Chapter 477: Western Expedition 2

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 Bailang is full of murderous intent. The general he brought with him this time is also a guy who has emerged from his battles over the years. Regardless of his bravery, his ability to lead troops and horses should be stronger than Bailang. Bailang is the best in the world.

Yong, fighting does not require restraint and command. He only needs three to five hundred elite cavalry behind him. Naturally, everything he attacks will be defeated and everything he attacks will be conquered. But there are so many soldiers and horses in the world, how can there be so many white waves.

Therefore, most of his subordinates are generals who can really lead troops - ***** has been eliminated, Bai Lang, Bai Leopard and Bai Biao are the kind of masters who kill people brazenly. Incompetent generals will not survive long. Bai Lang leads

Although the army is strict, the rewards are generous and generous, so there are still many capable ministers and generals under his command. Every day when marching and setting up camp, Bailang appoints all the pig generals under his command and the clerks and bookkeepers who march with him. This guy himself only drinks wine and eats meat.


During this expedition, there were no women in the army, even if it was the emperor's own expedition. Bailang did not bring any concubines, and naturally there were no military prostitutes in the camp. The army drove the cattle, sheep and horses out of the pass and headed north, riding lightly along the way.

Traveling hundreds of miles away, Bailang took turns taking different cavalry units out, firstly to detect the enemy's traces, and secondly, if he saw the Mongolian tribes, he would just hit the grass valley.

Sometimes tribes with more than a hundred tents are encountered here. Naturally, they are broken by Bailang. Men, women, old and weak are all obsessed with it. Since they are Mongolians, Bailang did not use the wheel to kill this time, because it can be used.

Of course, they were holding young and strong shepherds to herd horses, while the old, weak, women and children ordered them to stay where they were. Bailang didn't bother to snatch the thin sheep of these poor people. The Mongols were better than the Cossacks, and they could be spared to some extent.

However, the Mongolian tribes further north did not have such a good life. By this era, the Mongols were almost useless. Although the army in the pass was not that good in Bailang's opinion, after all, they were soldiers who had experienced battles and not just strong men.

Therefore, they could not withstand the impact of the Qin cavalry who were not led by Bai Lang. After breaking the formation, they were all killed by chariot wheels, including young and middle-aged men who were higher than chariot chariots.

He has walked this road to the north several times in the past thousand years. During the Han Dynasty, he led more than a thousand people and dared to march across Beiting, treating tens of millions of Xianbei Wuheng as if they were nothing. Now that he is embarking on this road again, Bailang is right

I have an intuitive understanding of the changes in climate over the past thousands of years. "When I came here last time, this place was still rich in water and grass. I never thought that it has become a desert Gobi now." The natural population reproduction is also far less than it used to be.

Sometimes they walked thousands of miles without seeing a single tribe, until they saw Lake Baikal, which the Han family in the pass called the North Sea. There were settlements by the lake, which were undoubtedly not Mongolian, but Cossacks. Here

Because it is a huge lake, the climate is much better than that of the Gobi - at least the water body is a good thermal insulation container. Bai Lang did not say much and directly led the cavalry to attack those settlements.

At this time, the Cossacks used muskets and sabers, and they were unarmored or at best chainmail. They were multi-functional light cavalry. Logically speaking, they should not be able to defeat the armor and riding equipment of Bailang's men, but the Cossacks' horses

Okay. Bai Lang didn't let his men wear armor on their horses and horses. Instead, he wore chainmail armor and felt, and he carried it himself and killed them like this.

The fire blunderbuss was ineffective against Bailang, and it was of no use against the white tiger minions he had pulled up, so the settlements were uprooted one by one. Except for the women, the Cossacks were all beheaded, and their heads were erected as a monument. Along the settlement

Pulling all the way, Bailang's army killed tens of thousands of people, and the arduous expansion of Tsarist Russia for more than a hundred years was wiped out overnight. Of course, Bailang could not fight all the way to Eastern Europe and defeat Vienna like the Mongolian Western Expedition.

If he takes the steppe, it will probably take him one and a half to two years to reach the real territory of Tsarist Russia today, so this is an impossible thing. He only needs to hit the Caspian Sea and cut off the outstretched hand of Tsarist Russia to the north.

.There should be a battle by then - Tsarist Russia has always been afraid of the Tatars coming from the eastern steppes. Knowing that the Yellow Peril is coming from the east and uprooting their Cossack strongholds that have been expanding for many years, the Russians will definitely

Can't sit still.

They will almost certainly gather a large army to fight this battle. After all, they do not want the nightmare of the Golden Horde to happen again for hundreds of years.

Bailang thought of this, so he did not specifically hunt down the fleeing Cossacks, but just drove them to the west and north. There was almost no one west of Lake Baikal, and Bailang had already been on the expedition for almost nine months at this time, which was extremely fast.

.Now we need to go west to the Caspian Sea, and fight there if possible. How to go back is hard to say. Should we go south to Kaibol Pass and grab a good fight?

At this time, San'er was basically a country, and they seemed to be very rich. Not to mention, the Aryan San'er women seemed to be fair and beautiful. Moreover, San'er was so fightable, how could he open the Bor Pass?

There is no such thing as a critical place that is tightly locked by a fortified gate. Generally speaking, the Kaiboer Pass is almost unprepared. As long as you cross this pass, San'er is in no danger at all except for the two big rivers that are of some use.

Can be defended.

If you grab this one, maybe there will be dozens of tons of gold? Just think about such a beautiful thing, but you have to think twice about going to Bailang.

In this way, he slowly marched to the Caspian Sea, and there would be no more obstacles along the way - the powerful Khwarezm was already dust in the wind, and the climate and the killings of the Mongols were no longer possible.

There can still be so many people here.

Although Bailang went on an expedition outside the territory, a bunch of court documents escorted by fast horses would arrive every month. Of course, Bailang also ordered the border troops to come out with their horses and carriages from time to time to transport the looted things back. Bailang's expedition did not

How much logistical and transportation pressure it has brought to the country. Anyway, he lost to the enemy because of food. Now he has sent back a lot of looted property, documents and antiques.

Bailang's army has been walking for more than six months, and now it has finally moved slowly to a place where it can see the Caspian Sea. There are cities here - although by the standards of the Central Plains, they are all castles and enclosures...


Bailang's army was paid by looting, so their morale was still very high, especially since they had never been defeated following Bailang. Now that they saw the city, it was a good time to vent the anger accumulated from months of marching.

.There are cannons in these cities, but how can they stop the attacks of the monster-like warriors? Bailang, of course, you have the cannons and I have the magic skills. I can directly rush up to the city wall with the cannonballs and kill all the defending troops, then open the door and let his men in...


After capturing the city, Bailang also received news that the Russian army was approaching.

This chapter has been completed!
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