Chapter 483 Escape

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 The Gray Parker werewolf criminal gang has been destroyed. Maybe this is not all of them, but the death of the most ferocious and bold werewolf Gray Parker led by it has declared the irreversible destruction of this gang - there will probably be bolder werewolves who will try to replace them in the future.

Gray Puck's status? But that is a matter for the Auror to be responsible for.

Gray Puck and his strongest and most brutal werewolves were now Bailang's trophies. He decided to deal with them before going to the next target - Voldemort. The useless corpses of the werewolves were eaten by the hyenas summoned by his magic.

The trophies he kept were placed in the leather bag's house, "Let me try it, the universal magic spell..."

Bailang was thinking about the separation of skin and flesh, and chanting in his mouth, "Om, you, you, you, you are red, you are red!" He was almost shaking a broken fan like an old man, but he had a magic wand, and according to the instructions

The beat hit the ground bit by bit. The light of magic bloomed, and the werewolf corpse on the ground began to separate from its flesh and bones.

The hyena couldn't bear it any longer. It pounced on the freshly separated meat and internal organs and devoured them. "Okay, if you want to deal with the fur and bones next, you have to use normal human methods. Shaving fat, tanning, etc.

, let me see how to deal with the book."

Tanning leather is a rather smelly job. It involves soaking, cleaning, tanning, and finally drying and fattening to soften it. It doesn't take more than a month to complete this matter - then the holiday will be over. So we have to adopt normal human methods.

——It takes too long to use the ancient craftsmanship, "Degreasing with acetone and then cleaning, and then tanning with fur tanning preparations, but it still takes half a month."

Bailang decided to leave it to a professional fur tanning factory. As long as he paid money and cast a forgetting spell, the problem would be solved. As for the bones, I have to say that the level of magic to remove the flesh is much better than using mealworms or strong alkali to cook. The result

Bailang only needed to soak it in gasoline or acetone to remove the fat - this would take several days, so Bailang decided to take this opportunity to get rid of that scumbag Voldemort.

He knew where Gunter's old house was - it was recorded in the library, but basically no one saw it, "Great Hangleton... there was a dilapidated house that looked like it was about to collapse, and there were still hanging

Dead snake." Bailang didn't ride Dior over here, but took a train and a taxi to that shabby place in the British countryside.

Without the use of magic, Voldemort's subordinates might not know it - at this time, Voldemort's only loyal guards are the rat Scabbers, and maybe little Crouch... Voldemort's truly powerful thugs are still in prison.


Bailang walked in this poor place with one foot high and one foot low. "The roads have not been properly repaired. Look at the grass and bushes. They haven't been pruned in how many years?" The old Gunter house stood like a silhouette in the distance.

, but Bailang's movement was also silent. His speed was very fast, and he was already standing in front of Gunter's old house in a few minutes.

He didn't leave. Voldemort and his miserable followers should have set up many magic traps here. With Bailang's magic ability, I'm afraid they can't break them. Bailang was very grateful for the dangerous behavior of trapping himself in the trap, so he was prepared to do it first.

Test it out, and then use explosives to blow this place up to the sky later.

"There's no magic trap?" Bailang climbed to the roof and carefully supported his body - this damn place was in disrepair and would collapse if not careful. Bailang was lying on the chimney of the roof - the support point here should be

He is the strongest one. He is still wearing an assassin suit and now he is lurking quietly.

The sound from below gradually came out, and the heat from the chimney indicated that someone was lighting a fireplace inside. After Bailang listened for a long time, he smiled evilly and took out a melon-like grenade from his arms, "Hey hey hey, attack grenade. I'll give you a shock wave first, and then

Well." Bailang still had several melons in his arms, but they were just defensive grenades.

So he pulled the safety, reached under the chimney roof and used skill to spin the melon and throw it down - otherwise, the grenade would get stuck in the curved flue opening of the chimney and would not be able to fall into the fireplace. It would escape from the white waves.

After taking my hand, the handle bounced off the missile body, the fuse started to work, and it was time to explode in five or six seconds.

Bailang clasped his hands on the roof, expecting the explosion to happen. Sure enough, accompanied by the explosion below, a shock wave directly collapsed the roof. Bailang could have sworn that he heard the screams of mice.

Bai Lang made a heavy drop and fell with the collapsing roof. By the way, it smashed through the floor and fell directly to the middle of the second floor and the first floor. Bai Lang almost immediately saw the sofa protected by the light of magic.

Of course, there are still fires burning everywhere. "Hey, is this Voldemort, right?" Arrogant and domineering words came out of Bai Lang's mouth.

"Turn around and take a look, I really want to see what the little monster without a nose looks like?" Bailang has prepared a lot of rats, ready to use rats to block these guys if they launch Avatar. That thing on the sofa

It can already be seen. It is a soft monster like a baby, with snake scales and a flat snake face. "It is indeed a freak." Bai Lang said.

"Who are you?" The baby's voice was very soft and weak, and Peter Pettigrew, who was lying on the side, had already stammered, "Master, this is Ron White from Hogwarts, Knockout

The man who killed the dragon." His words were trembling.

Bailang looked at Voldemort in front of him, "Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Voldemort, this is the first time I have seen your true form since I killed the basilisk... Speaking of your diary

The shadow inside looks pretty good, but why has it turned into an ugly snake-faced man now? So I told you before that you don’t want to hang out with snakes.”

While talking, he turned to one side, stretched out his right hand, and directly grabbed the lower jaw of a giant snake that suddenly attacked him from behind. "It's rare to see a poisonous snake that big." Bai Lang glanced sideways at the snake.

, "Viper? I remember her name is Nagini? Okay, Tom, Nagini, let's say goodbye to each other as good friends." After saying that, Bailang crushed the snake's head - although the Horcrux is not

Destroyed by ordinary objects, but Bailang's violence was not among them.

Who made Voldemort stupid enough to use a snake as a Horcrux... Metal objects or dead objects can recover and deform and still maintain the ability of a Horcrux, but living things cannot, they will be killed. As for death

Can a creature still be used as a Horcrux? Now Nagini has proven this - no. "This snake is too weak. How could she think of attacking a man who can knock down a dragon from behind? She has secrets about herself

Are you too confident in Action and Venom?" Bai Lang said with a sarcastic smile.

Voldemort in front of him said nothing, perhaps he was thinking about what to say. "Graypuck is your subordinate, right? You are welcome to join them soon. Tom. Graypuck's head has become my collection.

There are also those werewolves under him. I think it would be good to decorate my living room with their wolf-like skeletons. I will soak you in formalin and put you next to their heads as my trophies." Bailang walked as he walked.

Said as he went over.

"Avada Kedavra!" Green light shone, Bai Lang shook his body, and the green light flew through his phantom and flew into the distance. "It's easy to hide." Bai Lang muttered, moving his body.

He couldn't see clearly under the firelight, and he pinched Peter Pettigrew with one claw, looking like he was about to strip him open.

"Transformation!" A feeble voice sounded, and with the sound of "poof", Pettigrew and Tom both disappeared... "Damn it!" Bailang cursed.

This chapter has been completed!
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