Chapter 277 Liangzhou Three Points

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Liangzhou City, Dayun Temple, this majestic temple is one of the eight scenic spots in Liangzhou.

It was originally the palace of Zhang Gui, the former King of Liang. During the Wuzhou period, it was changed into Dayun Temple, and it was called Huguo Temple in Xixia. Its grandeur and majesty can still be seen in later generations. The bronze bell of Wuwei Dayun Temple is famous far and wide.

The status of this temple is unmatched by any temple in Hexi at this time.

Moreover, the Dayun Temple in Liangzhou is inextricably linked with the Dayun Temple in Shule, Anxi, and the Samaroo Temple in Khotan.

The last monk commander of the Four Anxi Towns of Shule Dayun Temple came from Dayun Temple in Liangzhou. After the Tubo army captured Shule Dayun Temple, the disciples of the monk commander were protected by the Khotan royal family.

Many people are the founders of the Samaro Temple in Khotan.

The current abbot of Dayun Temple in Liangzhou used to be the abbot of Samaro Temple in Khotan, where he practiced the Sutra of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Original Vows, the Outline of the Lotus Sutra, etc.


At this time, the Buddhist gate of Dayun Temple in Liangzhou was wide open, and a group of monks, numbering more than two hundred people, chanting the name of Buddha, wearing the most ordinary robes and solemn expressions, came from the Xuanwu Gate of the east gate.

The Xuanwu Gate in Liangzhou is extremely tall and majestic, even exceeding the east gate of Chang'an City. Whenever envoys from the imperial court and eminent monks come to Liangzhou, they will enter through this gate.

At this time, although Liangzhou has lost its former glory, it is still the largest city in Hexi. However, the original city and district structure in the city has been completely destroyed, and has been replaced by distinct distinctions based on status.

The area around Xuanwumen in the east gate is inhabited by Liangzhou Han people who still adhere to the Han tradition and regard themselves as imperial soldiers.

This group of people comes from two sources. One is the descendants of the Li family in Guzang. Their ancestors are the fourteenth grandson of Li Guang, the famous general of the Han Dynasty, and Li Gong, the king of Liangjing, the grandfather of Li Song, the founder of Xiliang.

The Longxi Li family of the Tang Dynasty royal family was actually descended from the Li family of Guzang. Li Gong was the tenth generation ancestor of Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the eleventh generation ancestor of Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

With this origin, even after the Tubo people captured Liangzhou and even the whole of Hexi, most of the descendants of the Han people in Longyou, Hexi, gradually became poor, and only the Guzang Li family persisted.

Talking about a more recent relationship, Zhang Zhao's 14th great-uncle, Zhang Yichao's 14th daughter, married General Li Mingzhen of the Guiyi Army. Their branch of the Shazhou Li family was also descended from the Guzang Li family.

It can be said that the Li family in Liangzhou and Li Cunhui are of the same clan, and Li Wenqian, whom Zhang Zhao wants to expel, is a direct descendant of the Li family in Guzang.

When the Guiyi Army captured Liangzhou, Zhang Yichao was able to defeat a giant city like Liangzhou with only 7,000 elite Fanhan troops. Guzang Li was the go-between and contacted various ministries in the Qi Dynasty to respond to the Guiyi Army's expulsion of the Tubo people.

The second source is that in the fourth year of Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty in Xiantong, the Tang Dynasty allocated funds to repair Liangzhou city defenses in order to compete with the Guiyi Army. At that time, Pei Shi, the third son of the famous Prime Minister Pei Du, was appointed as the military commander of the Tianping Army.

The imperial court then sent 2,500 Yunzhou Tianping troops westward to Liangzhou to garrison the area.

Later, during the Huangchao Rebellion, the Tang court completely lost its ability to control Liangzhou. Coupled with a series of changes, the two thousand and five hundred Yunzhou Tianping troops took root in Liangzhou.

At present, they are the main Han people in the east of Liangzhou City. Together with the Guzang Li family, they have a total of more than 3,000 households and a population of 20,000. They control the nominal political power of Liangzhou and a large area of ​​fertile land outside the city.

Near the Chongde Gate in the west of Liangzhou City, the Sogdians who became the Sumo people lived together.

The word "Momo" basically refers to the Tubo servant tribe that was transformed into Tubo. The composition is very complex, including Han people, Tuyuhun people, Sogdians, and even Dangxiang people.

During the decades when Tubo ruled Hexi, these ethnic groups that gradually became Tubo-like were all called the Mo Mo.

This part of the Sogdians is headed by the Cao family and has surnames such as Kang, An, and Shi.

They control most of the economic activities in Liangzhou, mainly doing business, and there are nearly 3,000 households and more than 20,000 people. Of course, like the Han people above, not all of them live in Liangzhou City.

The remaining Zhaowu Gate in the south gate and Tonghua Gate in the north are inhabited by tribesmen who have been highly Tubo-ized, most of whom are descendants of the former Hexi Longyou soldiers, and a small number are Tuyuhun, Dangxiang, Qiang and other ethnic groups.

Among them, the surnames of those who are more Tubo-oriented have become Du Lun, Su Lun, Cui Yan and other surnames with strong Tubo color.

Those who think they have reached the end of their lives but still retain their Han surnames include Zhou, Zhao, Ma, Xing, Lan, Wang and other clans.

This group of talents is the main body of the entire Liangzhou, that is, they form the Amo Liugu tribe, also called the Amo Liufan, but politically and economically, they are in a suppressed position.

At this time, Liangzhou was still on the eve of its unification, and the local Tubo-style Ammo tribe did not yet have the strength to integrate its various tribes.

Although the Tubo-converted Han families such as Zhou, Zhao, and Wang, which were not so deeply Tubo-conformed, have accepted their identity, they still maintain certain Han cultural characteristics.

At the same time, as the most important source of Han people in Liangzhou City, the descendants of the Yunzhou Tianping Army and the Guzang Li family have not yet fallen, and there is still time.

If we had to wait until more than ten years later, when Guo Wei sent Shen Shihou as the governor of Hexi Province, it would be too late.

When Shihou Shen, who was full of confidence at that time, arrived in Liangzhou, his heart was immediately shattered. All the descendants of the officers and soldiers of Longyou in Hexi were mutilated. After several turmoils, the descendants of the Tianping Army in Yunzhou only survived.

, Guzang Li family was almost exterminated.

It can be said that this is the last chance for Liangzhou to return to the Han Dynasty and bring back the declining Han people.

Ten years later, there was a revolt within the Fu Mo. They unified the Sixth Division of the Fu Mo and began to call themselves the Six Valleys of Tubo. The term Liangzhou Han people disappeared for hundreds of years.

In Dayun Temple, Master Shanyuan, the presiding master, tremblingly received two scriptures wrapped in silk and satin and placed in a rosewood box.

Tan Minato

The scriptures were written in Sanskrit and looked extremely old, but not only Master Shanyuan was trembling with excitement, but all the monks in Dayun Temple were also very excited.

Because these two sutras came all the way from Nalanda Temple in Tianzhu, and were hand-written by King Pasenadi, a good friend and disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha, the "Mahayadi Sutra" and "Vajra Sutra".

Chinese people have always believed in the theory of Qi, even Buddhist monks are no exception.

In addition, Chinese people respect teachers and revere the ancients. This kind of scripture, which has great historical and religious significance, definitely has a different status in the hearts of Indian monks and Chinese monks.

"Master Baoyingzi, Master Huixing, and Junior Brother Yegarama, please take a seat!"

After several eminent monks from Dayun Temple in Liangzhou calmed down, they invited the eminent monks in the monastic group to take their seats in the Buddhist hall.

Master Baoyingzi is the junior disciple of Master Baotongzi, the first master of Nalanda Temple in Tianzhu. He is an eminent monk from Tianzhu who Zhang Zhao specially ‘invited’ from Tianzhu to Hexi.

Master Huixing was the last major disciple of Master Daozhen in Shule Dayun Temple. He was Yang He, a descendant of the Anxi Army who practiced closed-mouth meditation.

Yagarama is a disciple of Sangharama of Samarovar Temple.

The three of them were eminent monks from the monastic group recruited by Zhang Zhao, and they came specifically for Dayun Temple in Liangzhou.

A few people sat down, chatted for a while and exchanged insights on Buddhism for half an hour. Master Shanyuan, the host of Dayun Temple in Liangzhou, spoke slowly.

"Has King Shenglun decided to come to Liangzhou? This is a grand event for Buddhism! I wonder where Dayun Temple can serve him?"

The "Maharaja Sutra" and "Vajra Crown Sutra" handwritten by King Pasenadi are such precious Buddhist treasures, but they are not so easy to get. Master Shanyuan still understands this.

"Liangzhou is a city in Hexi Province, and His Holiness decided to promote Buddhism in Liangzhou after careful consideration.

Not only did they bring the Mahavama Sutra and the Vajra Sutra, but they also brought the Yogacara Diṭṭhāna handwritten by Master Xuanzang Tripitaka, the relics of Sakyamuni Buddha, and dozens of life-size seated and standing statues.

This Buddha relic comes from the Dayun Temple in Shule and was given by the Holy Emperor Zetian in the past. The full-length standing and seated statues come from the Nalanda Temple, Chaojie Temple and Feifei Temple in Tianzhu.

If all these Buddhist treasures gather in Liangzhou, Dayun Temple, not to mention Hexi, Qingtang Snowfield, Guanzhong Sanqin, will also respect Dayun Temple, and even build a Jialan specifically for it.


Among the three, the one Zhang Zhao trusts the most is of course Monk Huixing. He is a descendant of the Anxi Army and has been deeply bound to Zhang Zhao, so he is usually the one to say such things.

Master Shanyuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but show a very moved expression.

If all these valuable treasures can be kept in Dayun Temple in Liangzhou, as Master Huixing said, the leaders of Dayun Temple in Longyou in Hexi, Tubo in Qingtang, and the Three Qins in Guanzhong are just around the corner.

When the time comes, his name as the abbot will also be remembered by future generations, and he will be admired by thousands of monks and believers for eternity.

Of course, Master Shanyuan also understood the last words of Master Huixing. If Dayun Temple did not give face to the Holy King Zhuanlun and King Yinlun, the King would build a new temple.

At that time, it was not as simple as Dayun Temple missing the opportunity.

With such a large number of Buddhist treasures and the establishment of a temple with a strong monastic community, it is probably a big question mark whether Dayun Temple can maintain its current status.

Thinking of this, Master Shanyuan was already convinced in his heart, "I dare to ask Master Huixing, if I don't know this temple, what can I do for His Holiness the Holy Lun?"

“His Holiness heard that the leader of Dayun Temple in Liangzhou, Hexi, and the leaders of the Momo Liugu tribe in Hehuang Valley both inside and outside Liangzhou, were all devout believers of Dayun Temple.

The Dharma King will arrive in Liangzhou soon, and I hope that Master Shanyuan can summon the leaders to discuss the reception arrangements."

Yegarama said softly that the relationship between Liangzhou Dayun Temple and Yutian Samaroo Temple is so close. Of course, Yegarama does not want Liangzhou Dayun Temple to conflict with Zhang Zhao. The methods of Yinlun Dharma King are beyond imagination.

I know.

Master Shanyuan understood that Zhang Fawang, the great-grandson of Duke Zhang Taibao, was indeed coming to Liangzhou City. He considered his words.

"The six tribes of Shoumo are constantly at odds with each other. Although they respect this temple, I'm afraid it won't be easy for them to welcome the Dharma King into the city!"

Master Huixing smiled faintly and said, "The six tribes of Shoumo don't have much dispute with each other, but I'm afraid they have quite a lot of hatred with Li Liuhou? The King of France personally led 10,000 elite troops and came to mediate the fight between the two sides.

Dayun Temple has a transcendent status, and I believe that the leaders of the six tribes at the end of the month will definitely give this face.

The Dharma King once said that what belongs to the Buddha should belong to the Buddha, and what belongs to the human world should belong to the holy king of the human world. The battles should be resolved by the Dharma King. To unite people's hearts, we should ask the master to work hard!"

Master Shanyuan also smiled faintly, nodded slightly, and was waiting for you to say "Buddha, return to Buddha."

As long as Fa Wang Zhang can have this understanding, it will not be difficult for Dayun Temple to do the work for him. The six tribes of Ammo are devout believers in Buddhism, and Master Shanyuan still thinks that he has this respect.

This chapter has been completed!
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