Chapter 288 The Flying Crocodile

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The big crocodile was stunned. It was definitely not a pleasant experience to spin at high speed in the air. It had been knocked unconscious by Gao Xingyu.

Gao Xingyu has a strong sense of combat. When he discovered that the crocodile had shrunk in size, he rushed forward almost out of instinct. He dexterously avoided the crocodile's attack and reached out with both hands.

Grab the big crocodile's tail that swings from side to side to maintain balance.

Gao Xingyu shouted loudly, his muscles bulged one by one, and with all his strength, he actually grabbed the big crocodile that pounced towards him and dragged him back.

The big crocodile pounced with confidence, but Gao Xingyu dodged it, which was not unexpected. The opponent in front of him was agile and could move much faster than the big crocodile. If he couldn't avoid such a simple pounce,

That was the surprise.

However, in the crocodile's long life memory, the matter of being caught by its tail seems to have never happened for hundreds of years.

The big crocodile was just about to turn around instinctively and bite the human who dared to offend him, but he found that he actually left the ground and flew into the air.

Gao Xingyu pulled the tail of the big crocodile and made it stop. He felt that he still had some strength left. So he kept doing it, using his waist as an axis and waving his arms, he lifted the big crocodile up.

After the size of the big crocodile shrank, it also lost some weight. Originally it was not very heavy. Although it was heavier than the ordinary crocodile, it was only five or six tons. Now its size has shrunk, and at most it has less than a pound of weight left.

It's three tons.

This weight is nothing to Liu Jinxin, who is a master of bronze skin realm, and Gao Xingyu will not care even less.

In the previous battle, Gao Xingyu had been fighting head-on with the big crocodile. It was huge and full of loopholes, so Gao Xingyu did not attack its tail.

Now, since the big crocodile took the initiative to reduce its size and rushed in front of Gao Xingyu, exposing its tail to Gao Xingyu, Gao Xingyu would naturally not be polite.

The tail of the big crocodile goes from thick to thin from top to bottom, and the end of the tail is just right for Gao Xingyu to hold with his hands. It is also covered with rough scales, but it can prevent his hands from slipping.

The big crocodile left the ground and was immediately in a panic. It kept twisting and turning its body, trying to break free from Gao Xingyu's hands and get rid of his control.

Suddenly, Gao Xingyu's hands were like a pair of powerful pliers, firmly grasping the tail of the big crocodile. The big crocodile did not have the ability to survive by cutting off its tail like a gecko, so it could only make some useless struggles.

Gao Xingyu lowered his center of gravity and lifted the big crocodile with all his strength. In order to have a root under his feet, Gao Xingyu hardened the muddy ground under his feet with a "Finger to the Ground into Steel" so that he could use his strength better.

So, the miserable big crocodile got on the "plane", going around, around, and around, getting faster and faster.

The crocodile's hard scales clashed violently with the air, almost forming a fire in the air. The dizzy crocodile felt like it was about to be roasted.

Gao Xingyu had no time to distinguish the faint smell of burning, the centrifugal force was too great, and at this time he already felt that he could not control the big crocodile in his hands.

Therefore, Gao Xingyu slightly adjusted the movement trajectory of his arm, and at the highest point, he slammed the big crocodile to the ground. In order to increase the lethality, he even fired an instant "" in advance at the position where the big crocodile was about to land.

Stone Breaking Technique".

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the big crocodile was completely miserable.

It was thrown to the ground hard. Centered on the location where it landed, a strong shock wave spread to all directions in an instant.

The ground that had just been hardened by "Fingering the Ground into Steel" instantly disappeared, and a network of cracks formed on the earth. Mud water splashed, and even the lake not far away was shaken by waves two to three meters high.

The body of the big crocodile suddenly curled up together, and the stone formed by the Stone Thrust Technique hit the center of the big crocodile's abdomen. Although the stone was instantly broken by the force of the big crocodile's falling, the reaction force made the big crocodile extremely painful.

He involuntarily let out a "hissing" scream.

The screams of the big crocodiles spread far away, and the group of crocodiles that had just stopped commotion became chaotic like a frying pan. Several crocodiles with strong auras that had reached or were close to the edge of savage beasts swam towards here quickly from the lake.

There is only one wild beast like the giant crocodile in Lake Karl, or the entire Campadilla Beach, and there are two male and female crocodiles that are savage beasts, and the remaining crocodiles have not yet evolved successfully.

Although this place is almost pristine, with a vast area and sparsely populated areas, the environment is not polluted. Therefore, the concentration of vitality is several percent stronger than that in China.

But if there is no Yuan Gathering Formation, spiritual veins, or a special cultivation environment, it would be extremely difficult to achieve evolution entirely by relying on the energy of nature.

There is a naturally formed special training environment in the depths of Lake Karl, which can accommodate wild beasts like giant crocodiles for training.

However, due to the limited concentration of vitality there, while ensuring the cultivation of the big crocodile, the two savage crocodiles can only take turns to practice together, otherwise the vitality will not be supplied.

The big crocodile knows that if it allows those critical crocodiles to enter its training ground, they will soon evolve into savage beasts.

It's a pity that the big crocodile is very selfish. Although these crocodiles are all descendants of its group, if they evolve, they will definitely need to share the resources of the big crocodile to practice.

The big crocodiles want to ensure that their own cultivation is not affected, so these crocodiles that have a greater chance of evolving into savage beasts can only continue to be beasts. It is difficult for them to cross that threshold on their own.

The cry of the big crocodile was heard, and these crocodiles foolishly ran to help. They had not yet awakened, so they had no idea that if the level gap was too large, simply relying on quantity accumulation would not have any effect.

Kalulu, who was a few hundred meters away from Gao Xingyu and the big crocodile, was horrified. What happened today was beyond his imagination.

He originally thought that with the help of Gao Xingyu, he could easily defeat the two wild beasts and crocodiles. Who knew that when the young one came, the old beast actually appeared behind him, and he almost scared Karulu to the point of peeing.


Who would have thought that after the accident, he would get a surprise: Gao Xingyu, who was at the fifth level of Qi training, was actually a body-training madman, and he was able to compete with a giant crocodile.

Kalulu knew that he couldn't afford to get involved in a battle of this level, so he took the initiative to step away from Gao Xingyu so as not to cause any trouble to Gao Xingyu.

After retreating, Karulu suddenly thought of something. He stamped his feet in annoyance. His combat experience was too little. Even if he had to retreat, he must at least give Gao Xingyu blessings in various states first!

Although Karulu is very brave in battle and is used to fighting hand-to-hand with a totem stone stick blessed by divine power, this is because he is the only monk in the Wildebeest tribe, so whenever he encounters a battle, he has to rush to the first place.

Go to the front line.

This chapter has been completed!
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