Chapter 30

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Relying on his strong lung capacity and the strength of his hands and feet gained from practicing the Golden Bell Shield, Bailang can move very quickly underwater. However, the Mekong River has a large flow and there are many undercurrents in the river. As Bailang, he

He wasn't that proficient in water skills yet, so it actually took him a little longer to get through the bottom of the boat to the other side than he expected.

The opponent's speedboat was also moving, not fixed in one place. What Bailang saw when he exposed the upper half of his face was that the speedboat was already five or six meters away from him. Originally, if the opponent continued to drive, Bailang's speed would

I'm afraid the swimming speed couldn't keep up, but because the river water was flowing and the clarity was not very good, the armed men didn't notice the approaching whitecaps.

This kind of thing is normal. Fishermen fishing on the river may not be able to detect the tiger swimming in and be attacked by the tiger. Not to mention that these people are focused on the freighter and are shooting at the ship with guns and cannot hear other sounds.

.And now they were preparing to join forces under cover of fire, so they slowed down the ship.

Bailang half-submerged and approached the speedboat. After a slight pause for breath, Bailang's legs and feet suddenly exerted force, and his entire upper body rushed out of the water. With his left hand on the boat board, he used the tiger claw of his right hand to directly grab the back of the nearest armed man.

Due to the strong internal energy, the bulletproof vest worn by the man was of no use at all. It was directly grabbed into the back. Bailang used this force to send himself to the speedboat and tore it off at the same time.

The scene was very bloody. The tiger's claws clawed into the human body and tore the spine of the living person out of the body. As soon as Bailang stepped onto the deck of the ship, he immediately started a close-range fight. This speedboat can only be seated.

There were seven or eight people, and after the driver, there were only three armed men. And when those two men turned their guns, they were more likely to kill each other - if they held on to the trigger.

And once the firing stopped, it would take Bailang less than a second to kill them... It was indeed the case. It only took Bailang a second to kill the three people, plus he killed them when he got on the boat.

On the other side, all four people were dead. Bailang shouted to the freighter above, "Let's go, it's okay. Let's separate here."

He threw all three dead people into the water - the guy with his spine torn out had already fallen into the water. He washed the deck of the boat with a bucket, put away the weapons, and Bailang drove away in the speedboat. "After I left, this

The helper should have the courage to call the police."

This is indeed the case. Bailang has been gone for more than half an hour, and the crew of Yuhua 3 finally dared to get up from their hiding places. After checking the ship, they found that they were lucky, except for the side and wall of the ship that were hit by bullets.

Apart from the hole that came out, no more damage was caused, and everyone was fine - except for two people who were scratched by the broken glass.

Then call the police quickly, just like Bailang said - in fact, they are more experienced in this kind of thing than Bailang, and have no trust in the Myanmar police. The call was made directly to the Yunnan police in China to report the case, and

The ship speeded up and rushed to the country as quickly as possible.

This matter is basically an international case, and the Chinese police also need to cooperate in handling it. After accepting the case, of course they notify the Myanmar police as soon as possible - this is basically useless, these places are beyond the control of the Myanmar central government.

.Due to the pressure exerted by China, although the case is clearly in Myanmar, the Chinese police still handle the case...

The Burmese and Thai police have both come - people have died in both countries, and the case is actually very clear. There are many witnesses and they are all alive. Basically, the Burmese and Thai police came to the same conclusion, "We can't catch him.

Because we can’t find where this person went.” As for the Chinese police, they just added a bunch of information to someone’s file.

Those who died were all foreigners, and they were all bad guys selling addictive drugs. To be honest, the police officer handling the case also said, "Good death!" But the person who did it was also troublesome - this person committed crimes in China.

Although he was killed in a lawsuit, he was not a good person. I originally thought that since he ran away from the country, as long as he never returned to the country, he should just forget it... I didn't expect that this person also did good things abroad.


"A chivalrous man used force to break the law. The ancients were honest and did not bully me." The expert from the Ministry of Public Security in charge also sighed. Half of the bodies were recovered, and the other half were considered missing and the bodies could not be found. The autopsy results proved what the witnesses said. This one is called Bailang.

The man is really as ferocious as a tiger, and he really has miraculous martial arts skills.

In reality, are there any martial artists who can tear off human bodies like tearing paper like in the movies? Those who can do this can no longer be called human beings. They are better described as big cats walking upright. The situation is similar. The sunken ship was salvaged

The traces on the freighter all prove this. This man's power has truly exceeded human limits.

The speedboat that was driven away was eventually found on the river on the China-Myanmar border, and the people on it were of course missing. The search for hundreds of kilometers near the place where the speedboat was found failed, after spending a lot of manpower.

In the end, this case can only be said to have been dropped - the only result was the elimination of an armed gang selling banned drugs in Myanmar.

Where did Bailang go? This is a mystery that many people will not be able to solve in the future.

After Bai Lang abandoned the boat, he disguised himself and climbed onto another cargo ship to hide. With his skills, it was easy not to be discovered by the crew. Sitting on the boat, he went down the river again, several times.

He quietly changed boats at night, and while the police from the three countries were searching along the Mekong River, he had already entered Cambodia in a big way.

This is also a relatively chaotic country, but Bailang devotes himself to practice and doesn't find it too troublesome.

A good thing happened that the second year after he escaped, a voice came from the jade fish, "Recharging is complete, ready to return!" Bailang was resting in the bamboo house he rented at this time, and when he heard it, he also cursed.

He shouted, "Didn't you say it will take ten years? This is only the third year, right? And it hasn't passed yet! What's going on?"

Of course Yuyu wouldn't answer. With Bailang's current martial arts skills, he naturally didn't know what was going on. But Yuyu gave him the feeling, "How did you make me so horny?" Anyway, he had nothing to do with Yuyu.

The solution is, "Should I just throw this thing away after traveling through time?" Bailang was really considering this question seriously.

The jade fish seemed to be alive. It jumped up again and flicked its tail, and then disappeared together with Bailang...

This chapter has been completed!
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