Chapter 888

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 As for the integrity and courage of officials from all walks of life in the Ming Dynasty, Bai Lang has always dared not underestimate it - at least two-thirds of the money that sinks in the canal can be fished out, and the rest is of course "washed away", and the money travels by sea.

If it sank, it means it's gone. You can't get even one tael out of it. As for whether it's true or not? Unless Bai Lang went into the water to see for himself, it must have really sunk. The courage of these people to make money is the same in all dynasties.


In the four provinces that Bailang has just cleaned up, there are actually signs of corruption. Unless Bailang has a vanguard, it is completely impossible for him to solve the corruption problem in feudal society. "Fortunately, I didn't think I could solve it myself.

It's good to carry out retirement audits and raid a lot of houses, but this group of people will probably secretly stir up trouble and rebel." Bai Lang knew this very well, he raised his ministers like pigs, and the other party naturally had malicious intentions and started a confrontation.


It depends on who among them can innovate and come up with a brand new method of transferring property/auditing and confiscating property. Fortunately, Bailang has mastered the last unreasonable method of overturning the table. This is the imperial power of the East. Now that Enke's matter has been decided, the North

The scholars were overjoyed and praised the Emperor as a saint. Recently, there have been a lot of killings in the court, and many positions have been vacant in various places. Many people from local officials have been recruited to serve as capital officials, even if these guys know that they are getting closer to the Emperor.

The more dangerous it is, but Beijing officials! If you are afraid of death, you will not be an official.

As a result, many positions were vacated. These scholars also knew that if Enke passed the exam, he would definitely become an official to fill the vacancy. Don't be too lucky in this subject. The Ming Dynasty had a very mature and standard process for the imperial examination. Bailang announced that Enke would be exempted.

After taking the subject, the following things did not require his special attention and were automatically carried out step by step. Moreover, this time it was only for the four northern provinces, and the dishes were small and easy to operate.

Bai Lang had a child born for the first time in so many years - of course it had nothing to do with his bloodline, it was a child with Wanli's body. The first one born was the princess. As soon as the child was born, Bai Lang went to see it and ran a direct

Fan Zhenqi locked a breath of her innate vitality. "There will be one less hurdle in practice in the future." Bai Lang, a master of martial arts, thought so. If children in this world really practice martial arts, it is best to start after the age of ten.

Starting from simple external Kung Fu and meditating in a medicinal bath and massage, the growth of the body cannot be affected, and the actual practice of Kung Fu must not be started until after the age of fifteen.

It's no longer possible to reach Bailang's level, but it's still possible to keep fit and live to be a hundred years old. And what he wants to spread is the health-preserving skills. Bailang is also compiling and preparing to publish those martial arts on the battlefield.

A relatively simple one is used to promote the whole army. These skills are supposed to be about exercising one's energy and transporting one's blood. They can strengthen one's body and at the same time make one sharp and agile. Basically, it can turn an ordinary soldier into a ten-commander with powerful talents.

Can become the enemy of hundreds or even thousands of people.

It's just that there are gains and losses. Such soldiers must have enough food intake, especially protein. They can't do it without eating several kilograms of meat every day. Therefore, it would be good if such elite soldiers can feed thousands. Bailang is ready

Train such a cavalry team to defeat the enemy.

The Enko Festival was held in full swing in the four provinces, and many people in other places were yelling and swearing. Many people wrote letters, but the court simply ignored it.

Bailang once again led thousands of cavalry out of the capital. This time he said, "If the invaders can go, I can go too!" and went out to sweep away the Mongolian Tatars. Empress Dowager Li no longer cared about the emperor's son. She could see her younger son every day, and the emperor's son

With the princess and the queen also pregnant, it was enough for the old lady to smile from ear to ear all day long. The ministers did not dare to make any sound. Back then, the Wu Temple had to rely on the commanders of the Jin Yiwei and those in power to cause chaos.

Father-in-law, this prince doesn't need those weaklings. He can lead an army to suppress his ministers.

These thousands of cavalrymen brought a considerable amount of military supplies. The first was to cross the desert and rush towards the Hetao. They burned, killed and looted along the way, seized the cattle and sheep of the Mongolian tribes for supplies, and slaughtered most of the Mongolians they met - a small number of Chinese capable people.

Escaped. In January, he entered the Hetao and fought with the Tumut tribe. Bailang took the lead and led the entire army to raid the enemy's main formation. He smashed the weak force and smashed the opponent's central army with just one blow, forcing the Tumut tribe to

Both wings also collapsed

After that, there was an organized pursuit. Thirteen battles were fought in one day, and the Ming Dynasty won all of them. Bailang changed seven horses, but he still fought bravely to take the lead. The civil servants who followed the army said at the time that this was the courage of an overlord. At that time, Tumut

The troops lay dead for hundreds of miles, and they withdrew from the Hetao area in half a month - there were no people here who could breathe, and except for Bailang's troops, there were only a few temples. This round of battle, which lasted for one and a half months, killed many people.

More than 40,000 Mongolian soldiers and horses were killed, and the herdsmen below had no calculation.

Bailang took almost no prisoners. In fact, he was followed by not only the fine cavalry he brought, but also the border troops originally deployed in the Gansu and Shaanxi areas. Bailang ordered them to set up farming in Hetao - mainly to establish fixed cattle breeding sites.

For sheep, planting pasture to feed cattle and sheep, and living in pursuit of water and grass is now a bit unrealistic. The weather is dry and cold year after year, and the power of the Little Ice Age is about to appear. The 400 mm rainfall line is retreating to the southeast.

In the next few decades, the northwest will continue to experience droughts.

These days are difficult for the Han people, and it is equally difficult for the Mongolians and Jurchens, or even more difficult. Bailang is ready to take this opportunity to do something that is anti-human but is now normal - this is what he did in Hetao, not only

Not only the south bank of the Yellow River, but also the north bank were all slaughtered. The reputation of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty for his good fighting skills and cruelty spread directly throughout the world. The kings of Jie and Zhou were not only cruel, but also represented their ability to fight.

The emperor completed the supply and reorganization after gathering the soldiers and horses from Gansu and Shaanxi, and then led the Qingqi again to prepare to go deep into the desert. "Seal the wolf in Xu, ascend the vast sea, and conquer Shi Yanran. This is what the Han family should do." Two of them.

In a month, they crossed the Hanhai Desert, lost more than a thousand horses to their four thousand cavalry, and more than twenty soldiers were missing and died, all the way to Mobei. They were still looting and killing all the way, and allied forces gathered to try to fight Bailang.

Just like last time, Bai Lang personally led a thousand elite cavalry around the flanks, and his own army of three thousand advanced forward. Bai Lang shouted his name and rushed into the enemy's formation first. The enemy also knew that this was the Emperor of Heaven, and their morale collapsed.

.Looking at the entire military situation from the sky, it is like an avalanche. It starts from one point on the flank and quickly spreads to the entire flank. Even the front collapsed without warning at the same time. What follows is just a happy killing. "I want to come to Overlord III.

This is the case with Great Ancestor Wan Po’s 560,000 yuan.”


This chapter has been completed!
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