang.

Otherwise, no matter how high Hong Yuanliang's status is, he cannot always be with them.

So just respect Hong Yuanliang on the surface.

Now that Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength is about to break through to the half-step supreme level, that is completely out of the question.

Hong Yuanliang can use all the resources of the family.

They may become Hong Yuanliang's cronies.

As long as you become Hong Yuanliang's confidant, or make the other party look good to you.

The little bit that flowed out from Hong Yuanliang's fingernails was enough for them to eat and drink.

Another one, Hong Yuanliang will come soon
To become a half-step supreme.

They dare not disrespect Half-step Supreme.

The Half-Step Supreme has absolute power. As long as he sees someone who is uncomfortable, he can punish him at will, even if he has done nothing wrong.

So everyone looked at Hong Yuanliang with admiration and flattery. Many people straightened their chests, hoping that Hong Yuanliang would look at them more.

Seeing the adoring eyes of the poison demons, Hong Yuanliang was overwhelmed with satisfaction.

This hasn't even reached the level of being supreme, yet they respect him so much.

If he breaks through to the semi-supreme level, the entire poisonous demon family can give him whatever he wants.

"Don't worry, as long as you do well, I will give you a lot of benefits." Hong Yuanliang promised with a smile.

If the martial arts strength really breaks through to the half-step supreme level, it doesn't matter if you give them some resources.

If there is no breakthrough, then there will be no loss at all.

So these beautiful words came out of Hong Yuanliang's mouth.

The poison demons were very happy to hear that Hong Yuanliang would benefit them.

As long as they stand nearby to protect Hong Yuanliang, the possibility of them encountering Qin Ming is very small and there is almost no danger.

In this case, you can get Hong Yuanliang's reward.

It also protected Hong Yuanliang’s breakthrough, and it was very honorable to tell the truth.

If Hong Yuanliang succeeds in breaking through, it is even more likely that he will leave an excellent impression in front of Hong Yuanliang.

It was a completely harmless thing, and they were very excited.

"Okay, the number of people is almost there." Hong Yuanliang stopped and said when he saw that more than 10,000 people had gathered.

He gathered all the poison demons together and said to them, "For the sake of confidentiality, no one is allowed to tell others that I am here."

"Even if you meet other poisonous demons, you must never tell anyone."

"I'm not afraid that they will tell Qin Ming, but I'm afraid that they will leak it. Got it?" What?

Breakthrough to half-step supreme?

Is this impossible?

None of the Poison Demons expected that Hong Yuanliang would break through to the Half-Step Supreme Level.

In the entire poisonous demon family, how many of the countless poisonous demons can break through to the semi-supreme level? .??.

It is very difficult to break through to the halfway level, and they dare not even think about it.

Even if he had known that Hong Yuanliang was very powerful, he would not have been accepted as a confidant by Sikou and taken seriously.

But he didn't expect that Sikodai would value him so much, and Hong Yuanliang would be so determined that he could break through to the half-step supreme level.

Although there is no breakthrough yet, I don’t know whether it will succeed in the end.

But as long as it can break through, it's already very good.

"This is our honor!" The poison demons around him congratulated Hong Yuanliang with their hands.

The way they looked at Hong Yuanliang was completely different.

Originally, Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength was much stronger than theirs, and his status was higher than theirs.

In addition, he is a close confidant of Sikodai.

So as long as there is an opportunity, they will please Hong Yuanliang.

But that's for Skodai's sake.

Maybe one day, Sikodai will let them work with Hong Yuanliang.

Otherwise, no matter how high Hong Yuanliang's status is, he cannot always be with them.

So just respect Hong Yuanliang on the surface.

Now that Hong Yuanliang's martial arts strength is about to break through to the half-step supreme level, that is completely out of the question.

Hong Yuanliang can use all the resources of the family.

They may become Hong Yuanliang's cronies.

As long as you become Hong Yuanliang's confidant, or make the other party look good to you.

The little bit that flowed out from Hong Yuanliang's fingernails was enough for them to eat and drink.

Another one, Hong Yuanliang will come soon
To become a half-step supreme.

They dare not disrespect Half-step Supreme.

The Half-Step Supreme has absolute power. As long as he sees someone who is uncomfortable, he can punish him at will, even if he has done nothing wrong.

So everyone looked at Hong Yuanliang with admiration and flattery. Many people straightened their chests, hoping that Hong Yuanliang would look at them more.

Seeing the adoring eyes of the poison demons, Hong Yuanliang was overwhelmed with satisfaction.

This hasn't even reached the level of being supreme, yet they respect him so much.

If he breaks through to the semi-supreme level, the entire poisonous demon family can give him whatever he wants.

"Don't worry, as long as you do well, I will give you a lot of benefits." Hong Yuanliang promised with a smile.

If the martial arts strength really breaks through to the half-step supreme level, it doesn't matter if you give them some resources.

If there is no breakthrough, then there will be no loss at all.

So these beautiful words came out of Hong Yuanliang's mouth.

The poison demons were very happy to hear that Hong Yuanliang would benefit them.

As long as they stand nearby to protect Hong Yuanliang, the possibility of them encountering Qin Ming is very small and there is almost no danger.

In this case, you can get Hong Yuanliang's reward.

It also protected Hong Yuanliang’s breakthrough, and it was very honorable to tell the truth.

If Hong Yuanliang succeeds in breaking through, it is even more likely that he will leave an excellent impression in front of Hong Yuanliang.

It was a completely harmless thing, and they were very excited.

"Okay, the number of people is almost there." Hong Yuanliang stopped and said when he saw that more than 10,000 people had gathered.

He gathered all the poison demons together and said to them, "For the sake of confidentiality, no one is allowed to tell others that I am here."

"Even if you meet other poisonous demons, you must never tell anyone."

"I'm not afraid that they will tell Qin Ming, but I'm afraid that they will leak it. Got it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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