Chapter 608: Licking a dog will lead to a good death

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"Who is this?" Bai Lang asked, and Si Wu asked him to come here because he probably wanted Bai Lang to talk to her, so Si Wu quickly said, "The daughter of that dragon, the dragon you have seen.

.Her name is Aphrodite.”

"Goddess of love and beauty? Could it be that that guy's name is Zeus? Wait a minute, Aphrodite is not the daughter of Zeus..." Bai Lang truly spoke for Na Siwu to ease his embarrassment, "

Yes, that guy is Claudius, but this one does have the godhead of love and beauty."

"Miss Aphrodite, I have a wife." Si Wu seemed to take this opportunity to reiterate it again. However, the dragon girl pretended not to hear and instead grabbed him tighter. Bai Lang saw Si Wu

He also shook his head slightly and did not continue to speak. And the skinny Sen Luo let out a hearty laugh.

At this time, a burly man walked in from outside the tavern. On the shoulders of this big man sat a young girl with thick legs. Bailang felt the violent appetite from this young girl, "I guess I can't beat this...

She's definitely a dragon girl too." He recognized the strong man's face, wasn't it the giant dragon?

"Ah, Aphrodite, have you come to visit Brother Siwu again? Where has your eldest sister gone? Minerva is not here every time she comes. She always comes sooner or later." The strong man also did the same.

He also nodded to Na Senluo, and when he turned around and saw Bailang, the guy scratched his chin, "Ah, is this the baboon's disciple? Hello, hello, whatever you eat is on my account!"

How could Bai Lang be so shameless? He smiled and refused. The young girl jumped off the Dragon King, rushed directly behind the bar, and soon ran out holding a large piece of bone meat bigger than her. The surface of the meat was red.

It was so shiny that it was really well grilled. Bailang could tell with a twitch of his nose that the meat was boiled first, then braised, and then grilled. The flavor had already penetrated into it.

He also moved his index finger, but his little thick legs seemed to be extremely sensitive. He immediately glared at Bailang, and immediately gave Bailang a feeling that he was like a tiger falling into an endless open mouth. The young girl was holding a huge

The piece of meat ran to the Dragon King, "Huh?" She made a cute voice, and the movements of her hands signaled the Dragon King to eat it.

"Ah, dad doesn't want to eat, you should eat first." The Dragon King seemed to be melted by his daughter, and he suddenly showed the look of a useless old father, "Iberia, please eat quickly."

A scene that stunned Bai Lang appeared - the young girl held up a huge piece of meat. She opened her mouth just like a character in an animation. She bit off a third of the meat in one bite, which was almost

A piece of meat half as big as her body was chewing in her mouth like an ebony.

In the end, the piece of meat disappeared and disappeared into the body of the young girl. The young girl continued to take a big bite, and this time she ate all the meat very simply, and at the same time, she bit off the bones together and moved them around in her mouth.

In the end, "Gudu" swallowed it in one gulp. The bone-and-bone meat, which was larger than a human, actually didn't make the little girl's belly even the slightest bit bigger.

A lot of saliva flowed out of the young girl's mouth, and she quickly rushed in and brought out the second piece of flesh and bone... Bailang finally sneaked in behind, but he looked up and down, left and right, but there was nothing there.

He found something to eat. When he came out, the tavern was empty.

But before he could go out, two more people walked in from the outside. These two people looked very weak at first glance. Bai Lang could see through their hearts, livers, spleens, lungs and kidneys at a glance.

Almost like ordinary people." However, these two guys were also very impressive, "Hello, hello, bye, bye." Bailang quickly said goodbye to these two guys - one claimed to be the Emperor of the Galaxy Empire and the other claimed to be the Emperor of the Sky.

of frog.

Bai Lang, who left here, didn't know where to go for a moment, so he randomly chose a direction and flew out like a meteor. "I finally figured it out. This is how this thing works. But this...

Hey, hey, you wouldn’t go to this far just to join the world, right?”

Bailang finally fully understood how this Yuyu solved the problem of him traveling to a world. First, he tried to penetrate into the "bottom layer" of these worlds, and at the same time input "virus instructions to steal permissions", but its function was nothing more than "automatic planting."

"Enter identity" instead of "Enable cheat/admin privileges" for him.

Thinking about it carefully, all these operations are really not something that he, a mere master of interior scenes, can do. There are many techniques worth studying. However, this thing was quickly mastered, and the next moment Bailang discovered that this thing began to transform him -

- "This thing can also change my state? This is too damn exaggerated! Is it possible that Daluo Jinxian is so awesome?"

"Yes, Daluo Jinxian is so awesome." A voice came from afar.

Bailang had lost his mind at this time - just for a moment, he woke up the next moment and found himself squatting on the curb. He touched his cheek, and it looked like he had grown a beard without shaving.

The trouble has come, my eyebrows are still raised, but my hair has been trimmed and does not look like it is burning.

In short, it is like being able to go out in this world. Yes, this is a modern world, and Bailang is in a certain city in China in this world. He looked up at the street signs and street signs, and knew that he was in Nanjing

Cheng. His hand touched the jade fish and he immediately got a piece of background information.

"I'm beginning to think that Master Qianshan needs to be beaten. Although I can't beat him, but if I fight to the death, I don't know if I can splash blood on his clothes?" Bai Lang thought fiercely.

That's right, most of the bitches made by bitches can only do a few bitchy things - Bai Lang's background this time is that of a married man who had just divorced because his wife cheated on him and went to her old boyfriend. Of course, he still had a little daughter left behind.

He raised it. "What the hell!" Bai Lang couldn't laugh or cry, "How could I be such a weak waste?!"

The substitute character in this background is a real licking dog. He actually gave up most of his family property and left. It was really a nightmare. Bailang squatted on the curb and grinded his teeth, thinking about how to kill people. In this world

For him, the impact is not big but the damage caused will not be great - he has already experienced this type of world solidity, and this world is just tighter in terms of rules.

He can summon storms, but the area of ​​effect is only about the size of a gymnasium, so he is just a Gonitz. However, the martial arts for his own body cannot be compromised at all - so most of the weapons in this world are probably made with

He was helpless...

This chapter has been completed!
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