Chapter 225 Scavengers

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 Bailang was young and energetic. He had just shaved his face in the morning. By the time he separated from those people in the afternoon and used Qinggong to reach the last red circle, his beard had already grown short fibrous roots.

When he came out, Bailang's painting style suddenly changed into that of General Shensha.

"Now I have become the third junior brother." Bai Lang also smiled bitterly as he took a photo in those strange-colored water pools. What appeared in front of him was still the monster formed by the coal bucket, but Bai Lang was now a man with a book.

Looking through the records in this small book, I saw, "The Coal Bucket Monster and the Iron Spear Greenworm are worthless."

In this world, Bai Lang also doesn't dare to practice - innate masters have limitations. They have not yet been able to practice independently from the vitality of heaven and earth, and they have not yet reached the state where the vitality of heaven and earth can be self-generated. This state must at least reach the point where the inner and outer scenes are released.

It is only possible to step into the level of manifestation of the Dharmakaya.

If there is no special creation, even that step may not be able to generate vitality on its own - after all, the vitality of heaven and earth of Dharmakaya is actually the vitality of this world stored in the cave heaven contained in them. However, those powerful people such as gods and Buddhas are basically

Having taken this step, this is also the basis for their transcendence from the Dharma Body and left behind their own legend.

Bailang's stay in the Weiwei Mansion was not in vain. Although the martial arts secrets basically had to be redeemed, the secrets and legends were not required. They were open to an innate master like him. So he confirmed that those strong men were really Buddhas and ancestors.

, and there is a high probability that he has taken another step above the Dharmakaya.

At this point, what these strong men want to pursue is to live forever, to live as long as the heaven and the earth and to shine together with the sun and the moon. Even if the heaven and the earth are destroyed, they will not be destroyed. They can step into the next era with their heads held high. Those who can reach this level can probably be confirmed.

There are only the Taoist ancestors Sanqing, and maybe one Buddha.

As for the ancient Heavenly Emperors, demons, innate gods and demons, there are really only legends, and it is impossible to confirm whether they have achieved this step. Bai Lang takes them as a book of mountains and seas anyway, not to mention that they are quite beautiful.

The rules of heaven and earth in this world are twisted. Although Bai Lang is not fully aware of it, he instinctively knows that if he introduces Qi into his body, something unspeakable will happen. It is okay to go astray, but if there are other mutations, it will be terrible.


"So if you want to regain your energy, you can only absorb the mutated vitality here bit by bit and then use the Heart of the Tiger of Nan Dou White Tiger Fist to gradually absorb the changes into them - this is still me, what if it were someone else?


However, there are endless wonders and tricks in the world, and there may be some martial arts that can easily utilize this twisted vitality.

His boots stepped on the Gobi Desert full of pebbles, and Bailang's cowboy hat blocked the sun, allowing him to see the distance more easily - he got rid of those coal buckets and big caterpillars, worthless garbage, Bailang

You can kill them instantly with any storm.

Wherever Bailang could see, a moving plant appeared. It was a very large flower, with five red petals in the middle of which was a big mouth with fangs. The petals were fleshy, and there were also inverted flowers on the surface.

The sharp thorns of the hook are dancing green tentacles under the calyx.

This flower, which is as tall as a person, has a thick upright trunk, with forked green tentacles underneath. It is these tentacles that allow this flower to move in the wilderness. The flower does not move slowly, but Bailang doesn't know how this thing works.

Sensing prey.

"Touch? Smell? Hearing or vision?" Bailang circled around the flower. Bailang was still very curious about this world. The flower's tentacles kept beating with Bailang, but the speed was too slow to keep up with Bailang's movement. Bailang quickly saw

A clue came out - "This thing seems to sense prey based on vibrations, and it most likely has an animal-like sense of smell."

Yellow-green smoke was sprayed out from the big mouth, and it spread very quickly. Bailang was out of the scope of the smoke in just a flash. His vision could see the essence of the smoke, "Pollen, it is indeed poisonous pollen."

——If nothing else, it’s probably paralysis and poisoning.”

Okay, now that the piranha flower is at its wits end, Bai Lang also swiped it as quickly as lightning. With one stroke of his hand, he had already picked the flower off the main stem and returned it to its original place. After losing the flower, the branch

The stem rotted away quickly, and all that was left on the ground was a pool of slimy sap and only a few tough tentacles.

The flowers also began to rot. Bailang threw this thing to the ground casually. The thick juice gave off an unpleasant smell, but there were also a few fist-sized "seeds" left in it, which were the "nectar" recorded in the book.

", it is one of the very good basic materials for medicine and also a good food ingredient.

In fact, this nectar is quite valuable - this is because this large piranha flower is only distributed in the red circle and contains strong poison. Ordinary bullets are not effective against the piranha flower that can regenerate quickly, but using a spray

If you use firearms to deal with it, it will easily cause damage to the nectar.

Bailang brought a backpack, which is the cheapest "storage box". It has partitions and thermal insulation and moisturizing materials, which can preserve the harvested trophies quite well. Bailang continued to go deeper, and after walking less than a kilometer, he immediately saw

Ants bigger than humans.

These ants shone with a metallic sheen and crawled very fast. Bailang flipped through his notebook and asked, "Oh, are they large predatory ants that can devour metal as well as flesh and blood? Let me look at the key points, be careful of swarms."

Bailang jumped out and hit the ant on the head with his palm.

These ants are indeed very hard, and the surface is actually made of metal - apart from their formic acid sacs, the only valuable thing on these ants is the metal carapace they usually eat up metal to form on the watch case. Good luck.

If you can, you can find ants with gold shells.

The one in front of you is just an iron shell, but if you collect it, it is actually high-quality iron. However, unless Bailang is driving a vehicle, his own backpack cannot hold much - and it is also heavy. Bailang's palm heel

The hammer was heavy, and the ant's head immediately deflated with one palm strike. Even though this lowly creature still has a strong vitality, its back half is still moving.

There was a special sour smell in the air, and with the sound of clicking, several ants crawled out from the ground. "This is the summoning skill. The more you fight, the more you fight, and you are eventually overwhelmed by the ants." Bailang didn't care, these ants

It's okay to deal with ordinary people, but dealing with him is just a delivery of food - ants can't be eaten.

"They are all iron shells, and one seems to be a copper shell. They are all worthless things. They are gone." The white waves swept across the earth like the wind. When they passed by the few ants, they were chopped into pieces like a big axe.

It became two sections.

This chapter has been completed!
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