Chapter 490: Keep your word

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"Auror..." Bailang said with a half-smile after these people left, "Auror..." He ended in a strange tone and walked towards home.

——Bailang didn’t say that he killed more than a dozen Dementors at once. The Aurors only knew that he drove away the Dementors, that he had a patron saint and that he was an Animagus. Otherwise, would they ask him for help?

What about levying compensation fees? After all, dementors are employees of the Ministry of Magic.

The Death Eaters who came to assassinate him both fled to death. Bailang felt that he had greatly improved his level with Voldemort - if Voldemort continued to try to kill him, the person who had threatened Voldemort, he might have to be sent out.

It would take a really powerful henchman, or he could do it himself. However, Bailang was not prepared to let Voldemort come again. He took a break and took the initiative. He had a compass, a dark magic tool, in his hand, which could help him find the unlucky Death Eaters.

He only needed some more detailed information, but fortunately the Daily Prophet and Malfoy helped him solve this problem. Bailang didn't stay in his home for long, and he quickly moved to the newly built mansion - using a confusing

The spell and the teleportation spell can connect this house with his room in the normal world without making ordinary people suspicious. Bailang laid out his trophies and also made a lot of space to prepare the food.

Trophies of the Dead Apostles.

The initial idea is to replace their wands with something else if they break. "It is still necessary to prepare a few more sets of magic costumes, especially those that are sturdy and easy to move - so I have to go to a haute couture store." Bai Lang

I think it would be good to customize a few more assassin outfits, but perhaps the furs of certain magical creatures should be used as raw materials - taking into account the defense.

In short, after staying at home for more than ten days and getting the custom-made clothes sent, Bailang started to hunt down the Death Eaters.

Harry Potter and the others had their own troubles. Bailang learned from the owl letter sent by Neville and Zabini that Harry was asked to be tried by the Ministry of Magic for using magic. "This is very strange. I also

I used magic when fighting the Death Eaters, why didn't the Ministry of Magic accuse me?" Bailang thought this was probably selective law enforcement? But maybe it was also because he handed over two corpses with well-documented records.

Fudge couldn't say that the two Death Eater corpses with the Dark Mark were fake - because if that were the case, maybe the fourth-year Hogwarts student who could knock down dragons would become a new criminal? Okay.

Well, the Ministry of Magic already has enough troubles. They have to cover up Voldemort's resurrection and hunt down the escaped Death Eaters. It's not a wise move to bring out another criminal now. But people like Harry say otherwise - no matter what

To say that he is the savior is naturally topical.

"If Harry says that Voldemort is resurrected, I think a lot of people will believe it. Then Fudge will have a headache." Bailang understands British bureaucrats very well, even if the bureaucrat is a wizard - the real ruler of this country is always Her Majesty the Queen.

Loyal bureaucrats.

Before Bailang could set out, someone came looking for him. The person looking for him was Professor Moody - the one Bailang had never seen before. "Hello, Professor, although I saw a fake version of you, it's exactly the same, isn't it?"

Bailang knew that this professor had persecution paranoia, which was an occupational disease in the Auror profession all year round, so he did not entertain the professor for tea or any kind of drink.

"Mr. Lang, I came to you about the Death Eaters." Professor Moody did not sit down or enter his room. He just stood outside the door and said, while the magic eye was still turning.

Looking at Dior lying lazily from behind.

"That's it, Professor. Let's put it this way, I think Death Eaters, including Voldemort, are very good prey, and killing them makes me very interesting - do you want to see what I hunt? For example, the werewolf Gray Puck's

Taxidermy." Bailang invited warmly, and Moody's magic eyes turned over, "Thank you, but I have already seen it, Mr. Lang. So that's what happened, I think Ramsey will be very happy."

Moody looked at Bailang, "I wanted to say something, but you are a little wizard with your own opinions. I don't think I need to continue, so I'm going to leave. I don't think anyone will bother you anymore.

Young man, I have a piece of advice for you, Death Eaters are very dangerous, I hope you will think twice before you act."

Moody immediately transformed and disappeared. Bailang looked at the place where he disappeared and smiled - a slightly crazy smile. "Is it dangerous? I should leave early, otherwise I'm afraid Dumbledore will suddenly

Appeared..." Bailang scratched his beard - this thing was not suitable for his age, but it has grown a little now, making Bailang look a bit mature. "Let's go Dior, we have to

Disappear now - before Dumbledore stops us!"

Bailang jumped up and jumped on the back of Dio who stood up quickly. The monster flew directly into the air, flapped its huge wings and began to climb. "Let's go to Diagon Alley first. It's time to let the beetle reporter know about me.

It’s no longer a joke.”

Rita Skeeter, the rumor-mongering reporter, seems to have been caught in the foot by Hermione. She was very peaceful recently and even wrote some vindication reports for Harry, Hermione and Ron. However, it is still a fact that she ignored Bailang's warning.

So Bai Lang decided to give her a little punishment - let her know that some words cannot be ignored. "Although she won't die, she won't be able to get away with it so easily." Bai Lang decided to break a few of her bones.


Punishment that exceeds the limit will not help build fear, and Bailang is a reasonable person. Rita's matter has not reached that point. This kind of punishment is just enough. As for finding her boss? That is a matter for the future. Bailang is now

There were neither enough gold galleons nor enough manpower to do this, and besides, he didn't want to go to Azkaban just yet.

Dior flew directly outside Diagon Alley, while Bailang walked into Diagon Alley from the outside - he was going to the editorial department. He needed to confirm where Rita would be. This woman did not live in Diagon Alley.

, but Bai Lang got her movement, and when Bai Lang appeared in front of her, the woman just remembered what Bai Lang had said before - her face began to turn pale, and a scream seemed to come out of her mouth.

Bailang stretched out his hand and directly removed her chin, and flicked her throat gently. Suddenly the woman covered her throat and knelt down and began to drool heavily from the dislocated chin. "You didn't take my words seriously.

, so I want to deepen your impression. Please pay attention to it in the future." Bai Lang's words were very gentle, but his action was very simple, and he directly broke her limbs. "Don't worry, there will be no sequelae, the fractures of these bones are all crisp.


This chapter has been completed!
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