Chapter 611 Appearance

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 "Get up, Jiaojiao." At six o'clock in the morning, Bai Lang gently patted this cheap "daughter" to wake her up. "Dad?" The little girl was still a little sleepy, but Bai Lang knew very well that the little guy's physical condition should be very good now.

Good situation. "Let's go to practice martial arts. It's a rare occasion for me to come here, so I always have to leave something." When Bai Lang said this, Bai Jiao was a little confused, but it didn't matter, she was a very well-behaved little girl.

Bai Jiao put on a small sportswear, and Bai Lang took her out into the cold outdoors - there was a green park nearby with a decent area and trails, which allowed him to train the little girl. "The first time is time.

It doesn't need to be long, and the amount of exercise doesn't need to be heavy. Twenty minutes is enough." Bai Lang is a master-level martial arts master. Since he already knows the characteristics of human beings in this world, it is not very difficult to come up with the method of cultivation overnight.


"From the outside in, the energy converges in the muscles, bones, and blood vessels - isn't this just the master's method of playing, except that he also has the sea of ​​​​qi to capture everything. People in this world will probably be at the level of Leping by the end of their training.

?The master of the thief army is at least a Super League 4 or 5." Bai Lang thought about this. Accompanied by him, Bai Jiao also opened her legs and started running. Bai Lang's fingers gently touched the little girl's back.

She struck, controlling her breathing under the agitation of internal energy.

"Jiaojiao, remember this breathing rhythm! Don't mess with it." Bailang said, starting with running, let her get familiar with breathing and increase her physical fitness. This is the most efficient breathing method, used to tap into the strength of her body.

It is the most efficient breathing method in the world. Although he is a little young at this age, but Bai Lang himself is here, what else can go wrong. Twenty minutes were spent in running and gymnastics, and Bai Lang consciously kept Bai Jiao at full speed.

The purpose of sprinting is to tap into her potential.

Before the little girl endures to the limit, Bai Lang will always adjust her pace to let her find a strength from her body again - and Bai Lang's true energy can also protect her body, even the girl's first

The pot of gold. The true energy will gradually seep into Bai Jiao's body during exercise and become her own power. This has allowed Bai Jiao to stand at the top of everyone in the world except Bai Lang from the beginning.

After the run, Bai Lang took Bai Jiao to have breakfast outside. It was a traditional Chinese breakfast - pot stickers with tofu pudding, while Bai Jiao had millet porridge with cheese and bacon egg rolls. The little guy has a big appetite after exercising.

The amount he ate was almost equivalent to that of an adult. As for Bai Lang, he directly ate half a catty of pot stickers and two bowls of tofu pudding, which made him very happy. However, after sending the little girl to school, Bai Lang fell into a situation that in theory should be unhappy.


His so-called ex-wife came to see him in a car. If the licking dog in the past saw his ex-wife Wang Xiaoling, it was hard to say what would happen. But Bailang was still stunned for a moment before he remembered the person who was leaning on the car downstairs.

The cold beauty was his "ex-wife". When Wang Xiaoling saw Bai Lang, she had a somewhat apologetic look in her eyes. It seemed that the licking dog had treated this woman extremely well. This woman couldn't leave without guilt for the so-called love.


"At least there's still some people's hearts." Bai Lang secretly laughed. He had no intention of helping the licking dog anyway - this guy has already been formatted, so what else could he do? The licking dog was not going to die a good death. So he treated Wang Xiaoling indifferently.

Often, although this woman is stunningly beautiful, there are many women who are more beautiful than her. The wives Bai Lang is looking for in his own world are much prettier than this woman, and their temperaments are even more incomparable.


"Oh, you're here. What's the matter?" Bailang thought for a while, guessing that this woman didn't come to see the dog licker. "As for the custody of my daughter? It's already mine. You'd better come on your day off.

She, she has to go to school now." Bai Lang was also speaking according to the script. What if this woman really wanted to fight for custody? Bai Lang vaguely seemed to remember that he could appeal to change the sentence not so soon after the court ruling just now?

"No!" He suddenly remembered a problem. He is now equivalent to an unemployed vagrant. If Wang Xiaoling files a lawsuit, he will be very, very disadvantaged - eating illegally is not legal income... Even if he has hope now

The same is true for many of the richest people in the world who have become rich just by cheating. When he looked over, he found that there was a look of surprise in the woman's eyes. Maybe it was because the licking dog suddenly changed beyond recognition?

Bai Lang is now more than eight feet tall - Han Chi, with a strong voice, a strong physique, and a heroic appearance. He is actually a first-class man. Unlike that licking dog, Bai Lang is a master and a high-ranking official of the Crown Prince Shaobao.

He charged and cut through thousands of troops. Even if he restrained his momentum with all his strength, it was still like a standing tiger that shocked everyone. Now he looked at the woman, who also trembled slightly and seemed a little scared.

However, there are limitations in this world. You can't scare people to death just by relying on your aura to the point where you can make others think you are a desperado. However, this aura also successfully prevented this woman from saying anything else.

, she just carefully said that she would come over to see her daughter on the weekend, and then left after casually asking if you were okay. Bailang didn't give her a look, saying that there was nothing wrong with him, and at the same time sent her to the car for a visual inspection.

She drove away - this action seemed to make Wang Xiaoling regain a little bit of the mood she had when facing the dog licking, and she became a little more relaxed.

After the car drove away, Bai Lang no longer thought about her, "What kind of training plan will be arranged next? Try to train the little girl to have some skills as soon as possible." Bai Lang had no idea what the bullshit plot set by Yuyu was.

He had no interest and could not follow this baton. He felt that it was best for him to make trouble - "Otherwise, according to this shitty plot, should I be slapped in the face and find a better wife? In the end, let the ex-wife rape me.

Do you want your husband to eat shit? Or even eat shit and turn into a mistress?"

He laughed when he thought about such a bad plot. I don't want to take this path. I just want to take the path of urban martial arts. What can you do to me? While thinking about this, he prepared to deposit the cash in the bank.

——It doesn’t matter what his legal or illegal income is, he is a poor commoner, and the relevant parties are too full to monitor his bank account? Saving 600,000 in one breath is nothing, but saving 600 million in one breath is really.

About to be caught.

Bailang carried the bag and walked into the bank...

This chapter has been completed!
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